Disclaimer – Evangelion is not mine. Go figure?


Tokyo 3 High was the fifth biggest creation of modern architecture in the whole region. On the first look it could be easily mistaken for government's chair, company building or mall complex, but from the closer look anyone could figure what it's all about. It was an exquisite sight. You could see courts, swimming pool, and immense frontal garden filled with beautiful sakura trees in their early bloom. The decorations were simple, the walls were clean white and its structure gave it an elegant look that could easily mach any elite private school in the state. The passage leading to its front entrance was already filled with hundreds of loud teenagers.

Mana Krishima found herself dumbfounded as she moved her gaze from the pamphlet. The school was definitely bigger than it seemed to be. It was almost impossible not to spot it, but it still took her good thirty minutes to find her way. How did that happen?

Mana shrugged, then joined the wave of students moving in her direction, keeping her gaze on the pathway since the bodies blocked her view. Its design was surprisingly on the same level as everything else. Stone motifs were pretty, and neatly trimmed bushes on the sides gave it refreshing, natural feeling. She liked it. Its atmosphere was more pleasing than any other public walkway.

She observed the people among her. It was impossible not to notice the guy with half shaved head, some guy who walked like zombie, that other guy that looked like one and three yankee girls babbling about something. They came in all sorts and colors. Some of them may even be her future classmates.

The moment has finally come, her inner enthusiast announced. Since she moved in Tokyo 3 last Friday she was all alone at home for the whole weekend. She spent the most of it on her couch; devouring chips while either watching TV, playing videogames or lurking around online chat rooms. It was bearable, but without anyone around it got boring pretty fast. Not the mention the risk of gaining extra fat if she continued her routine.

That would story as of today. Her goal for was simple: blend in and find some new friends. Piece of cake. Probably.

After a minute of walking she stopped in front of the entrance. She looked above to read the sign on top of the gates but was interrupted in the next second by the train of people that pushed her in with the rest.

The inside was even more confusing than the outside. The hallway was huge, yet it wasn't even closely enough for all the people that swarmed it. She had no choice but to join one train and hope to find her designated classroom as she walked.

Like walkway wasn't suffocating enough, she thought as she fought her way through masses of students. It seemed like everyone knew where to go except her. It was so loud that she couldn't even hear her own thoughts. The bell made things even worse. The moment the sound was heard everyone around her quickened their pace and almost crushed her.

The space around her tightened and she felt like she was running out of air. She was getting irritated with someone behind her who constantly pushed her in the guy in front. The assailant pushed her again and cursed loudly.

"Jerk," she muttered as she pushed her way from him.

She barely managed to find a small, clear spot by the windows to catch some breath. On her way there she received at least three elbow strikes, shoulder in the back of her head and at least ten people stepped on her foot, not to mention the harsh words from some passing upperclassmen.

She muttered a curse, nursing the small bruise on her arm. She glanced on her clock. It was 8. 01; she was already one minute late. She sighted. Finding her way like this would be impossible. She knew that she wasn't good in the crowded space, and that her sense of direction sucked. Bottom line: in chase of earthquakes she was doomed.

After a while the crowd completely disappeared, leaving her completely alone in the hallways. As much as she was delighted, she was still four minutes late. She shook hear head, then gave herself a light tap on the cheeks and put her game face on.

She was looking for a classroom 2-E, and she had no idea where to even start. There were at least three or four school wings, each of them with at least three floors. Great. She went in the right wing, hoping to either find her classroom or someone who could point her in the right direction.

She did her best. She ran, jumped, occasionally stopped to check her hair in the window, slid down the rails, and at the end of her strength finally found her designated classroom. She stopped in front of the doors, then fell on her knees and panted till her breathing stabilized.

She glanced on her clock; she was ten minutes late. Damn. This was awkward. The sensei probably forgot all about her, and now, without a formal introduction, she'll have to knock and do it all herself.

"Hey, I'm transfer student, and apparently I'm a klutz. I'm really sorry." She mimicked silently, trying not to cause an echo.

