Previously on Chapter 4:

She told me it's not mere 'mate', but 'soulmate', not only physical presence but also the one your soul wanted to be with. Soon I found out that she's the one my soul wanted to be with. I'd like to tell her but her eyes was doing some crazy things to me, made me unable to speak! Worse, there's a growing balloon inside my chest too…

Chapter 5

Saturday's Epilogue

Lucy quickly led me off the floating floor, and let me down on my both knees to catch my breath. After a couple minutes, I realized that she was still standing beside me. I looked up to see a smile tugging her lips. My favorite blondie lowered herself to my level and asked me whether or not I wanted to dance with her tonight.


Normally people would ask whether I was alright or not, before asking about anything else.

Still on both knees, I asked her about why she wanted me to dance with her in the first place. She gave me a surprised look but didn't answer. She looked down to the floor, and I was slightly happy that my hair had been so contagious to her lately.

She was cute.

This time I took both of her hand, brought her to stand with me. She looked at me with a shocked face. I gave her my widest grin. Of course I wanted to dance with her. She had become the best dancing partner I had. I told her all that and I saw Erza's hair was being contagious once again.

Last time she was pink, she locked my gaze dead. This time she's red, and I supposed the 'locking effect' would be much greater. So before it happened, I averted my gaze off her, just to say that as long as it's not on floating floor, I'd be happy to dance with her.

See? Being free from her locking gaze enabled me to say my sentence properly.


Uh… no reply?


Did I say something wrong?


Slowly, I turned my gaze to my favorite weirdo to find her smiling at me. Erza's hair was still rubbing off her face. She told me that I was blushing.

Er… What?! Me?! Blushing?!

She said I was cute.

I stunned and looked into her eyes in amazement. The locking effect of red was indeed greater then pink. We hadn't danced, just stood still, holding each other's hands for only-Mavis-knew-how-long. I swore I heard certain blue neko rolled his tongue from somewhere. Soon, she turned her gaze to the dancing feline, and my mind was finally able to work.

Me? Cute?

Just the same thing I thought about her, right?

And how could it happened?

I guess it's because she smelled like summer. She smelled like 'me' so that's why we could think the same thing. We're partner afterall. We're bestfriends. We're compatible. And maybe, we're soulmates...


I shooked my head.

No, not a 'maybe'. She 'must be' my soulmate. She must be. Because everything about her was just damn right to me. Nothing's right with her absence, and everything's right with her presence. Not only physical presence but also the one my soul wanted to be with. Something cracked in my head and I silently cursed myself. I realized it just now?! Velveno's proposal suddenly seemed so manly...

I made a mental note to propose to her soon. She's my soulmate and she wanted to be proposed, right? Then I'd like to do it for her. She's a very rare kind of weirdo I'd like to be with.

But first of all, I had to make sure that she's not locking my eyes when I propose.

Hmmm… what should I do then?

Maybe I should blindfold her or something. No. Maybe I should lock her inside a closet or something. No. Maybe I should pour invisible potion on her or something. Or maybe anything so I didn't have to look at her eyes! Mavis, her eyes was evil! I groaned silently.

Lucy's voice brought me back to the moment. I turned my head to face her.

My favorite girl, or I should say, my newfound soulmate, was still smiling at me. Suddenly she put her right hand on my left upper arm. I looked at her dumbfoundedly. When we were practicing, she always took hold of both my hands. So, what should I do then?

She looked at my dumfounded face and giggled, then she took my left hand, placing it on her waist and put her right hand on my left upper arm again. I smiled. So that's how.

And with that, we started to dance in silence. Soon she averted her gaze off me, Erza's hair color was still rubbing her cheeks. Meanwhile, the balloon inside my chest was already so big it could explode anytime soon. Nah, I wouldn't let it explode inside my chest. I needed to keep my heart intact in order to stay alive. I couldn't propose if I died! That's just common sense, right?

But since it's Lucy, she would probably weird enough to accept a proposal from a ghost. I mentally sweatdropped.

But wait, I didn't plan to die anytime soon! I still had to kick the frozen doll out of the earth! How could I kick his ass if I became a ghost?! I mean, ghost and human couldn't touch each other, right? And oh yeah, I still hadn't had my first Unison Raid! How could I perform Unison Raid if I was unable to touch anyone?! Geez, reasons to stay alive.

Hold it, if I became a ghost, not only unable to touch anyone, I wouldn't be able to touch anything, right?! Aaaaarrrghh! I mentally scratched my head furiously because that would be total disaster! I couldn't sleep on Lucy's bed! I couldn't open Lucy's diary! I couldn't raid Lucy's refrigerator! I couldn't—

—certain blondie's voice brought me back to reality. My favorite stellar mage suddenly said that the real reason of why she dragged me into dancing practice was because she wanted to dance with me. Yes, dance with me. Yes, yes, with me.


I stared at her, all thought of dying inside my head was melted by her simple out-of-the-blue-statement. I couldn't help but smile. I honestly told her that I had fun in these three days with her. Well, the dancing demon tragedies were terrifying of course, but dancing with her was something I really enjoyed. She smiled at me again, this time with my hair color on her cheeks, and the balloon was getting bigger, much to my fear.

But, I had to admit, the bigger the balloon, the happier I became. Screw the balloon, I wouldn't die. Also, practically I was still unable to think of anything. Hell, it's the first time I ever think this much! Guess I just had to enjoy this moment and worked on proposal later when she wasn't around. So this time, I let her locked my eyes. And Mavis, everything felt so right. Inhaling my soulmate's summer scent, I leaned closer. She counted softly as the scent of sun and flowers filled my nostril.






Crap. I stepped on her foot again.

-The (real) End-

a.n. Yep, we have reached the end of my very first fic! It's actually how I picture the ending supposed to be. I hope it is acceptable. Natsu sure has infinite ability to ruin something, ne?

And… oookay… I was contemplating for some days and nights whether to end this fic with Natsu's real proposal or not, and I decided that he may need some more time before his real proposal. Natsu is capable to make a drastic change every now and then, but not that drastic, and I decided to keep his personality as natural as possible.

But trust me, I believe they willend up together! So please, please, please, I beg you, stop throwing those tables at me ToT

Anyway, I'd like to thank you guys for supporting me with reviews, follows and favs, I am sooo grateful! The balloon inside me was getting bigger too! I have found the fun in writing, and I will definitely write again! See you around :D

With love, Me~.