Hello everybody! This is my first ever fanfiction of like… anything. So I'm a bit new at this. I do write quite a lot, but they're my own stories. I really do hope you enjoy this fanfiction, because I quite like the idea, myself n_n Please critique it in the reviews, because I really do enjoy feedback and I am constantly trying to find ways to improve my writing, since I do hope to one day become an author.

Yeshh so I shall stop interrupting :D byee

The only thing her senses could detect was a dull numbness. It was a numbness that consumed her being, and frightened her ever so terribly.

Where was she? Who was she? Why was everything so dark? Suddenly, a rush of ice cold air consumed the girl's being, and she involuntarily parted her lips to allow the chilled breeze to fill her seemingly empty lungs. Her eyes shot open, but there was not much of a difference in her vision, for everything around her was bathed in a sheet of night. The only source of light provided for her was from the prodigious moon that hung high above her in the night sky.

The moon seemed to bring a rush of life into the girl's body, for she weakly sat up. The snow molded around her as she sat, its cold enveloping her being. Craning her neck around, she feebly observed her surroundings as her eyes adjusted to the nightfall. It seemed that she was in a forest of some sort. Tall pine trees encircled the clearing that she laid in, their sturdy branches seemed to brush the night sky.

You have been chosen, a voice ringed in her head.

The girl jumped up, standing on her feet now, eyes wide as she looked around her for the source of the voice.

"H-hello?" She called, her voice light and young. So that is what I sound like, the girl thought to herself, finding it odd that she couldn't even recall the sound of her own voice. Nobody responded to her call. "Who's there?" She asked, searching around her frantically.

But there was no one. She was completely alone. Strangely, the girl found herself gazing back up at the moon. It shone brightly, almost beckoning her to it.

Welcome, Eve Dawn.

It was the moon. The moon was speaking to her. A chill traveled through her spine when Eve realized the voice did not sound male or female. It just appeared as ghostly words within her mind.

Eve… was that her name?

So many questions buzzed though her head, and the abundance of these unanswered inquiries caused Eve to panic. A village. She must find a village. She must find civilization. Quickly, Eve ran out of the forest in a sprint, eager to leave behind the spooky clearing, desperate to find some form of human life.

The snow crunched underneath her bare feet, but surprisingly did not numb or cut them. Eve ignored this realization, and continued to run. Lights shone through the forest- warm, welcoming lights that promised her a village. Eve pushed her body on, convincing her aching muscles and bones to move forward. When she finally burst into the village streets, she gazed with relief at the people around her. However, none of them cast her a glance. Feeling scared and very alone, Eve jogged up to a mother walking with her young son's hand in her own.

"Excuse me?" Eve called to the mother as she neared her. The lady did not even show any sign of hearing her call. Eve brought herself close to the lady's side. "Madam?" She persisted. "Could you please tell me where I-"

Eve tried to grab hold of the woman's arm, but her hand slipped through the mother. Gasping with shock, Eve pulls back sharply, only to have a man walk right through her, causing her to scream out of surprise and fall backwards into the icy snow as she tripped.

It was then that she noticed her attire. Eve was wearing a lacy, silky white dress that stopped just an inch or two above her ankles. The bottom of the dress was tattered and torn at, yet otherwise seemed unharmed. The sleeves of her dress were a see-through lace that ended slightly past her elbows. Eve softly gasped as she noticed how deathly pale she seemed to be. She looked down, and confirmed that her feet were indeed bare, as she had mentally noted before. Her ankles were wrapped in a criss-cross pattern of tattered white silk that ended at her calves. With observation, Eve realized this cloth was the ripped off silk from the end of her dress. Taking a deep breath, Eve untied the cloth from her feet. She expected to see some kind of wound or scratch, for the cloth was bound thickly to her feet, as if to protect them. But when she removed the dress fabric, her feet seemed perfectly unharmed. Shocked, Eve tossed aside the cloth.

The pendant was what she last noticed. The chain was a silver color, silky, and flat. It held a jewel that fell right into the hollow of her neck. The jewel was surrounded by silver that molded perfectly to the shape of the emerald jewel. The pendant glowed lightly, seeming to possess some sort of power.

Quickly, her heart beating fast, Eve got up on her feet, and ran to a window on a nearby tavern, careful not to touch anybody on the way there. She gasped at her reflection. Her eyes were an abnormally light blue, and seemed to shine with haunting magic. Short, dark hair fell around her face in a choppy mess of waves, reaching down to just brush against the bottom of her jaw. She looked almost inhuman- her face glowing with the white light of a spirit.

