By The Fetus of Death

AN: This one doesn't involve fetuses, unfortunately. Even so, it's rather life-scarring, and could potentially ruin both your eyes and possibly innocent brain. Smut in the middle - read at your own risk. I will not be held responsible if you go to hospital from brain damage after reading this.

Once upon a tiem. Alphons dan yukio okumaru where in the blue exsorsist plaec and tey met each ohter in teh stret. Than yukoi said 'hi' to alfones and al sed it back. Then al lookd at ykuio and they hadb an akwrd slience. Then yukio take off his glasses and put it on alpfonse. 'what in teh fuk r u dooing!' al said. Yukio smlied at him liek he tought itwas funni. Den al punched yukiou in the faec and yukio creid like he was baby. 'im sorry ' sed yukio and he kissd alfonde on his mowth. Al then cissed yukio bak adn tayke his shurt off and yukios as welll. Al moaned and begged for him to pump harder, harder! Yukio was sweating, panting, as he drew in and out of Al, who cried out in ecstasy. But Al wasn't satisfied, being in the position he was in. He turned to grab Yukio's shaft and began to stroke it rhythmically, but that wasn't enough for either of them. Both of them needed everything the other had to offer.

Al bent down further, taking Yukio's manhood into his mouth. He sucked, licked, kissed, did whatever he had to, until he could tell that Yukio was finally reaching the point of orgasm. Al himself was harder than he'd ever been (harder than his ex-girlfriend Yagz had ever been able to make him, at least). He was getting close to reaching his own finish.

As Al felt fluids entering his mouth, he grinned with pleasure. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. He was just letting his primal instincts take over, and it was good. Yukio yelled so loudly that people ran out onto the street to see what was going on, and, horrified and disgusted by what they saw, ran back inside.

Al and Yukio ignored them as Al finished off and swallowed Yukio's bodily fluids, then pulled Yukio to the ground. They rested there, next to each other, breathing heavily. Than a wierd grl tht stayd outsied to watch them haev sex n stuff wlked ovr and say hi wat u gaiz doin. Yukoi took hiz glass bak and sed we waz havin sexi tiem in teh street it was rly fun. Al sed yes it was and than reelizd tat the girl was akshuly hiz ex-gurlfreid yags. He sed hay wat u doin here fak u i h8 u bithc abd she replyd u hav bettr sex wif dudez then wif gurlz and alfonz blushd at yukio. Yagz sed i liek ur booties but im not gay, gay sex. Al sed i like ur booty two butt were not havin sex with u cuz ur crap at it n i hate u nao. Yags cryd and ran away and al and yuiko kiss each ohter and put each others cloths on and thay we're happy eva aftr