Summary: AU: Mercedes is in a dilemma, she's dating Finn (who she really likes) but is still in love with Sam. Things were going well with Finn until Sam comes back into her life and tries to get her back. What is she going to do? Should she choose Finn or go back to Sam?

Warning: This is a Finncedes and Samcedes smutty fic. If you do not like Finncedes please do not continue.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I only own the idea behind the fic.

Nerves wrecked Sam's body with every step he took towards Mercedes' apartment. It had been six dreadful months since he had last seen her and their last encounter had been anything but pleasant. It was all his fault—although at the time he was too stupid to see that he was the cause of the rift between them. It all started due to his inability to be honest with Mercedes. If only he had the brains to think clearly maybe he would still stand a chance with her. As much as he wanted to punish himself for his stupidity, now was not the time to be kicking himself over his past choices, all he could do now was try to mend the wrong between them and hope that she would still have him. He doubted that she would—seeing as how badly he'd screwed up—but if she gave him another chance, he would work on making up for his sins for the rest of his life.

Knocking on her door, he kept chanting to himself, 'she loves me and we're meant to be together' to keep his nerves in check and his spirit up. He could hear laughter and music coming from her apartment as he waited for Mercedes to open the door. When a few seconds passed with no answer to his knock, he tried again—a little harder this time. His heart pounded loudly in his chest when he heard the click on the lock releasing and finally saw her pretty face. She was smiling at someone in the apartment as the door opened but that beautiful smile left her face when she saw him standing on the other side.

"Sam… What are you doing here?" She asked with a shocked expression.

This is it Sam, this is the moment you've been waiting for. Tell her that you love her and miss her. His mind coaxed him to say but all that came out was. "Hi Mercy…" Hi Mercy… Hi Mercy? How lame was that!

With her left arm on her hip and a raise of a brow, she said with impatience, "Hi Sam… Now please answer my question. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you... I wanted to make things right again. I'm sorry about what happened, Mercy. I should've told you the truth from the very beginning. You were right, I was a coward-"

"Sam, I don't think now is the best time for us to be talking about this." She looked to her right and continued, "I have company." There was a few seconds of awkward silence where they stood staring at each other.

There was so much he wanted to say to her as he stared at her beautiful face. Like the fact that he was still in love with her and would always be in love with her and that he was such a jerk for not following his heart and chasing after what he knew was his all along, her. But the words wouldn't come. He was too mesmerized by her to form any coherent sentence—standing so close to her made his heart hum with happiness and apparently also fried his brain cells.

He was brought out of his reverie when a very tall man came to the door and wrapped his arms around his Mercedes. The tall man kissed Mercedes on the neck without looking at him and asked with a raspy voice, "What's taking you so long, baby?"

When the man looked up at him, his heart stopped. Standing in front of him—half naked—was Finn Hudson. Was he dreaming? Why was Finn there with Mercedes? And why were his hands all over her? The contented look on Finn's face faltered as his vision landed on Sam. "Hello, Sam… What brings you to LA?"

Mercedes was having a good day, she really was. That was until Sam decided to crash her sexy sleepover with Finn. She had been dating Finn for the past month. It had taken a lot to get over Sam but she finally did it. Finn was a great guy, he was funny, handsome, and he kept her very satisfied in bed. Granted he was not Sam but she really liked him—hell, she even thought that she could grow to love him one day.

She was a little shocked at first when Finn showed up at her apartment door—telling her that he had decided to get away from Lima and start over in LA. He was staying with Puck, helping him with his pool cleaning business which was unsurprisingly going great—due to all the cougars that Puck's been 'servicing'—and taking some college classes. Finn would hang out with her whenever she was free and eventually he asked her out. She was hesitant at first, mostly because she was still hung up on Sam but after Sam's last betrayal she told herself that she needed to move on and she did just that with Finn.

They started slow at first, going on dates which they would end with a chaste kiss but after three dates, Mercedes decided that she wanted to take things to the next level and their relationship turned physical. She did not regret sleeping with Finn, he was a great lover who knew how to make her scream and he did just that, over and over again—just the thought of it made her panties wet.

They were about to get down to business that night when her doorbell rang and long behold the person behind the door was none other than Sam Evans, the boy who broke her heart. Yes, he was a boy. Only a boy would treat her like he did and she didn't have time to entertain children.

