Disclaimer: I do now own Harry Potter or Bleach!

Okay, so here is the next chapter! Sorry it took so long for me to post it! I forgot my email for this account and I just recently remembered it. Turns out it was .ca not .com. I'm such an idiot…

I haven't abandoned this story!

Also, sorry if Hitsugaya is very mean in this chapter! I have problems balancing his personality out properly!



Zanpakutō Talking

Talking to Zanpakutō



The merging of their Zanpakutō and wands had been quick and easy. The directions had been simple to follow; they were to use a simple Kidō spell which Kurotsuchi-taichō and the Shinigami Research and Development Institute had created. The three Shinigami had successfully merged their Zanpakutō and wands, but the merge had resulted in some slight changes of with their wands.

Hitsugaya's pure, snow-white wand had gained a light-blue handle and four-pointed guard, just like his Zanpakutō.

Gin's wand had gained the same tsuba his Zanpakutō had.

And, finally, Kaia's wand, too, had gained a guard – it was sun-shaped – and a handle, which was black. Also, attached to the bottom of her wand was a long, blood-red ribbon, as well as a black ribbon.

After the successful merging of their Zanpakutō and wands, Hitsugaya had doomed them to the task of studying and catching up to the fifth year curriculum for the rest of the day – Dumbledore had given each of them a special piece of jewelry which would help them understand any language and speak any language. Hitsugaya had gotten an ice-blue ring; Gin had gotten a spring-green, chain necklace; and Kaia had gotten a blood-red and black bracelet.

Currently, Kaia was seated at the kitchen table by herself; she had been sitting with Hitsugaya, but he had rose from his spot suddenly and left the kitchen with his stuff. There were multiple books opened and propped up in front of Kaia. She also had multiple sheets of paper spread out around her, each and every one of them full of notes and whatnot. Her eyes felt as though they were literally burning from all the reading she'd done, and her hand was beginning to cramp from all her note-taking.

Sighing tiredly, Kaia dropped her quill – she hated writing with them, they were idiotic and outdated – and leaned back, gently massaging her hand.

'I hate this Gigai.' Kaia thought, feeling vaguely annoyed. She got tired so easily whenever using a Gigai, and she didn't like it.

The kitchen door opened and Ginny entered. "Oh." She stopped when she saw Kaia at the table. "Hello, Kaia."

"Hello." Kaia muttered in return. She had given everyone permission to call her Kaia, as they kept on butchering her last name, and besides, "Kaia" was much easier to pronounce… not that any of this mattered to Molly, seeing as how the woman had refused to address Kaia by her last name, and still hadn't learned how to properly pronounce her first name like everyone one else.

Hitsugaya, on the other hand, hadn't allowed anyone to call him by his first name like Kaia and Gin had. And like Kaia, Molly didn't seem to care as she continued to try and call Hitsugaya by his first name, much to the amusement of Gin and Kaia.

Ginny got a glass of juice from the fridge and – instead of leaving the kitchen – sat down across from Kaia instead.

Kaia wondered what Ginny wanted from her; they didn't really talk much, after all.

"So, umm, Kaia..." Ginny began, blushing furiously. "Hitsugaya..."

"Yes?" Kaia raised a single brow at Ginny, waiting.

"Is he single?" Ginny suddenly blurted out.

Kaia's eyes widened and she spluttered, "W-what?!"

Ginny shifted in her spot, blushing even more than she had before. She was almost the same colour as her fiery, red hair. "Is Hitsugaya single?"

Kaia didn't know what to say. She hadn't expected Ginny to ask her such a question.

After several seconds – of Kaia not knowing what to say – had passed, Ginny gained a crestfallen expression. Seeing this expression, Kaia suddenly said, "He's single."

Ginny's face immediately brightened up. "Really?"

Kaia nodded her head. "Yes. He is."

"Thank you so much for telling me, Kaia." Ginny started thanking Kaia.

"Uh, yeah," Kaia said. "You're welcome."

Ginny rose to her feet, cup of juice in her hand, and exited the kitchen.

Kaia sighed again. 'Hitsugaya-taichō is going to kill me.'


Ginny started her pursue of Hitsugaya that evening. The Weasley family, Sirius, Remus and the three Shinigami were seated at the kitchen table, eating a large dinner cooked by Molly.

"So..." Ginny spoke, solely addressing Hitsugaya. "Tooshirou –"


"- what's your favourite colour?"

Hitsugaya didn't even look up at Ginny as he spoke, "None of your concern."

Everyone shifted awkwardly.

"Oh. Well, my favourite colour is purple." Ginny continued on like Hitsugaya hadn't just shot her down. "It's such a lovely colour, you know."

Hitsugaya said nothing. He simply continued to eat his food and drink his green tea.

"What was your old school like, Hitsugaya?" Ginny asked another question.

"Like a school." Was Hitsugaya's impassive reply. Gin snickered at this and Kaia couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Hey!" Ron said, glaring at Hitsugaya, his rather large ears going red. "You don't need to be snippy with her! She was just asking you a question!"

"Ronald, don't shout." Molly scolded her son from the other end of the table, where all the adults were sitting and talking.

Ron flushed, but he continued to glare at Hitsugaya.

Hitsugaya couldn't help but roll his eyes a bit. 'What is wrong with these people?' He wondered to himself.

"Ron, would you shut up." Ginny hissed angrily at Ron.

"Yes, Ronald –" Fred began, grinning.

"– do shut up." George finished for him, also grinning. (As usual).

"I am finished." Hitsugaya spoke up, rising from his spot. On his way out, he added, "Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Weasley."

