I do not own twilight.

J/B, B/M,E/A,C/E and Em/R

"Ben do you hear that? It sounds like a large gathering of Vampires, but why? Why so many? "Isabella questioned Benjamin her twin. "I hear them too Bella. Let's check it out people might need our help." Ben replied fast and quietly. "Ben we can't startle them; what if it's a hostile meeting." Isabella quickly brought up. "Agreed." Benjamin stated. Quietly the siblings crept up towards a giant clearing. "Ben I think that's the Vulturi, you know the one our creator told us about in his note." Isabella panicked. "Isabella we have to get down there now. Remember how the note describes how we find our mates. Well I feel mine is down there right beside the cowboy." Ben started of panicked witch turned in to anger at the end. "Ben you better not hurt him! He is mine." Isabella said getting angry at Ben. "You have not broken any laws but that child still can cause a problem and needs to die" Yelled Aro angrily. "That child is a Halfling like those down south! We can't let him kill her. She is to precious" Cried Isabella. "Bella let's do the dance" suggested Benjamin. Isabella happily agreed and took of to the other side of the field once in position she let her brother know by a gust of air.

Both twins put their hands into the ground to make a gorge. The occupants on the field were terrified not knowing what was going on. Next Benjamin Let his self dissolve in to the ground while Isabella took to the air. "Don't you dare touch that child." Isabella, "Because if you do your asking for trouble" Ben. The voices ended up making the leaders jump not knowing where the voices are coming from. "Who are you and what does this have to do with you?" Aro asked frightened. "My name is Isabella." Bella said letting herself free fall on the edge of the gorge in front of the child and her parents; "And I'm Benjamin" He said while coming out of the ground right beside Isabella. Aro "Why are you protecting that child you know nothing about her or the family. You are picking a fight with us even if ou can control earth and air you won't be able to take us on." Isabella laughing replied "Aro you're a fool. Benjamin and I are twins; Nor do I just control Air and He Earth we control them all Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness and spirit." Benjamin "As for not knowing the child you would be right there but she is not a threat and you killing her is not an option unless you go through us. Warning if you try to go through us we don't burn so we have no idea what would kill us." "I'm sorry and we are thankful for you helping us and our daughter but how do you know?" asked a tiny girl with spiky black hair. Isabella "In South America there is a coven of hybrids that is growing because their father thinks he is a scientist. " Benjamin "The oldest one looks twenty but is one hundred and fifty years old. They apose no threat only males are venomus and there is only one right now." "The question is do you want to back off or do we need to protect the child with our lives; Benjamin asked.