After everything that has happened, she didn't want to have to see him again. He had broken her heart. First, by lying to her when she asked him whether he was dating someone and second, when he told her that she had no right to be jealous for him dating Brittany. She still couldn't believe the nerve of the boy. She never again wanted to feel as vulnerable as she did when she attended Emma and Will's wedding and she vowed that she would never let it happen again.

Mercedes was about to tell Sam to leave when she felt Finn's strong arms envelope her into a hug. She sighed when she felt him kissed her neck and asked her what was taking her so long. When he froze and acknowledged Sam her lustful daze was immediately lifted. She waited impatiently for Sam to answer so that she could get back to 'business'. The damn boy just stared at them with his mouth hanging wide open. I can't believe this. He moved on with Brittany and expects me to stay single forever? Like that was ever going to happen. She thought.

"Can you give me and Sam a minute, baby?" She turned to Finn and asked.

"Sure…" When Finn kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, not caring that Sam was there watching them. It was not her problem if she hurt his feelings, the way she saw it, he deserved to feel hurt. After all, she did have to endure seeing him flaunt his affections with Brittany at Emma and Will's wedding six months ago.

"I'll be right back…" She gave him another peck on the lips before she turned around to look at Sam. She knew that Finn was no longer outside when she heard the door closed.

She could tell that he was uncomfortable. Well, he'll just have to get use to this, just like he forced me to get use to seeing him make out with Brittany.

"You're with Finn now?" He asked after a few seconds of silence.


"That's good, I guess."


"Listen Mercy, I came here to apologize for everything. I was wrong and I hurt you." He explained. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

She didn't have a reply because she didn't know if she could forgive him. She was still hurt and harbored a lot of resentment towards him but she refused to let him know that he had affected her. No. The best thing to do was to act like he was nothing to her, just like what he did to her all those months ago.

"There's nothing to forgive, Sam." She said with a nonchalant tone. "You and I had a high school fling. I moved to LA and you moved on. So, no hard feelings, right?"

"We were more than a high school fling, Mercy, and you know it." He murmured, looking at his feet.

"Well, that's the way I see it." She shrugged, "I'm over you and you are definitely over me. I have Finn and you have Brittany, so I don't see why you find the need to come here all the way from Lima. Where is Brittany by the way? Does she know that her soul mate is out here apologizing to his ex fling?" She said, throwing back the words that she heard Brittany used about Sam at the wedding. She knew she sounded angry but she didn't care at that point. It felt good to say the things she had wanted to say to him.

When Sam looked up at her, she knew that she had hit home. He looked angry as hell and was probably going to blow up at her but she didn't care. She couldn't give a damn about him or his feelings anymore.

"I'm gonna repeat what I said earlier because you seem to not have heard me." He said as he moved towards her, "you and I were never a fling. You love me and I love you. Brittany and I were never a factor." He scoffed, "In fact, we are over. I've never loved her as much as I love you, hell I don't think I've ever loved her at all. I don't think I could ever find someone I can love as much as I love you."

Her breathing labored when he stepped into her personal space—blocking her in with his body. His lips so close to hers. Stop thinking about his lips, Mercy! You have Finn now! Pushing him away, she was about to make her retort when he kissed her. Sam Evans was kissing her! She wanted to push him away but the way he was licking her lips and caressing her cheeks with his hands made her open her mouth instead of pushing him away. He took her temporary insanity as an opportunity to deepen the kiss and god help her, she kissed him back. She would be lying if she said that she didn't miss this. Sam was a great kisser and he definitely hadn't lost his talent since the last time they kissed. But this was wrong! She was with Finn and shouldn't be kissing Sam. With that in mind, she pushed him away.

"You can't kiss me like that, Sam. We are over." Mercedes hissed. She didn't want to scream at him just in case Finn overheard them. She wiped her mouth in disgust—more disgust for herself than anyone else.

"Judging by the way you kissed me back just now, we are not over. We're far from being over. Look, I understand that you want to have your little revenge on me after what happened with Brittany but you need to understand that you are mine. No other man could ever replace me." He said cockily.

"You're wrong, that kiss was a mistake and what I have with Finn is real." She said, trying to convince herself that what she was saying was true. She did like Finn, she liked him a lot and what Sam told her was not going to change the fact that Finn and her had something real. "He's a great guy and I'm not going to dump him just because you said that I'm yours."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mercy..." He had the nerves to smile. That arrogant asshole! "I better go, don't want to keep Finn waiting too long for you." He said backing away from her personal space. "Oh yeah, just so you know, I'm not going anywhere. I'll wait for you for however long you need to, to get Finn out of your system." Nodding towards the door, he said, "Say bye to Finn for me, will you?"