She hoped that sensei wasn't the unforgiving type. Fortunately, the doors had a window-like glass in her height she could easily use to peek inside. She climbed on her toes and saw an older man, bound to be her new sensei, standing behind his desk pointing at something on the blackboard.

The gray haired man looked like he was in his late sixties. He didn't look scary at all. In fact, it was just the opposite. His face was relaxed and he held like an army officer with hands behind his back. Even from the outside she could feel that military discipline he emitted. Her father would probably like this guy.

The man suddenly turned and met her gaze. Mana stepped back from the doors and quickly covered her mouth, hoping this wouldn't end in the weird way.

The man just smiled, then cleared his throat and spoke to the class. "Class, you'll have to forgive me but I forgot something important again," he said innocently, earning some frowns and chuckles from the teenagers. The man cleaned his throat, silencing his pupils completely.

"Today you're getting a new classmate," he announced, sending the class back in motion. He cleaned his throat again, killing their arising questions. "Come on in, dear." he called her.

Mana swallowed, then opened the doors and entered, causing a series of whistles from male population. The back seats whispered and some of them howled like animals.

"Class, behave," the man roared, then turned to face Mana. "So, my dear, had a problem finding us?"

"Yes," She replied meekly, feeling a bit embarrassed, and at the same time feeling relieved for not being scolded on her first day.

"It's nothing. It happens to me all the time. Heck, without Miss. Horaki I'd probably forget how to find this classroom. It's my age." he joked, making both her and her peers chuckle and breaking the most of her tension.

"Nonsense, Fuyutsuki-sensei. You're in your best years." the boy in the jock tracksuit commented.

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Suzahara," The man replied, "However, flattery won't get you a D on your essay."

"Can't blame me for trying."

Fuyutsuki smiled, then turned back to Mana. "Now then, be kind and introduce yourself, young lady."

She chalked her name on the blackboard, then turned to face the class and bowed. "My name is Mana Kirishima. Pleasure to meet you."

The class gave her a polite reception.

This wasn't so bad, Mana thought as the rest of the nervousness drifted away.

"Be nice to her, class. I don't want to see anyone talking now. You can chat all you want after the class is over. Understood?"

"Yes, sensei," students replied in unison.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Mana, but I'm afraid we're lacking an open seat for you." Fuyutsuki said, looking around the classroom, "I'm afraid you'll have to use the seat of absent Mr. Ikari for today. I hope it's not a problem?"

"No," Mana replied with a shake of her head. "I'm fine with it."

"Ok then," Fuyutsuki said, pointing at the open seat. "I believe his laptop is not password protected. Feel free to use it until we get you your own."

"Yes," she replied, then took a seat. She was glad she didn't accidentally slip that sir as she always used to. It was an awkward downside of having a father in the military.

The class got back on its previous course. Mana opened her laptop only to find thirty new messages blocking her desktop.

The first one said: Do you have a boyfriend? Y/N

Typical, Mana thought. She would have to think about this one. She couldn't afford to make the same mistake again. In her previous school all her friends were boys, and in the school before, and the one before that one. She was fifteen now. There was no more tomboy. At her age people called it slut, as untrue as it was people saw it like that. She knew that much.

There was no harm in answering this one with no. She typed it.

The next one was about her underwear color. She ignored that one, and the next one about her bra size. The third one was from female under the name 'classprezH'. It was only a polite welcome and warning about the lurking perverts in class. She replied with kind words, then sent a heart. Girly stuff. She did the rest to every other female peer.

She got back to the boy's messages.

One asked her about her type. She didn't even want to answer that one. She tripped on this one too many times.

I don't know, she wrote after a brief moment. She skipped through the most and replied to few nonsensical ones. Her goal wasn't to communicate with boys. There was plenty of time for that later, but first thing was first; females. For now none of them tried to engage a conversation. It was a bit discouraging but females were usually like that. Probably.

