NOTE: This takes place after the final known episode of Pokemon Best Wishes, but before Ash leaves to go back to Kanto. There may be more Best Wishes episodes later, so this might be rendered unplausable. But please disregard this and enjoy the fanfiction. Thank you.

Chapter One: Shocking Growth! I Have a Tail?!

After the incident involving N and Reshiram, our heroes were on their way to Nuvema Town, where Ash would catch the next plane to Kanto. "So... this is it. After we hit Nuvema Town, it's goodbye..." Ash said to himself, slightly upset at the idea of leaving his new friends. Pikachu merely patted Ash's head, trying to cheer him up. The group soon noticed that the sun was going down. "Perhaps we should camp here for the night." Cilan told the others, to which they agreed. "I'll get the firewood." Iris, the wild child of the group, chimed as she went into the woods. Ash, wanting to spend more time with his friends, decided to follow. As they ventured farther into the woods, a peculiar scent hit Ash's nose; the sent of... burnable wood? As if by instinct, the raven-haired boy followed his nose to find quite a decent amount of firewood. Needless to say, Iris was stunned. "Ash... how did you..." Iris tried to ask, but Ash was quick to the draw. "I have no idea. I just picked up the scent of burnable wood and followed it." he responded. Both shrugged this off and collected as much firewood as they could carry.

Later that night, Iris and Cilan noticed something off: Ash was eating at a normal pace, as opposed to scarfing his food down, like usual. The boy noticed the two staring at him, and stopped eating. "What?" he asked. "Are you okay? You're not wolfing down your food like usual." Iris asked. "Maybe I like to change things up a bit, for your information." Ash responded, a note of irritation in his voice. "And you seem a bit more irritable than normal." Cilan pointed out.

"I'm fine. Now let me fucking eat, okay?" the boy dryly said to them.

"And now you're swearing. Are you sure you're-" Iris began, but was cut off.

"What did I tell you to do?" Ash asked in an annoyed tone.

"... Let you eat?"

"And what should you be doing?"

"Letting you eat..."

"Good. Now please do so." And with that, Ash continued to eat, leaving his two friends confused by his new behavior.

The next morning, Iris and Cilan were awake, with the green-haired teen making breakfast. Ash awoke, smelling the food, and walked to them. As the two set the table, they saw Ash... and their jaws dropped in shock. "Hey, guys. Look, I'm sorry I snapped last night. I was a bit irritated for some reason. But I'm fine now." the raven-haired boy told them. No answer. Their eyes were wide, and their jaws hung open. "Guys?" he asked again. "Ash... what's that behind you?" Iris asked, looking as if she'd seen a ghost. "What are you talking about?" he asked. He looked behind him, but saw nothing. "I don't see anything." "Look down to the side of you..." she told him. The boy was confused, but did as she said... and his eyes grew wide. There, coming from his back, was a black, blue-tipped fox tail. Out of curiosity, he tried to get it to move with his will... which it did. Immediately, his jaw dropped in shock. No words could escape his lips. It was only a matter of time until...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAH!" The scream shook the entire forest. The source of the scream? Ash. Iris and Cilan covered their ears to protect their hearing, and only uncovered them when the scream was finished. "WHAT THE FUCK?! I! HAVE! A TAIL!" he shouted as he ran around in a panic-induced frenzy. As he rushed around, he repeated the phrase "This isn't happening!" over and over. In an attempt to calm her friend down, Iris went up to Ash... and immediately bitch-slapped him. As she hoped, it calmed him down. "Thanks... I needed that..." he told her. "This IS very peculiar..." Cilan said as he scratched his chin. "Maybe Professor Juniper knows what's going on. Nuvema Town isn't too far away." Iris suggested.

And with that, the group went to Nuvema Town...

Meanwhile, in a dark, unknown area, two people were conversing. "So... you're sure Kyon Rise has awakened?" the first person, female asked. "Yes. I can sense it." the second, male, responded.

What's going on with Ash? What might Juniper know about Ash's condition? Who are these mystery people? And who is Kyon Rise? Stay tuned to find out... nt here...