He was gone before she could tell him to go to hell. Who the hell gave him the right to act like she was his? She was definitely not his and she was going to go inside and fuck her boyfriend senseless just to prove her point.

Finn waited anxiously inside Mercedes' apartment. He knew that Sam's appearance was not good news for their relationship, but he had to hope that what he had to offer was enough for Mercedes. He really liked her—to be honest with himself, he was actually on the verge of falling in love with her. He had always felt an attraction for the chocolate skinned diva even when he was still engaged to Rachel. There was something about the way she carried herself that had him salivating for her. He never acted on his feelings out of respect for Rachel at the time. Rachel. He really thought that she was the one for him. He loved her with everything that he was and he thought that letting her go to spread her wings in New York was the best thing for her. Who would've known that instead of spreading her wings, she was going to spread her legs for another guy?

The move to LA was a way for him to get away from Lima and in a way, Rachel as well. He needed to start fresh away from everything that was holding him back and LA seemed like a good enough place to start over. His friendship with Mercedes rekindled in time and those feelings he had for her came back in full force the more time he spent with her. He didn't want to do anything about his feelings at first because he didn't want to force her hands. He knew that she was still in love with Sam and he wanted to give her time to get over him before he asked her out. Unfortunately, his brain wanted her even though his heart was telling him to wait, so he asked her out anyway and to his surprise she agreed.

Their first three dates were easy just like their friendship. They went to the movies and had dinner just like any other couple learning about each other. On the fourth date, he was planning on bringing her somewhere a little more romantic but Mercedes had other plans. When he came to pick her up that night, she was dressed in a black lacy lingerie. She attacked him before he could even say 'hi' and needless to say they spent the night in bed having the best sex of his life.

Everything with their relationship went well after that. Well, until tonight that was. He never had a problem with Sam but right then all he wanted was to beat the hell out of the other man for putting Mercedes in this awkward situation. Couldn't he see that he had hurt her enough? She went through hell because of Sam and Brittany's relationship and just when Mercedes was moving on, he had to show up and screw with her head. Finn was not having that. It took forever for Mercedes to really open up to him and she was finally happy, so he was not going to let Sam ruin this for them. If Sam wanted Mercedes back he was going to have to go through Finn to get her, because he was not going to give her up without a fight!

"A penny for your thoughts?" Mercedes said bringing him out of his musing.

"Oh hi, baby." He smiled as she approached him.

She quickly straddled his lap and kissed him. When she pulled back, she asked, "What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about you." He said. Which was the truth, he was in fact thinking about her. She didn't have to know that he was also thinking about killing her ex for coming over and disturbing their peace. "What did Sam want?" He asked, as if he didn't care that the man had showed up uninvited.

"He wanted to apologize for what happened. The boy is crazy," she told him as she kissed his neck and caressed his chest. "He told me that he still loves me and wanted me back but I told him that I have you now and I wasn't about to let you go."

Finn almost missed her statement when she began licking a vein on his neck. She felt so good and so right in his arms but right now he had to focus on a more important subject. Sam.

He leaned back and held her upper arms so that he could keep her away from his neck and his thoughts straight. "Do you want to be with him, Cedes?" He asked, even though she just told him that she wanted to be with him. He had to be sure of her choice, he had to know that she really wanted him and she would not go back to Sam.

"Of course I want to be with you, Finn. You're kind, caring, and you make my toes curl when we make love. Why would I want anybody else?" She informed him simply.

Despite feeling weary, he smiled at her answer. That was what he wanted to hear but why was it that he felt like things were not all right between them? Like there was still so much for them to talk about.

"Make love to me, baby…" Mercedes whispered, grinding herself on his painfully erected cock.

Her request made him stop questioning Mercedes' feelings for him and instead, enjoy her presence. He kissed her hungrily, trying to forget all about Sam's presence in their lives and most importantly he wanted to make Mercedes forget about the other man. It drove him wild when she moved away from their kiss to take off his shirt and lick his nipples.

"God, Cedes…" He whimpered.

"Do you like that, baby?" She asked, in between licks.

"Yes…" He groaned in ecstasy.

"Do you want me to suck your cock?"