Mana looked around herself, catching few males staring. She only smiled at them, making some of them look away in embarrassment. That, however, wasn't her intention. She wanted to check what girls were doing, and apparently they were all busy in their studies.

She realized that this was her first day and she was already slacking, while the rest were following lectures as they should. This school was quite elite, so it wouldn't be surprising if the girls were more mature and well behaved. After all, they were fifteen. This was probably normal at this age. She decided to follow their example.

After three minutes she realized that it didn't go too well. Fuyutsuki-sensei was a nice guy, but his lectures were something else completely. She returned to her laptop, since she noticed that everyone else was doing the same, all except for one gray haired guy in the front seat that liked to intervene in the middle of each sensei's sentence. She couldn't figure if he was one of those clever guys or just pretentious smartass.

Mana shrugged, then moved her attention back on her laptop. She wasn't in position to initiate a conversation herself. Messaging a random girl was not an option. She'd only look intrusive, and there was also a chance that she wouldn't like the girl afterwards. She would take it easy; after all, she was bout to speak to at least one girl during the break. There was no need to rush things.

She scrolled down the chat rooms. There were plenty of them, and she noticed that all female-like names were together in one password protected room, GO2E (girls of 2-E), creator Soryu. Interesting. Maybe they weren't as diligent as she thought they were.

She noticed that room they used worked on invite only system. She hoped she would get it by the end of the day. Though, nothing she could do about it now.

She spent the rest of the class idly observing her classmates. They were an interesting bunch, and they came in all sorts of colors, making the experience more exciting than she hoped for.

After twenty minutes the bell sounded, dismissing the class on five minute break. Their sensei left the classroom, enabling the students to go wild. In just few seconds everyone was already at someone else's desk. A lot of groups formed, and some even left the class, probably searching for their friends in other nearby classes.

Most of the girl gathered around the bench in front of her, more precisely, around one girl with red hair. She decided not to think much of it. It was too soon to make weird assumptions. Though, she did feel left out.

She got eyed by every girl at least once, but none of them made any move or attempt to befriend her. Why did she feel ignored? They all looked at her, few even smiled, but they kept standing there like statues. It was like someone ordered them not to move.

What was that familiar feeling of alienation?

She didn't know what to think of it anymore. The moment she felt like standing up and going for it the redhead in front turned in her seat and faced her directly.

"Hy. Sorry to keep you waiting. My name is Asuka Langley Soryu." The redhead told her, offering her a hand. Mana was thrown off balance but managed to hold her composure.

Soryu, that's the name of girl's group creator, Mana realized.

"Pleasure to meet you," Mana replied, taking her hand. The fact that they kept her waiting for some reason never left hear head.

"The next break is longer than this one, and since you're a newcomer I was wondering if you'd need someone to show you the way. You can walk with us. I know this school so I can show you pretty much everything there is around here."

"Thank you. I'd love to," Mana replied cheerfully. She felt like hugging the girl for killing her paranoia.

"Okay. See you then." Asuka smiled, then turned back to the other girls.

She's pretty, Mana noticed. No. Pretty was a wrong word. She looked like a princess. A queen? Well, one thing was certain: she wasn't going to get in their little circle just by being present in their class. How stupid she was to think that? She was an outsider they saw for the first time. What was she expecting anyway? A welcoming party? They were probably going to test her or something, see if she was worth the time.

Her train of thoughts was soon interrupted by the laud bell and sudden arrival of their sensei. After only few seconds everyone was at their seats and the class was back on track.

Not too long into it Mana got bored, then spaced out completely. She would make up for this at home, and besides, she'd probably get pardoned on her first week. She doubted that Fuyutsuki-sensei was the one who pushed them to the limit.

She spent time swirling her short, auburn hair, looking around the class and occasionally surpassing her laugh when one of the males made puns or made humorous comments. They were hilarious, yet not one of her female peers laughed. She followed their example.

She did the same for good twenty minutes until she started to notice things about her desktop.