Ginny just sat there, staring hopelessly at Hitsugaya's now-empty seat. Suddenly, an expression of pure determination appeared on her face. She jumped up from her spot saying, "Thanks for dinner, mum."

Ginny then hurried out of the kitchen.

"It seems like Lil' Shiro-chan 'as an admirer." Gin cackled.

Kaia groaned.


The next day was – if possible – even worse.

"Ugh!" Kaia growled in frustration, hurling her textbook across the room.

At the exact moment the door opened and Hitsugaya entered the room. The textbook hit him right in the face, then fell to the ground at his feet. A look of pure anger began forming on Hitsugaya's face.

"Hitsugaya-taichō!" Kaia panicked, jumping off the bed, only to get entangled in the sheets and slam into the ground, landing awkwardly on her right wrist. "Ouch!"


Kaia quickly scrambled to her feet, clutching her throbbing wrist, and rushed over to Hitsugaya, shouting out an apology in a panicked tone, "I am so sorry, Hitsugaya-taichō! I did not mean to hit you with the book! I just got –"

"Let me see your wrist." Hitsugaya cut Kaia off.


"Your wrist," Hitsugaya repeated. "Let me see it."

Biting her lip, Kaia held her wrist out to Hitsugaya. He gently held her wrist in his hand, examining it. "Does this hurt?" He asked, poking it lightly.

Kaia winced, nodding her head.

Hitsugaya sighed. "It's nothing serious enough to need a Healing Kidō; however, you should put some ice on that." He told her. "Come."

"W-wait..." Kaia said, having a moment of stupidity. "W-what?"

Hitsugaya glowered slightly and steered Kaia out of the room.

When they reached the kitchen, Hitsugaya directed Kaia to a chair and told her to sit. Not wanting to annoy her Taichō, Kaia simply seated herself in one of the chairs and watched as Hitsugaya retrieved some ice from the freezer and wrapped it up so the coldness wouldn't be too bad. He returned to where Kaia was seated and gently applied the ice to her newly-bruising wrist. The coolness of the ice was an instant relief to Kaia's wrist.

"Hitsugaya-taichō... I am -" Kaia began, slowly leaning closer to Hitsugaya.

The kitchen door opened.

"What..." Ginny was standing in the doorway, looking between Hitsugaya and Kaia.

"Ginny!" Kaia attempted a bright smile. "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Kaia." Ginny snapped with a scowl, and with that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the kitchen. Kaia stared at the doorway... great...

Sighing, Kaia leaned back into her chair; she'd be hearing about this from Ginny later.

Hitsugaya, on the other hand, seemed completely unaffected by Ginny's snappish attitude. He removed the ice-pack and took a look at Kaia's wrist – he poked it lightly. "How is it feeling now?" He questioned.

"A little better," Kaia said softly.

Hitsugaya nodded his head and placed the ice-pack back onto Kaia's wrist. "Keep the ice-pack on there for a little while longer – just to be sure." He told her.

Kaia nodded her head, "Thank you, Taichō."

An awkward silence then seemed to fill the air in-between Hitsugaya and Kaia.

"Where is Gin-taichō?" Kaia suddenly blurted out, desperate for the awkwardness to leave the air.

"He went out." Hitsugaya said, rising from his seat. Kaia got up as well – holding the ice-pack to her wrist – and followed Hitsugaya out of the kitchen.

"Went out..." Kaia mumbled to herself as she trailed up the staircase, rather slowly. 'Where the hell would Gin-taichō go?'


Gin stood beside Aizen Sōsuke with his usual, ever-so present grin plaster on his face.

"... and in return for your help, I shall offer up my companion – Ichimaru Gin – as a spy." Aizen said slyly.

Amycus Carrow – looking for an oppoutunity to gain favour with Lord Voldemort – stepped forth and sneered at Aizen and Gin, "My Lord, how do we know if we can trust them?"

Lord Voldemort held up a deathly pale hand. "Silence yourself, Carrow." He ordered. Immediately, Amycus took a step back and bowed his head.

"I can assure you, Lord Voldemort, that my companion and I can be trusted." Aizen spoke again.

Voldemort rose from his throne-like chair, looking down at Aizen and Gin. "I already have spies in place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... now tell me, why should I help you with that you want in exchange for something which I already have."

"My Lord," Gin said, sounding rather casual; no Dark Lord would scare him. "Do you, perhaps, mean Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape, as well as half of the Slytherins?"

"Ah, yes... my loyal followers." Voldemort practically sneered. "They are reliable sources of information."

"But not enough information," Gin grinned slyly. "I shall be guarding Potter and his silly friends, and I shall be close with the Order; I shall be able to achieve information which your loyal followers will not be able to... valuable information which will help you to conquer the Order and the Ministry of Magic, and destroy Harry Potter once and for all."

Voldemort sat back down in his throne-like chair and reached down, stroking the top of Nagini's head. "Hmmm... very well..." He spoke up after a few minutes, having finally made his decision. "I shall offer you the help of my Death Eaters... however, only after I have conquered the Wizarding World – enslaving all Muggles and Mudbloods – and Harry Potter has been defeated."

Showing his sly grin to Aizen, Gin took a step back.

"I thank you, my Lord." Aizen said to Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort waved his hand dismissively. "Leave my sight, now. I no longer wish to speak to you."

"Of course," Aizen bowed, as well as Gin, and left the throne room.

Aizen was smirking evilly as he walked down the hallways of the Lestrange manor – Voldemort current hideout – along with Gin. "What a fool..."


That's the end of this chapter! Sorry, it is pretty short, but I honestly get annoyed when chapters are too long.

Please review!