He almost exploded at her words. What was he supposed to say to that? No. Yeah, like that was ever going to happen.

"Suck my cock, Cedes." He half demanded, half pleaded.

Mercedes got up and crouched down between his legs. She pulled down his sweat pants and began going to town on his cock. Damn, that feels good. Finn had never been with anyone who sucked cock as good as Mercedes and the best part was she loved going down on him. It really surprised him when she admitted that it got her all hot and bothered when she sucked her man's cock. Ever since her admission Mercedes would go down on him at least twice a day whenever they were together. He couldn't say no to her even if he wanted to—not that he ever wanted to. The woman was demanding for crying out loud and sexy as hell. What man could ever resist her?

"Do you like that, Finn?" Mercedes asked, before she licked the slit on the tip of his cock.

As cum gathered at the slit and she sucked it off greedily, he jerked and shoved his erection into her mouth—earning a groan from his always eager girlfriend. She held on to his thighs, asking him without saying a word, to do it again. He began thrusting in and out of her mouth, enjoying the way her hot, wet mouth suctioned his cock.

"Mmmm…" Mercedes moaned. He looked down to watch her taking him into her mouth when he came upon the most mouthwatering sight. Mercedes had moved her oversized t-shirt up her waist and was finger fucking her drenched pussy while she sucked his cock with fervor.

He almost came at seeing her fingers move in and out of her delectable hole. She looked like she was on the verge of squirting her juices but before that could happen, he quickly moved her head away from his cock and lifted her up to lay her down on the couch. If she was going to come, he wanted her to come with his mouth on her pussy. He loved the way she bucked and moan when she came. He also loved the taste of her pussy juice. It made him hard as a rock when he drank her juice.

He was about to end his misery and bury his mouth on her wet slit when Mercedes interrupted him. "Fuck me, Finn… I can't wait anymore. I need your cock in my pussy now, baby…"

Always the gentleman, Finn complied. Reaching for his wallet on the coffee table, he grabbed the condom he had stashed inside and quickly got to work at sheathing his erection. While he was doing that, he looked down at Mercedes and almost lost it again when he saw her rolling her clit with her finger and tweaking her right nipple through her t-shirt.

Finn couldn't hold it anymore, he had to fuck her right then and there or he was going to die. He positioned himself between her thighs and thrusts all the way in. "Fuck!" He growled. Her warm, tight pussy was driving him closer to orgasm. He had to calm down since he didn't want to lose it and end up embarrassing himself. Taking a breather, he kissed Mercedes, when he was composed, he began moving.

He stroked in and out of her steadily while he kissed her. Mercedes wrapped her thick thighs around his waist and matched his eager movements—impaling her core deeper on his cock. Soon all that could be heard were the sounds of their mating. When Mercedes came—her pussy massaging his cock as she bucked and screamed wildly—he lost it and joined in her bliss.

It was one of the best climaxes he'd ever experienced—the other ones were with Mercedes as well, of course. Sated and exhausted, Finn rested his head on Mercedes' chest—careful not to put too much weight on her. When she stroked his damp hair, he smiled, thinking that this was what he had been missing. He needed someone who could make him feel whole and loved and he had a feeling that the person he needed was lying beneath him, stroking his hair. Although he still had a lot of reservations about their relationship, at that very moment, he was contented with what they had. Shit can hit the fan some other day. He thought, as he drifted off to sleep.

Two months later.

Sam had been living in LA for two months now. He enrolled at UCLA, majoring in Architecture and Urban Design. A major that he really liked. He couldn't believe that once upon a time not too long ago, he didn't know what he was going to do with his life but now that he did, he was happy with the path he chose. He was doing great in school and had a great social life. It was too bad that his love life was still in shambles, mostly because the girl he wanted was dating another guy. After his confrontation with Mercedes, he kept running into her on campus and when he went to hang out with Puck. She acted like nothing ever happened between them, which were slowing grating at his nerves. Granted his approach may not be the greatest of approaches but he didn't really have a choice. He knew that she still craved his touch—just like he craved hers—so he tried to tempt her into having sex with him to break her and Finn up. It hadn't worked, mostly because Finn was almost always with her. Why can't that asshole ever go away? How was he supposed to have sex with Mercedes, let alone get her back if Finn was always there?