When she looked at it more thoughtfully, she realized that it looked far better than hers, which wasn't something special. Hers was pretty much consisted of the simplest image with random folders scattered everywhere. This screen, however, had a beautiful wallpaper image she wanted to use herself. Every folder, named in some sort of special nomenclature, was neatly distributed around every corner, together with similar ones, and it all blended well with the screen's image. This was professionally organized, and it belonged to a boy? Damn.

She got an idea how to spend some time. She did decide not to hang out around guys, but it didn't mean that she shouldn't know them. Logically. She started to wonder how much she could learn about this one from his laptop, put some of her father's teachings into practice. What was the name again? Ikani?

She searched around the files, prepared to find some dirty videos or pictures. Though, after she scanned them over completely, she realized that she was wrong. His folders were clean. There were no erotic videos, images or anything similar. Sadly, there wasn't anything that gave hints of his character. For now he was and orderly guy that really liked to have his things clean.

His internet browsing history might be another story? Mana realized that she shouldn't be invading someone's personal space; however, she was curious, and bored.

She clicked around and found a lot of things. First off, the guy was definitely not browsing porn, like ever. On the marketplace sites he was checking retro games she liked as well, he looked for cheap cleaning products, something she couldn't explain with logic, and the rest was just normal boy things. She also found out that he had exquisite music taste. His browsing history was filled with classical pieces, a lot of cello performances, and whole lot of soft rock. If his name wasn't in the start menu she would definitely doubt the ownership of this laptop.

The bell ranged, almost giving her a heart attack. She must have spaced out completely. Everyone else was sighting in relief and rising from their seats. She realized that someone's personal life captivated her attention for whole 45 minutes without her even realizing it.

She shook her head, then rose from her seat. She could feel anxiousness and excitement creeping back on surface. She took a deep breath, then scanned the classroom. Asuka girl was nowhere in sight. Great. She probably left while she was spacing out, and was probably waiting for her outside with the rest, or at least Mana hoped she did.

Mana walked outside casually, trying not to look too enthusiastic. Asuka and two more girls were idly chatting by the lockers. She stepped closer and caught her attention.

"Kirishima?" Asuka called her with a short wave.

Mana approached, trying not to grin.


Asuka was right; she did know this school very well. She and other two girls lead her through the whole school, talking about everything there was to talk about. In only few minutes she learned about the most of the rumors and gossips that circled around. Asuka was the one who did the talking. The other two girls obediently followed behind her, either filling her stories or just agreeing with anything she said.

Mana followed beside her, since most of the telling was directed at her. She appreciated their gesture, however, she didn't feel like they were actually conversing. It was more of recruitment than anything else, one-sided info bomb with tips about what to do. Not to mention that they showed no interest in her beside few casual question about her previous whereabouts.

She didn't like it at all. Though, it wasn't the worst part. The worst was boredom. Everything they said was boring. She admirably pretended to be into it, but every smile and every nod she gave them was forced and faked. The clothes. The great life of Asuka Langley Soryu. The girl in neighbor class who apparently has a boyfriend that fucks her in the restroom every day. God. Enough.

She experimented by not listening for a minute, and as it turned out they barely noticed. Score? It was like they channeled words through her, but not at her. She found it crazy. When her interest was lost she started to wonder if she could secretly borrow a video game from that guy, and how would she pull it off without telling him that she browsed through his personal space.

No. Shut up, Mana, Mana told herself. You can't start like that. You know what will happen. Pay attention.

"And that imbecile Toji. Dear god, did you hear that retarded comment he made?" Asuka spat bitterly.

You mean that hilarious dick joke? Barely contained myself, Mana thought as she continued to direct her forced smile to the girl long gone in her rant.

"You know that Kensuke guy? The equally primitive ape as latter. Yes that guy. He's apparently ranking girls on some biased opinion of his." Asuka huffed. "Can you believe it?"

I bet you're not top tier, Mana thought.

"Horrible," She replied as convincing as she could. The other two girls did the same. She expected no less.

