Sheldon Swifties XLIV: "OutFoxed…"

Summary: Like my Immortal Beloved bits in my Buffyverse stories, these are fragments and short bits, some longer…Just to fiddle with ideas, possibly forming longer tales later.

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's…

"Howard? Really? Fox News?"

"Sorry…" shrug…"Just waiting for Hottest Beach Models of the Two Coasts, America's hottest new reality show to come on…"

(God, I regret this move to Fox…I feel so dirty doing these plugs, in ways I never did saying the most horrible things on CBS…Simon sighs)

"Bernadette lets you watch that?"

"It's a compromise…I get to watch one thing like this a month and she doesn't complain…And I shut up when she watch blackspolitation movies…" arch look to Leonard's stare…

"It's a marriage thing…Compromise, the name of the game…Maybe one day you'll be doing this with Penny…"


"Say, who's that?..." point…

"Oh…Her Highness Wendy's taken to airing her and Murd's views in commentary, I understand…Can you believe it?...They dumped Beck and managed to find something still worse…"

"That's Joyce Kim…" Leonard stared…

"Excuse me?...Leonard… I feel compelled to act in Raj's shoes while he's not here and point out that 'They all look alike' is kinda…"

"No, Howard…Look at her…She's a little different but it's Joyce…"

Howard, peering…

Oh, my God…It is…

Given no girl I've ever encountered even in a single "Hi, so you're Leonard's new girlfriend?" has ever escaped being fully analyzed and filed for future reference, how could my sexual databank have failed to provide a match sooner?...Gotta tell sweetness how marriage continues to improve me…

"Rupert Murdoch's wife is a North Korean spy?..." Leonard blinked… "Putting out their line first by influencing content via her deranged billionaire mogul husband and now as Fox News commentator?"

Hmmn…Yeah, makes sense, actually, Howard nodded…And her being a trained agent sure explains crouching tiger, hidden Wendy…