Finn knew that he planned to get Mercedes back. He even confronted Sam about it. Although he knew the other man wanted to kill him for being touchy feely with Mercedes, he was never aggressive towards him. Finn was actually the mature one. Who would have known that Finn could be a sensible guy? A dumb sensible guy, but still sensible. The thought of the talk he had with Finn one night after a little too much alcohol in his system, almost always made him laugh. Finn warned him that if he wanted Mercedes back, he would have to go through Finn first. He retorted that he would wait for Mercedes for the rest of his life if he had to, because he knew that she belonged to him. He remembered how Finn just shook his head and wished him luck. Ever since that day, it seemed like Mercedes and Finn were stuck at the hips. They were always together and to his dismay, their lips seemed to always be stuck together too. He would be lying if he said that watching them make out didn't bother him but he promised Mercedes that he was going to give her time and that was what he was doing. Now, it didn't mean that he was going to play fair. If he played the good guy in this picture, he was never going to get her back so he thought that a little cheating wouldn't hurt. He just hoped that she could get over her anger and come back to him soon because being without her was killing him.

Sam had a feeling that tonight's party at Puck's was not going to be easy on him since he knew that Finn and Mercedes was going to be there too. But hey, he was the one that screwed up so now he had to live with the pain of watching Mercedes be with someone other than him. He wished he could be spared but if this was what he had to do to get Mercedes back than he would do it gladly.

Mercedes looked good in her figure hugging little black dress and four inch black stiletto heels. It was even better that she was walking around with her boyfriend of three months, Finn Hudson. Things were going great with Finn. They spent a lot of time together and he—unlike most of her friends' boyfriends—was always there for her when she needed him. She really couldn't ask for more in a man.

They walked into Puck's home, where he was throwing a party and was immediately greeted by an enthusiastic Puck. "Hey guys. Glad you could make it." He said, ushering them into the crowded house and kissing her on the cheek.

There were people everywhere. Some were dancing, some drinking and chatting, while a few made out on the sofa and on any flat surface that was available.

"It feels like we're in high school again." Mercedes raised her voice so that both Puck and Finn could hear her.

"Nah…This is better than high school. More booze and no annoying Rachel." Puck replied. He shoved two plastic cups at them and said, "Enjoy the party alright. I'm gonna go see which honey I can hook up with tonight." He winked at them and left.

"Some people never change." Mercedes told Finn as she watched Puck walk away.

Finn only laughed while he sipped on the contents of the cup. "Ugh… What the fuck is this shit?" He scrunched up his face and handed it to her.

She took a sip and was not surprised that he didn't like it. It was a sweet alcoholic beverage, Finn was more of a beer guy. "Taste good to me." She shrugged and continued to down the rest of the drink.

"Slow down, Cedes. We just got here. I don't want to have to carry you home before we could even enjoy the party." He moved closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Besides, I was planning to have my wicked ways with you tonight and I can't do that if you're dead drunk."

Arousal crept up her body when she heard his comment. Immediately, her nipples puckered and her pussy tingled. "I'll slow down only if you promise to fuck me all night long." She whispered, licking his earlobe in the hopes that it would turn him on.

"That's a promise, baby." He squeezed her ass before saying, "I'm gonna go get a beer. I'll be right back, okay…"

She kissed him and sucked on his bottom lip. "Come back soon." She told him and let him go.

Mercedes looked around while she waited for Finn to come back. She shook her head when she saw Puck dancing with a curvy brunette. It looked like he was enjoying himself, especially when the brunette started grinding her ample ass on Puck's crotch.

"Hello, Mercy." Sam said in an unbelievably sexy tone, making her jump. It was probably even worse that he was behind her and had wrapped an arm around her torso, pressing her body flush on his. God, he feels good. She snapped out of her temporary insanity as soon as the thought crossed her mind.

Mercedes pulled away from his warm embrace and turned around to look at him. "Hello, Sam." She stated amicably. "It's good to see you again. Did you bring a date?" She asked looking around to see if he had brought some dumb blonde along with him.

"Why would I bring a date? Do I need to tell you again that I'm not interested in anyone but you, Mercy?" He said, walking up to her to close the distance between them.

This was getting annoying. The boy didn't seem to get that she was involved and she was no longer interested in him. It seemed like every time she saw him, he was trying to pounce on her. She had tried everything to get it through his thick head that she was with Finn but he would just brush it off as if her relationship didn't matter. Well tonight she was going to put an end to this bullshit. It was about damn time he knew that she was not going to play around anymore.

