Chapter 7

Jean was in the kitchen after lunch, washing the dishes. Lionel walked in and came up behind her, his arms going around her waist.

"You shouldn't be on your feet."

"I'm alright Lionel, stop fussing. What's going on through there."

"Judy and Alister just left and Sandy's gone to meet Harry. Penny's in there still arguing with Stephen about his retirement."

"You would think she'd want to spend more time with him."

"They're not like us are they."

"Could you imagine if we were like them." Jean laughed.

The pair stood laughing and not realising that Penny had suddenly appeared.

"Am I interrupting."

"Penny, I didn't see you there." Jean said.

"Lionel, would you mind if I had a quiet word with Jean please."


Lionel gave Jean a re-assuring hug before leaving her alone with Penny. Jean put down the dish cloth and took a seat at the table and Penny sat down across from her to join her.

"Is something wrong Penny."

"I wanted to apologise to you."

"You want to what?" Jean asked, shocked.

"I was out of line, bringing up David in front of Lionel."

"You were. Penny, Lionel doesn't mind hearing about David but when you always refer to how happy we were all the time. It's not fair to Lionel."

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for referring to you as poor Jean all the time. Judy pointed out that it made you uncomfortable."

"Annoyed would be more appropriate."

"Well I'm sorry. I know I can be a little over the top at times, as Stephen never tires of pointing out."

"Why don't you want him to retire Penny."

"I like the time to myself. Don't misunderstand, I love Stephen but over the years while he's at work, I got used to the peace and quiet at home, pottering around doing my own thing, meeting the ladies for luncheon. If he's at home, he'll expect me with him all the time, it's exhausting."

"You must tell him Penny."

"How do you and Lionel manage."

"Well he has the book and I have my part-time job and I love him. We haven't been married as long as you and Stephen. Talk to him Penny."

"I will, well I suppose Stephen and I should be making a move. Give you and Lionel some time alone."

"You don't have to Penny."

"No, we should."

Penny got up from the table and yelled to Stephen to tell him that they were leaving. Jean limped through to the hall as Stephen helped Penny on with her coat. Lionel came up to Jean and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Well you two, that was a lovely lunch. One of the best I've had in a long time."

"Is that an insult on my cooking Stephen."

"Not at all Pen, I was only saying that…"

"Oh, do come along Stephen. Now Jean, you and Lionel must come to us in the next few weeks."

"We'd love too Penny, just ring and we'll make the arrangements."

"Goodbye Jean, Lionel."

"Goodbye Penny. Drive safely Stephen."

Jean and Lionel stood on the door step as they watched Penny and Stephen drive away. Lionel helped Jean back into the house and they sat down, glad of the peace and quiet. She snuggled up beside him as his arm went around her shoulder.

"Well, that's it. It's all over."

"Until the next time." She smiled.

"What were you two talking about in the kitchen."

"Actually she did most of the talking. She apologised."

"You're kidding."

"No, she said how sorry she was for constantly bringing up David in front of you and she would try very hard to stop referring to me as poor Jean all the time."

"Who cornered her?."

"It was Judy, she said she was sick of Penny always putting me down."

"Well good, it's about time someone got that bloody woman told."

"She means well."

"I know she does, anyway. It's done now and at last we have the house to ourselves for a bit."

"Sounds lovely."

"What would you like to do?."

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Just hold me, that's all I want."


"We're okay, aren't we Lionel?."

"More than okay." He said, as he kissed her gently.

Fin xxx

Well lovely readers, that's it. I hope you all enjoyed it and hopefully I won't be too long writing another one. Prosper, you should too.