"I heard from Mayuri that he was seen creeping near the girl's changing room with his camera. Watch out for that one."

I'll take this one to heart, Mana thought. She nodded, then gave her mildly disgusted expression. They were fifteen now. High school students. Nothing less expected of male testosterone. The girls were different, though. She would get used to them.

They stopped at the cafeteria. Asuka announced that it was time for their lunch so they passed through the crowd and occupied the closest free table. Three more girls joined them the moment they were spotted.

Each of them unpacked their bento and started eating. Mana, however, had none of that. She had no idea how to cook, and neither did her father. Bentos were not a common thing in Kirishima residence. She was usually left with some money to provide herself.

Mana rose from her seat, adverting everyone's gaze on her. "I'll go grab myself something," She excused herself.

"You can have some of mine," Asuka offered all of a sudden.

"Really?" Mana asked in surprise, completely dumbfounded with the turn.

"Sure," Asuka smiled gently. "After all, we are friends now. And there's no way I'd manage to eat all of this." She said gesturing at her huge bento box. "Besides, I'm working on my figure."

"Wow. Thanks." Mana said cheerfully, trying not drool over her bento.

"Threat yourself," Asuka told her, pushing the bento in her way.

She did. Mana instantly took her chopsticks and picked herself a little bit of everything from its rich content. The rest of the girls did the same. Someone would think that girls don't speak with full mouth, but that someone was wrong. Even when eating she could hear a rumor about girl A having a boyfriend from school C, doing a thing with boy B from school E.

Sadly, the only one that really caught her interest was that Ikari guy, who wasn't even mentioned. Well, if she'd stick around this group it was bound to happen. She could infer that much.

She picked a meatball and ate it, then stopped. Its taste was something she couldn't even describe by words.

"You made this?" Mana asked with half-filled mouth.

Asuka eyed her. "Not really. I had someone make it for me?"

"It's excellent," Mana said, "Props to the chef. Whoever it is."

"You'll meet him," The girl on her right intervened.

"You're sitting in his desk," The girl across her spoke, hiding her expression behind glass of water, something that looked like she was evading something.

"Really?" Mana said, meeting eyes with Asuka. "Is he your…"

"-No," Asuka replied simply. "He's just making me bento. That's all."

Unlikely. Though, she decided not to pursue it. Her calm tone was emitting an aura that indicated trouble. Then again she barely spoke anything these last few minutes. She knew that no one liked to have a zombie at the table. If she kept silent the girls might get disappointed with her. She was still tested, still an unknown to them, so she should work on establishing some sort of good characteristics she could go by. One topic leads to another, and as it turned out Ikari is only topic she can partake in.

"Ikari, right?" Mana asked. "Heard about him around the class, yet no one told me anything about him. What's he like?"

"Why do you care?" Asuka asked in more serious tome, small hint of edginess in her voice. Mana realized that she should've seen this coming. Bad choice.

"Oh. Well, since I'm using his laptop without permission… I mean, I'm little worried."

"Oh." Asuka shrugged, then got back at her bento. "He won't do anything to you."

Mana was glad she dodged that one. She returned to her meal, but stopped when she noticed that other girls remained content, like they were in temptation.

They steadily followed every Asuka's move. She eyed them back, but made no action that indicated her disapproval. When it seemed that she showed no interest in the topic whatsoever the hell broke loose.

"I heard his father leads a large company."

"He's rich."

"I heard he works for the government."

"He's skipping classes. It's suspicious"

"I heard he lives alone."

"I head he works for the military."

"I heard he was seen with an older woman with purple hair."

Asuka suddenly cleaned her throat, silencing the pack more efficient that Fuyutsuki ever would. Mana had to give it to her; she was a natural leader and one hell of an authority.

Asuka looked away from her bento and caught Mana's eyes. "He's just a childish idiot that doesn't speak much. You'll see."

I bet I will, Mana thought, breaking the eye contact.

