
A dark room. A round table with mismatched chairs around it.

Cloaked figures move into the candlelit room.

"We were forgotten by them," one said.

"We are anonymous to them," another said.

"We will have our revenge on them," a different cloak said.

They took their seats around the table.

"Blur," the first cloak said, pulling down her hood to reveal very short blonde hair, blue eyes, and the edge of a blue-grey uniform.

"Echo," the second said. When she pulled her hood down, she revealed shoulder-length black hair and cold, wolf-like brown eyes.

"Angel," the third cloak said. The back of her cloak was bulky, and when she removed her hood, she took off her cloak also to bare two large, grey wings, along with brown hair and green eyes.

"Valkyrie," said a fourth cloak. Valkyrie had two long blonde braids and warm brown eyes, and was wearing a red tunic under her cloak.

"Maria," the final cloak declared. She uncovered her face to show them black hair, black eyes, and a thick scar across her right eye.

"No king, no queen, no lord, no master! We will not be fooled again!" they swore, then began to plot revenge on the Justice League and their team of sidekicks.