Eve wanted to scream out for help, but her throat was shut tight with fear. She turned around and ran to the people walking about and suddenly gained the courage to beg to them. "Please!" She pleaded. "Somebody- anybody- help me! What's happening?" But nobody heard her. They just passed through her body- as if she were nonexistent.

Terrified and confused, Eve ran away- back into the haven of the dense forest. Once she stumbled upon the clearing where she had wakened, she finally stopped running, and sat upon a hollow log, trying to clear her mind as she harshly forced back the tears that yearned to be shed. "I need to make sense of things," Eve spoke to herself (little did she know she'd be doing that very often).

Eve observed her bare feet as she thought things through. Who was she? Eve couldn't help but wonder. Why did she have such inhuman features and capabilities? Was this all some sort of strange dream? Eve looked up at the moon, her eyes beginning to water. "Please…" she began. "I don't know who I am. I don't know why I'm here. I need an answer… nobody in that village could hear me. Why? Why can't I touch them? Why can't they see me?"

But the moon did not respond. It chose to ignore her just like the people in the village as it shone its brilliant light, seeming to mock her. Eve was completely alone… so completely alone.

Angry now, Eve stood up, glaring at the moon. "You told me my name! You told me I've been chosen! And now I'm asking you for some help and you won't even bother to tell me why I am here! How am I supposed to know what to do?" She screamed. Eve fell onto her knees, tears overcoming her, now. She let them out, trying to get rid of the chaos and confusion through her tears. Why was this happening? When would she wake up and remember who she was?What was her purpose?

A warm current of wind brushed around her almost comfortingly. It was the only comfort she received that night as she sat alone in the snow- cold, tired, sad and confused. Eve hugged herself, wrapping her arms around her as she doubled over, letting out harsh sobs. Why was she so alone?

She didn't know how long she cried, but eventually Eve stood back up, trying to compose herself. I'll never get any answers if I sit around here forever, she concluded. Wiping the last of her tears, Eve took a deep breath, and gave another longing look at the moon.

Suddenly, Eve could feel the wind pick up. It was warm and alive, nothing like the cold of the forest that surrounded her. Eve tilted her head back, inhaling the air as she smiled sadly. The wind could be her friend... the wind had hugged her as she cried... it would protect her. She felt as if she could fly with the her new friend... as if she could become wind, herself.

And fly she did.

The wind picked her up, and at first Eve screamed with fear when she felt her feet leave the ground. Then she noticed that it felt as though a solid force was holding her up in the sky- a force she could control with her mind. Tension and fear left Eve's body as she turned right and left, gliding over the forest as she laughed merrily. She was flying! She was actually flying!

She soared through the sky, flying so high that she felt she could touch the moon's home. She reached her hands up high, grabbing for stars as she laughed and twirled. It all came so natural to her. Flying came easier than walking. The movement was so carefree and natural. A big smile plastered onto her face, Eve soared above the forest, gazing down at the dark sea of trees just beneath her, highlighted by the light of the moon and the white of the snow.

Carefully, Eve steered herself to a tall, bare branched tree. She landed herself on its strong branches to catch her breath, adrenaline coursing through her from the excitement and exhilaration of her flight. Laughing to herself, Eve leaned against the trunk of the tree, and grasped onto a branch to steady herself. Suddenly, the twigs upon the branches that she touched began to sprout green leaves, and then red flowers. Eve's eyes went wide, and she pulled her hand back, pressing it to her fast-beating heart.

"What…?" She whispered, astonished.

Overcome with curiosity, Eve touched another branch, and then another. They both began sprouting leaves- hundreds of leaves. The whole entire tree seemed to begin to come to life, sprouting leaves and pink and red flowers. Eve smiled, looking around her in awe. She had brought a tree to life! She could bring trees to life just with her touch!

Eve's amulet glowed, and she noted that she felt slightly wary. Nevertheless, she touched a pink flower bud, and it bloomed automatically, opening up its petals to gloriously display itself to its mother. A giant smile found its way to Eve's face as she gazed at her hands with awe. She had the power to bring this tree to life... she could bring life in this terribly wintry forest. She could bring some form of happiness.

Laughing with joy, Eve jumped off the tree, and flew with the strong, warm wind. I think I've found my purpose.

Tah- dah! That's the first chapter n_n I know it was a wee bit boring and kinda uninteresting, but I just had to get the setting straight. Jack shall appear within the next chapter! :D Then things shall begin to pick up n_n yayyyy

I plan on putting up the second chapter either tonight or tomorrow, but we'll see! Until next time, please review! :D