Silence swallowed the table and they all returned to their previous occupation; food. Mana prolonged the act, trying to enjoy the food's heavenly taste as long as possible. Soon after the atmosphere around the table stabilized. The girls continued with their mantra, while Mana sank in her fantasies. The feeling that someone was watching her never faded for a second.


It was 01;17, seventeen minutes passed since the classes for today ended. Mana was sitting idly in her desk, still observing the laptop before her. Her original intent was to stay longer in case that divine intervention in form of a female peer appeared and asked her to partake in any form of social activity. By the time her illusion was shattered she decided to wait for the sake of evading clusterfuck in the hallways.

The rest of her classes surprisingly passed quicker. She had a short, pleasant chit-chat with some girls. Some of them were just more fun than the others. She got to know a bit more details about some, and some of them got to know her a bit more, or at least her façade. She would just have to stick with the ones that suited her best and adapt as best as she could. That's how it will be, she realized.

She'd approve their queen, and for return she would enjoy the benefits of normal social life. Nothing wrong with that. No matter how boring it may be.

Rei Ayanami was a good example of disobeying the system. First time Mana even noticed her was near the end of the class. From what she could tell she's always sitting in the back, ignoring everyone's presence, and apparently vice-versa. The girls told her she had mental issues, had cancer, used drugs, and whored around. How verisimilar what that? Not much. She looked like ex-communicated lamb more than anything else. Though, her existence was not her concern. She was insignificant.

The class ended so she was left to herself. She took her things, put the laptop in the desk, then walked outside. The girls invited her at karaoke bar that would open by the next week. It was something she gladly accepted. For today she was still alone, but she made a significant progress. Maybe she didn't have a normal conversation or exchanged any phone numbers, but her existence was acknowledged.

The moment she stepped outside a girl approached her.

"Ms. Krisima?"

"Yes." Mana confirmed delightfully. "Oh. Ms. Horaki. Can I help you?"

Please, please, please ask me to walk home with you, invite me to coffee, karaoke or just take my god damn number.

"No." came her reply. Mana blinked. "I'm just here to give you the last month of lectures you missed." Hikari explained, handling her pile of papers. "And please, call me Hikari."

Mana put them in her bag, the look on her face remained unchanged. "You can call also me Mana."

"Okay." Hikari replied with a smile. "Goodbye, Mana." Hikari bowed, then excused herself.

"Wait," Mana called after her after a brief moment. Hikari turned in surprise. "I was just wondering… I mean, if we live in the same direction. I'm still not used to this place."

Hikari's face turned bright red. "Umm…I, I…ca-"

"Oy, class rep! Hurry up!" the boy from her class shouted. Mana recognized him instantly. It was their resident comedian, Toji or something. He's the guy that girls described as the worst of the worst.

The girl before her was still struggling with the words, waving her hands in front of her. "I… ummm…"

"-it's ok. Go for it." Mana winked, making Hikari's blush even brighter.

The moment Hikari tried to protest Mana turned and left, waving her off as she moved further away.

After a brief moment Hikari turned, then ran to the boy. Mana observed them from the corner of her eye till they slipped out of sight. She sighed.

Still flying solo, Mana thought as she moved through the hallways. The only sound that could be heard was echo of her footsteps.

By the time she was out the school grounds were emptied out. It was tranquil and pleasant. She was glad she waited until it cleared out. She walked down the steps and continued down the walkway. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon, she noticed. A great time to go outside, have a drink, play some basketball or go home miserably. Such a beautiful day.


"I'm home," Mana called from the apartment's entrance. The reply didn't come.

She took off her shoes, turned the lights on, then moved to the fridge where she found the note. It said: Sorry, sweetheart. I'll be away for the time being. Expect me at Saturday. If something comes up I'll contact you beforehand. Hope you made lots of friends. With love, Daddy. P.S. Money is on the counter.

Mana crumpled the paper and threw it in the bin. Then she ate some leftover rice and drank a glass of water. It was horrible compared to bento she ate this morning. How did Asuka pull that off? Could she make Ikari to do her bento as well?

