What's wrong? What did I do this time? He really doesn't like me now. Italy thought, lying on HIS bed for once, remembering the way Germany spoke to him that day. "VHY CAN'T YOU JUST TOUGHEN UP? BE A SOLDIER FOR VONCE! DUMMKOMF!" Will he ever like me ever again? I always try so hard for him. I'm just a nuisance! Italy got out of bed, not realizing tears were streaming down his face. "Oh, what's the use? Why should I try anymore? I messed everything up for good this time." Italy sighed, walking into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard and stared listlessly at the pasta. He closed the cupboard and went outside. He sat on his doorstep and stared off in the direction of Germany's house. He thought back through all the times he screwed up and began to sob outright. "Oh, Germany, why can't I be enough for you?" he whispered softly. He stood up and began to walk towards Germany's place, not hearing Switzerland when he yelled at him. He heard a gunshot, then everything went black.

BEEP...BEEP...BEEP came the sound of the heartbeat monitoring machine. Germany looked down at Italy, lying unconscious on a hospital bed. "Dummkomf." Germany muttered. "You know not to go zrough Svitzerland's place." Germany smiled weakly. Ironic, isn't it, how much vhite zere is here? He thought. His smile faded quickly, however, when he remembered what had happened.

RINGRING! The phone insisted. Germany picked it up. "Yes? Vhat is it?" he snapped. "Ah, yes. I would like to speak to a Mr. Germany?" "You're speaking to him. Vhat are you vanting?" "One Mr. Italy is in the ER, and he keeps saying your name." "VHAT?! IF ZIS IS A JOKE, I VILL KILL YOU!" "N-No joke here, sir. Just come as fast as you can." "Trust me. I'll be right zere." When Germany got to the hospital, he went straight to Italy's room and found him alive, but unconscious. "Italia!" He whispered, too shocked to yell. He'd been sitting next to him since. Nearly a week now.


The time between heartbeats was lengthening, and Germany was worried for his Italia. He grasped Italy's small, cold hand in both of his own and looked at Italy's face. "Italia. I don't know if you can hear me, but do you remember vhen I kissed you? Vhen I told you I loved you? Vell, zat's still true. Ich liebe dich. Do you remember?"

"Yes, Germany. I remember." Italy said weakly, smiling up at Germany and lightly squeezing his hand. "Ti amo, doitsu." he whispered, before he went limp and the heartbeat monitor went silent. The doctors rushed in with a defibrillator. Germany refused to move or let go of Italy's hand as they worked to get his heart started again. Please be all right. Please vake up. I can't let you die. I can't live vizout you, mien liebe. You VILL vake up. You have to. Germany's thoughts raced until he was jolted back to reality when the heart monitor began to beep steadily once more.

Italy opened his eyes and look up at Germany. "What...what happened? It was black and scary and I was all alone!" he whimpered.

Germany smiled, relieved. "It doesn't matter. You're here now, and I'm here viz you. Everyzing vill be all right. Just rest, miene liebe. Sleep. I'll be right here." he soothed and gently kissed his forehead.

Italy smiled. "But I don't want to sleep." then he remembered what had happened and sighed. "I'm being a nuisance again, aren't I?" he asked quietly. "You don't have to be here."

"Vhat? You're not a nuisance! Vhy vould you...oh. Ja. I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier. I vas just overvhelmed vith my vork and I took it out on you." Germany apologized, brushing a single lock of hair out of Italy's face, being very careful not to touch the curl, even though he wanted to. Not now. Zis is not a good time. I know vhat effect it has on him. I von't do zat to him, espessially vhen he's in ze hospital.

Italy smiled. "You mean it, doitsu? You really mean it? You don't want me to leave?"

"Of course not! Don't be such a dummkomf!" Germany said, aghast. "I'd never vant you to leave me! You are, and alvays vill be, mien liebe, ALVAYS."

Italy sighed happily. "That's good. I was always so scared you'd leave me or make me leave you. I'm so happy now!"

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