Without You : Chapter 1

Authors notes: This is my first fanfiction. I do apologize for any cracky writing! It will be mainly LietPol. All the amazing characters used are Himaruya's. Enjoy!

The shadows in the small bedroom shifted slightly as a car passed by the large dusty window. Toris moved in his covers, that did nothing but protect his pale legs from the cold breeze dancing through a crack in the window. Poland had been gone for only a week for a important meeting in Germany. Still that week had felt like an eternity. All he seemed to be able to think about was the blonde. The way he could make him smile no matter what. Toris sighed as the blackness of sleep swept over his mind.

The obnoxious laughs of the small, victorious Prussian could be heard from miles away as 8 year old Toris sat in the dust covered dirt. The small Lithuanians breath was staggered as he slowly dared to look at his leg. Sure enough there was a small gash in it. He felt a wet drop fall down his face. The world around him seemed to disappear as Toris buried his head in his scarf. He ignored the pain that shot up his leg at every movement.

Lithuania barely looked up as he heard footsteps coming towards him. The young nation looked up slowly to get a look at the stranger. He sniffled as the new , blonde-haired boy skipped closer. His pearl green eyes were filled with concern upon seeing the broken figure that was Lithuania.

"Hey, like are you okay? " He asked, his face too close for comfort. Toris blinked in surprise and shied away as the other suddenly spoke. Who was this boy? The small baltic whipped his face quickly of all tears. He nodded slightly at the strange boy. He had to look strong. Like he hadn't just been defeated by that ludicrous prussian. Another burst of pain shot up from the gash in his left. He couldn't take it anymore. Tears rained from the small , brunettes face.

The blonde was startled by the sudden outburst. Toris was extremely embarrassed. He had acted so stupid and weak around another person. A stranger! He looked away quickly, blinking like mad to try and stop the tears that were starting to flow down his face.

To his surprise he felt two small arms wrap around himself. In the next moment he was hugging the blonde. Lithuania was unsure of the other, and still he trusted the nuzzled his head into the other shoulder whilst he cried, leaning on him as his legs gave out from pressure.

"Hey, Hey! It's okay, don't cry!" The blonde said alerted, before looking down with large eyes at the others leg. " Hey, what happened there?! " He exclaimed. The Pol sure was different than anyone he had ever met. This stranger seemed to want to help him. He seemed to actually care. Lithuania was ripped from his thoughts as the other boy scooped the injured Lithuanian up in bridal style. Toris squeaked in surprise and stared with a mixed expression on his face. Unsure of how to feel about the stranger.

"W-Who are you? " Toris stammered in confusion.

The blonde smiled brightly. He whipped a lone tear of the Lithuanians face before replying in a sing-songy voice.

" Poland! But you can totally call me Felix" Toris nodded slightly ,as Felix struggled to carry him in the direction of a dirt road to the left.

"I'm Lithuania.. " He replied after a moment when the other didn't ask for his name in return.

" Lithuania? " Felix thought to himself for a moment, adjusting the him in his arms as he continued to struggle in carrying him to safety.

" So like, I'm going to call you Liet! Okay? " Felix said proudly.

Toris just nodded. The other seemed so content on the new name. Maybe he would get used to it? He was snapped from his thoughts once again as the blonde glanced at him once more with a blinding smile. He giggled.

" I like you Liet! You and me will be like best friends forever, yeah?" He exclaimed smiling again at him. His smile was contagious. It seemed like it was always there. Lithuania smiled. It had been so long since he last smiled. He even laughed. This new boy was going to be interesting. He blushed slightly.

" Yeah, I would like that. "

The bright imagies of long ago faded away as Toris opened his eyes once more to the dark of his small room. He was alone once again.