She took the bag of chips from the counter, then went in her room. She collapsed on the bed, opened her laptop, crawled beneath her silky sheets and started to surf in the dark.

She checked the news, read some articles, did some gaming, and exchanged some messages. It lasted for about half and hour before she got bored again. The history repeated itself. Over and over an over and over and over. She started to roll down her bed, hugging her pillow and kicking with her feet.

She conceded defeat by choosing sleep. A good afternoon sleep was just the thing she needed. She wouldn't even mind sleeping during the day all the time. Why not? She was more of a night owl anyway.

She did her best to keep her eyes closed but her excess of energy denied her of slumber, and probably will for the time being. She stared at her ceiling, hugging her pillow tight with her whole body. She knew exactly what to in times like this. Last night she could barely close her eyes from excitement, which resulted in three hours of chatting around the internet. It was a good night, not minding the amount of penises she saw. Maybe too little?

Sadly, it was the only way she could see any form of erotic content. Her dad knew a thing or two about internet restrictions. The moment she turned fifteen it appeared out of nowhere and stayed here for far too long. In a way she appreciated it, but at the moments like this she hated him from the bottom of her soul. Her imagination didn't serve her that well.

As she predicted, inspiration wasn't coming. The guys she knew were not exactly a proper material. They never really entered that category. That albino guy in the front was undeniably the closest thing to perfect bishounen she saw in years, but he didn't fit in her fantasy even the slightest. It just didn't feel natural for some reason. The rest of the guys in her class weren't holding up to her standard either. Few cute ones but nothing to write home about. It depended on her mood, and right now she had no idea what she wanted.

After a while she finally got an idea. She opened her laptop and searched her school's yearbook. Class 2-E. Name Ikari. She clicked and his image popped out. She didn't have to observe it for long. He had a pretty face. That would do.

Picturing him in her room wasn't hard. She had a face already. She knew little of his personality but imagined him as a nice guy. The body she imagined him was as normal as possible to keep it realistic. No scars. No prominent muscles either. Just a normal fifteen year old that wanted her as much as she wanted him. Soft skin. Pretty face. With few more details she was ready.

Mysterious stranger appeared in her room, naked like she was. Mana gently slid her hand down her belly, right into her panties. She passed through her short pubes and slowly rested her palm on her moisten lips. He got closer, giving her a full view of his erection that was ready to alleviate her problem.

He was on top of her, looking down at her crotch. Mana gestured by spreading her legs, drawing him closer. She started to rub, visualizing his erection at her entrance. He teased by moving it across her length, making her heat up too fast. He had to enter. She used her other hand to fondle her breast. He pressed, and she slid her two fingers in. Her fingers mimicked his every thrust.

Her inner muscles constricted, forcing him and her fingers deeper. She repeated the procedure until her silent moan ended her illusion. She relaxed and took a deep breath, allowing her body to calm down.

Her energy was fading with her vision. Her eyelids were getting heavier. She turned her head and saw his gentle face in the screen. He was the last thing she saw before fatigue sent her in the place where she would meet him again.

AN – I finally started something. Ahhh… feels great. Though, I doubt that I'll update in any near future. You know, exams n' shit. Anyway. Mana. Yay! Finally decided to abort every other thing I did lately and do some justice for this girl. And by justice I obviously meant making her into bipolar girl with still untouched daddy issues (maybe…) that may or may not be crazy. You know, the usual. Well, the future looks bright.

I think I somehow managed to keep her original feel of the game. Though, what do I know? You can tell me, sir.

Fact. There's not enough of this girl in this fandom. Seriously? WHY?

Blah. Thanks for reading. It won't be very long. 6 chapters max. And yeah, the ending. It's not my thing but I did it for the lolz. I really wonder if people prefer that or if I should just skip… I mean, this story is M… for a reason. Mother fucking school life, I finally did it! My enthusiasm is finally crawling on surface. Hope you liked it.