Oops. I completely forgot about updating this. Sorry about that (and thank the anon who sent my GF/cowriter a message about it)
Hopefully you enjoy

Gamzee walked to the front door and pulled it open to come face to face with that purpleblood that had been there earlier. He stared at him with a blank face before pushing past him. The slightly larger troll just watched him before turning to follow him. Karkat saw them leaving with a frown. He followed, quietly. He didn't want them to know he was following them, but he didn't want to just let Gamzee go.

Outside there were several trolls, most of them armed. There was a van off to the side. Gamzee shuffled into the middle of the group. The other experiment stared at him for a moment before forcing him to the ground, and once he was down he placed a foot on his upper back to keep him down. The group of trolls moved forward, putting binds and chains on Gamzee's wrists, ankles, and neck. Karkat wanted to rush down and stop them, but he didn't want to get shot at before he made it even halfway there. One took out a syringe, pushing it into the back of his neck. Gamzee thrashed around for a moment before going limp. The group moved aside, letting the other purpleblood pick up Gamzee and take him into the van.

Karkat hadn't seen it before but one of the trolls was holding the small yellowblood off to the side, the yellowblood throwing a quiet fit and trying to reach at the larger of the purplebloods. When the door was locked he was released, and he fell but he quickly got up and ran over to him. The purpleblood gave a small smile, stretching the stitches on his lips as he picked up the smaller troll. Then he turned, carrying the yellowblood as he walked over to the van as well. Then they were gone.

Gamzee groaned, rolling onto his side with a grunt. His eyes slowly opened to stare at the gray metal wall. He blinked a few times before slowly hauling himself to his feet, feeling groggy and fuzzy all over. The room he was in barely gave him any walking space, and he couldn't do much more than crouch. For a moment he growled and glared at the wall that didn't look like it was there but was. He wanted to hit it and claw at it but it was pointless. It would only electrocute him if he tried. There was a soft click noise, a squeak and then another clicking noise. Now a small tray of food sat inches from him. He stared at it for a moment before kicking it to the other end of the small room, sitting back and stretching his feet out as much as he could. He would be stuck here for a while until someone came to get him for some testing. He hated it here. He hated the other trolls here. He almost hated the other experiments. He loved Karkat's small apartment. He could never hate it there. He really loved Karkat. That's why he had to leave, they would hurt him if he didn't. It only deepened his hatred for the trolls here.

He blinked when he realized he was being stared at. He glanced to the side to see the purpleblood from before, standing outside of the clear wall. The purpleblood was silent, just staring at him. Gamzee looked lower to see the yellowblood, who had an upset frown and was tugging at the shirt he was wearing. The purpleblood had an arm around the smaller to keep him back from trying to get to Gamzee.

After a moment Gamzee just sighed and rolled onto his side, his back to them. Even though the invisible but dangerous wall, he could hear the smaller's whines as he ignored them. They got quieter as the purpleblood carried the smaller away again. He sighed again and curled up into a little ball. It was gonna be a long night alone.

Karkat couldn't help himself. He had grown attached to the clingy experiment and ended up pacing the living room for a while.

"What'th you tho upthet about KK?" Sollux snorted from the kitchen doorway. "He wath only here a thort time and you treated him like he wath the worst thing to happen to this place."

"Oh shut up Sollux... he was just kind of like an annoying wiggler... but..." the redblood trailed off.

"What? You got a crush on him?" he snorted.

"No! Damnit Sollux, shut the fuck up!"

"You do!" he grinned and walked over to him.

"Shut your fucking mouth Sollux!" the smaller snapped.

"Nope!" Karkat smacked him in the shoulder with a loud huff. "Anyway, what do you want me to do KK?"

Karkat huffed again. "Well you are a better hacker than me..."

"What doeth thith have to do with hacking?"

"... I was wondering if you could hack and find where that lab is..."

"What, you're going to try and play hero?" he snorted, but grabbed the husktop off of the coffee table.

"Shut up... just please fucking do it."

"Alright then." he chuckled and opened the computer to get to work. Karkat left him alone, trying to keep from pacing more. A few minutes later Sollux called him back over.

"Hey, turns out you may have a chance at this. You can buy thethe experimenth if you thet the right price, and if you don't have the money you can try to get hired. Either way I don't thee you just thneaking in."

"... And about how much is it?" Karkat demanded, his fingers tapping against his leg.

"Uhh... not thomething you can afford."

"Okay what would I be trying to be hired for?"

"Hmm... Just taking care of the experements, really. That or paperwork. Each needs a handler of their own to bond with. Pretty sure Gamzee didn't have one."

Karkat slowly nodded. "Where is the place?"

Sollux grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the address down. "It'th actually jutht a few townth over."

Karkat nodded. "... thanks Sollux..." he stated.

"... Jutht be careful."

"I know."

Karkat talked, well more like yelled and demanded Eridan into giving him some time off. He traveled a few towns over by bus and followed the scribbled address. He nervously stood outside the large hive. He needed to help Gamzee but this lab scared him for some reason, despite the fact it didn't really look lab-ish from outside. He stood there for a few minutes before finally entering the building. It seemed pretty normal inside, a lot like a hospital actually. He went up to the front desk slowly, almost unsure. The female troll at the desk glanced boredly up at him. "Can I help you?" she asked boredly.

"I was hoping to apply for a job here," Karkat responded.

"Alright. Take a form off the table and fill it out." she sighed. The redblood nodded, taking a form and going to a seat. He started to fill out the paper, frowning a few of the questions. He vaguely thought about lying so he wouldn't be trackable but decided against it. About a half hour later, he returned to the front desk with the form all filled out. She took it and merely skimmed the pages before sending him down the hall and to an office. He was quiet as he walked down the hall, knocking on the door before getting permission to enter.

A little while later, he was leaving the office again. The interview seemed to have gone well and they would call him later if he got the job. They were going to read over his papers more carefully, check his records, possibly have another interview with him later. At this point all he could do was wait. He went to the renthive he got for the next few nights.

Yeah this was a bit cruel, but a little ray of hope here at the end *nervous smile*

There will probably be about 2 more chapters. And a sequel is in works.