AN: Hello there, This is my second fanfic, I admit that I created this story as I watching KR Kabuto. Souji Tendo was one of the most interesting Riders, to think that a douchy, arrogant and selfish person would be one of the greatest Kamen Rider created. He believe that his presence is significant enough for everyone to admire. Anyway, I am a little bit worried on my grammer so, feel free to tell me.

On with the Story.



"I swear I will become the Hokage! Remember that!"

A young blond boy shouted in the middle of the busy street. Everyone looked at him, some are bit amused but most are frowning.

"That kid? Isn't he the-?

"Shhh! Don't say that! It's taboo."

"Piss off kid! Go away somewhere else!"

"Yeah! Scram!"

The young boy ran away when he sensed that everyone was about to chase him. As he ran, he didn't notice a young girl with a blue hair with eye that has blank pupils noticed him. She was holding the hand of her guardian. She stared at him as he disappeared in a corner of the street.

"Ko? Who is that?"

"Ah my Young Lady, Don't bother with that boy. He is a nuisance and please don't associate yourself with him."

"Oh…..It seems that he has no friends…" the young girl wondered.

" *Sob*…*sob…I just want to be recognized, Why is that they hate me?"

The young boy sadly wondered as he was sitting under a tree, Every time that the villagers tried to chase him, he would hide in this spot. He wiped his tears as he was about to go home, some men wielding clubs and sticks appeared out of nowhere.

"There you are kid! You know we are trying to track you down, but it seems that God is on our side!" one man excitedly said as he was approaching the young boy.

"You will pay for what you did Demon!"

"You killed my father and mother!"

"Let's execute God's will! This demon should be killed!"

Naruto rose up and ran as fast as he could, never in his life he ran like this because this time, he would be done for. He looked back, and he saw that the men were like savages, ready to eat him. He closed his eyes in fear, but unfortunately he tripped on a root. He fell down to the ground. The men slowed down as they saw their prey crawling in the ground. They surrounded him as they prepare to beat and kill the boy.

"You know kid, how dare you ran away, we are just planning to kill you fast as we could, now we are in the deep forest, I am sure no one could see here now hahahaha."

"Yeah, I think we would break your arms and legs first, we would take this nice and slow."

"I think we should start now, let's beat the shit of this boy."

The cruel man raised his club at the young boy, who closed his eyes, "Help me, please…"

"Huh, what the? You the hell are you- ARGHH!"

"Hey what's happening? ACK!"


The young boy waited for the blow, but it seems that something happened. He opened his eyes and stood up; around him are the men that would kill him. Everyone was knocked out and unconscious.

"Grandma said, "To harm the weak defenseless children is more unforgivable that any other crime."

Naruto looked back and he saw a middle-aged man with weird clothes, he has a bored expression on his face with messy hair to match. He stepped back as the man approached him.

"That's alright now boy, I stopped them before they harmed you." The man reached his arm and something unexpected happened, the young boy raised his arm to until to his shoulders and as if he was trying to protect the very people that would harm him.

"No! Don't hurt them anymore!" the young boy answered.


"They…they have families! I don't want their children to lose their parents! I don't want them to be the same as me! Please kill me instead!" The boy defended. The middle aged man slowly approached him. The boy closed his eyes as he braced himself for the worst. Instead he felt as hand ruffled his hair."

"….HmhmhmhahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA, aren't you an interesting, snotty little kid, they tried to kill you yet you will still defend them. Interesting…now tell me what's your name?" the man asked.

"Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"What a weird name."

"That's not weird!"

"It is."

"It's not!"

"It is"

"It's not!"

"It is"

"It's not!"

"It is"

"It's not!"

"It's not."

"It is!-hey wait!"

"I win kid."

"NO! UNFAIR! You cheated!" Naruto accused.

"Me cheated? Ha, kiddo….Me who walked in the path of heavens is destined to succeed in anything that I do; this argument is not even an exception."

"Eh? Walk in the heaven? What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself…. He raised his hand and pointed at the sky in a solemn manner,"I am Souji, Souji Tendo, The man who walked In the path of heavens, the one who will rule all."

"… Ok."

Souji was bit annoyed by the lack of expression of the boy. "Ah, as expected, you still don't know my greatness. As Grandma said,: young saplings will uproot even on the slightest torrent of flood. It seems that sun is setting, why don't you go back now to your parents?"

"I don't have any."

"Then go back to your guardian then."

"I don't have any too."

"You live by yourself?"


"Hmm…" Souji observed the boy. One look on him, it seems that he was just an ordinary kid, but he knew, this boy would be a significance in this world. The boy that would lead his world to something greater. If that his destiny, then he Souji Tendou must make sure that this boy would also be the one to rule under this world. He closed his eyes and smiled; he kneeled on one knee and looked at the boy.

" Let me ask you, Do you want to walk in the path of heaven?"

Uzumaki Naruto, the jinchuruuki of Konoha, one of the greatest weapons of the village was missing on that day. Numerous search parties were deployed in hopes of finding him. The Third Hokage issued rewards to find the boy or if there was an information. He was also worried that something bad might happened to the boy that he also loved like a grandson. Days passed into weeks, weeks passed into months and months passed into the years, everyone lost the hope of finding the boy, In fact they are happy that they would not waste their time finding the Demon. The Third hokage also lost hope, citing that it's one of his greatest failures since the death of the Fourth. Everyone forgot the boy, treating him as if he was dead.

But little they know that the coming of the Savior is near at hand, the one that was beloved by the heavens.