Holding her hand up, she stopped him before he could come any closer. "Look, Sam. I've tried being nice to you but enough is enough… You need to stay away from me. I'm with Finn now. He's a good guy who cares a lot about me. I really don't appreciate you trying to take advantage of me every time we meet. You need to move on, Sam. I did and I'm a happier woman."

She wanted to slap his smug expression away when he began slow clapping. "Bravo, Mercy, bravo. Does it make you feel better when you lie to yourself? We both know that no matter what your mouth says, your heart is screaming that you want me and that you still love me." He grabbed her again and whispered when she was once again in his arms, "It feels like your body still wants me too."

She wanted to lie and tell him that he was not affecting her but by the way her nipples tightened and her pussy creamed, she couldn't do anything but breathe heavily. "Why won't you leave me alone, Sam?" She moaned like a bitch in heat. Why won't her body stop wanting him? She got hot went Finn touched her but with Sam, she felt like she was going to explode with just a single touch. I'm so pathetic.

"You belong to me, baby. I know that you're with Finn now but I need you to know that I'm sticking to my words. I love you and I'm not going to let you go. You can try to push me away but we both know that you'll eventually come back to me." She wanted to protest but couldn't. He was right, she couldn't stay away from him. She craved him like she craved her favorite candy—only this was worse, a lot worse. It might be wrong but she couldn't help herself. She wanted him, there was no if's, and's, or but's about it.

When he kissed her, she didn't protest. She kissed him back. It felt so good to be back in his arms, to not fight this attraction she felt for him. Her mind screamed that she was with Finn but her heart told her that this was right. This was where she belonged. All the past hurt she experienced was no longer a factor. All that mattered was the man who was kissing her hungrily.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Finn growled pulling her away from Sam. "Why are you kissing my girlfriend, asshole?" He got into Sam's space and looked down at him. "I've been patient for these past two months but now you've crossed the line." He threw the first punch which Sam countered.

"Stop!" She screamed while trying to separate the men.

They didn't heed her plea instead they continued to pummel each other without caring about anyone in their surroundings.

"She mine, dumbshit. You're just a temporary replacement!" Sam stated before he punched Finn on the jaw.

It was then that Puck and a few other guys finally managed to pull them apart.

"You both need to calm the fuck down! What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" Puck demanded.

"He started it!" Finn and Sam both said, accusing the other.

"I don't give a shit who started it, you should know better." Puck said, looking like he was about to explode.

Mercedes figured that it was probably for the best that they left. "Come on Finn, it's time to go." She looked at Puck apologetically before she took Finn's hand and walked out the door. They were almost to the car when Sam came running out.

"Oh no you don't…you're coming with me." Sam grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away from Finn.

"Stop it, Sam!" She yelled, pulling free from his hold. "I'm with Finn. You need to leave me the hell alone! I'm done with playing this game with you. I don't want you. I'm over you. You need to get over me!"

"Oh yeah!? You sure didn't act like you didn't want me when you were sticking your tongue down my throat just now!" Sam spat angrily. "You're dreaming if you think that this asshole could ever make you happy!"

Finn scoffed. "You're the one who's been dreaming. If she wanted you, she'd have gone back to you a long time ago. You need to wake up and smell the roses Sammy boy, and the roses are telling you that you need to pack your shit and leave my girl alone!"

"Please stop." She pleaded again.

"You need to choose, Mercy. Him or me. If you choose him than I promise I'm done. I'll never bother you again." Sam said, looking like he was about to break down.

"You know what, Sam's right. You need to choose. Not knowing if you're going to leave me for him is killing me and I refuse to go through this torture any longer."

"Choose, Mercedes." They both said, with folded arms waiting for her answer.

Mercedes didn't know what to tell them, the truth was she wanted them both. They both had their flaws but they also made her very happy. She was too scared to choose. What if she chose the wrong person? What if she picked Finn and ended up wanting Sam instead? What if she picked Sam and he broke her heart again? She didn't want to choose because she knew that she was going to make a big mistake if she did it hastily.

They both wanted an answer right then and unfortunately, the only answer she gave was, "I don't know. I want you both and I can't choose."

When they shook their heads and walked away from her, she couldn't go after either of them. All she felt was lost and confused.

So what did you think? Leave me a review about your opinion. I'm probably going to update the second part in a week (if not sooner), after I update MOC.

Thanks for reading!