Summary- The twin sister to the boy who lived disappeared. The only trace that was left of her was the warm sheet and an indentation in the mattress where she sat in the crib next to her brother. All those who know of her existence seemingly forget about her. The only ones that know is a pissed off dark lord, and a overly meddlesome headmaster.

Miah Rosalie Potter- Sister to the Boy Who Lived.


Voldemort stood on the street in Godrics Hollow, looking at the Potter house. It was small and quaint, there was nothing extraordinary about it. It looked like many Muggle houses he'd seen. As much as many Purebloods would hate to admit it. A house was a house, even in the Muggle world there were many houses that could be considered abstract. He'd once seen a house modeled after the head of an Owl. If you stood back far enough you could see a face. Windows in the style of a hexagon, a triangle window in the center below the two. Well it had a regular rectangle for a door, but the frame was bowed on either side making it look like the bird had an open mouth. One would think that this type of house would be built and owned by a magical person or family; but no the man was as Muggle as they come. Voldemort found himself entranced with the house, he let the man live; asking the man to help him with plans to build one of his own.

Snapping out of his thoughts concerning those of houses, he followed Pettigrew to the door of the house. He watched Potters surprised face turned to that of hatred. Drawing his want to pointed it at potter and muttered a curse which blew potter back out of the way. He watched as the man landed on the stairs, he still dared look at him with contempt and hatred, Voldemort yelled the killing curse as potter attempted to warn his wife to take the kids and flee.

Kids? Voldemort thought, he was sure that peter only ever mentioned the boy. Surely Severus would have told him of there being children. Severus the poor deluded boy had asked him to spare the girl. He was blinded by love, although from what he'd been told she had no affection for him. Still he had decided that if the woman sacrificed her child to save her own skin that he might have to kill her anyway. Even his own mother died from a broken heart. Even as a child Voldemort had no use for the useless emotion. All love ever did was hurt you, broke you down till you were nothing, a useless soul, no he was better off with out it.

He climbed the stairs and stood outside the room that must have been the nursery, and he saw a sight that he hadn't expected. The woman wasn't trying to run, she leaned over the crib, gently caressing her daughters hair as she leaned down to pick up a little boy. He must have been the child he was after. He listened as she cooed and sang. She then proceeded to tell the child how much she loved him so very much. After sitting the boy down, she turned and picked up the little girl. She said something similar to the girl only adding that she must take care of her brother, when they get older. If she was as wise as grandmother potter little Harry would need her the most.

Having heard enough for the sickly loving words the potter woman was muttering, he walked into he room telling the girl to move aside. When she wouldn't she turned around and used herself as a shield to protect her children. Killing the woman she slipped down over the crib crumbling onto her back. Her eyes still open, a smile on her face, she'd done the honorable thing and died to protect her young. How silly love was, had she attempted to save her own skin he'd have killed her after killing her children anyways. He couldn't abide cowardice, much to anyone's surprise.

Twins, he thought looking down at the two children in the crib he debated on which to kill first. Casting the killing curse at the boy, deciding he could do away with the girl after. "Avada Kedavra" he called.

The boy cried, and the girl screamed, a high pitch wail, full of hurt. He absent mindedly wondered if she was old enough to understand what was happening to her.

The curse bounced off the boys head hitting Voldemort in the chest. His body disintegrated and he fled. All the while thinking, trying to decide really, if it was the mothers love or the little girls that caused his defeat.

Then after deciding it was the little girls fault, as her mother lay dead at his feet at the time. He vowed revenge, not just against the boy that he'd marked as his equal; but on the girl as well.

It was just a shame that he didn't know the child's name.

Outside, there were members of the order gathering around. Sirius and Lupin were standing next to an invisible Dumbledore. Sirius saw a figure run away from the house towards where they were standing. It was Peter, their friend Peter. What was he doing there, had he been there the whole time? The two were thinking the same when Dumbledore slipped from the scene still under his former students invisibility cloak.

He attempted to follow Peter who seemed to disappear after turning a corner in the dark neighbor hood.

As Sirius and Remus were about to call the Aurors to the scene, Dumbledore stepped once again from the shadows, stopping them at the last minute. "Lets go inside shall we?" Dumbledore said in a somber tone. The plan was to have Sirius take the fall for the murder of James and Lily Potter; but Sirius didn't follow his friend half cocked like he'd expected him to. He needed to be sure that neither Sirius nor Remus were able to get custody of Harry. He needed the boy to stay with blood relatives, it's what his mother would have wanted, well it was what he wanted.

When they went inside, Sirius and Remus were in tears because of their fallen friend. At least he died fighting, Sirius thought.

Upon entering the nursery they bumped into Dumbledore who had stepped dead in the doorway. There were two children. Since when did they have two children? He looked closer, they were twins. He looked the boy over, he had a bit of hair, it was to soon to tell what color it would be. It looked to be black, he would more than likely have his fathers hair, but he had his mothers green eyes. There would be no mistaking him in the future, this was indeed potters son.

The girl, looked much like her mother, she had more hair than her brother. It was a fiery red, she would be very lovely indeed when she grew up, and like her brother she had her mothers eyes. She didn't look to have much of her father in her at all. There was no doubt that she was her mothers daughter. Now he just needed to figure out what he was going to do about them.

"The two of you knew of this?" Dumbledore asked, he was trying to sound his usual polite calm self. He needed to figure out what he was going to do about the girl. She wasn't necessary to his plan. Of course he didn't want to harm the child, he just wanted her out of the way. Perhaps, Muggleborn, I could use a glamour charm, that would last until death unless removed.. perhaps upon my death. Of course I won't die for many many years... he thought smugly, it could work. No better yet, the truth won't be revealed unless she's told who she is, or if she discovers it herself. That is even better, she could go her entire life not knowing that she is indeed Harry potters twin sister. Dumbledore smirked evilly. As he continued to think of how to make everyone forget, first he needed a complete list of everyone who knew. He needed to come up with a solution quickly.

"Yes, we knew," Sirius said, "she told us in good faith Albus, asked us to keep it a secret. I believe that only four of us knew. It didn't leave our circle of friendship; excluding peter, he was secret keeper after all."

"Yes," Dumbledore said, "we'll deal with it later. For now we must put the girl into hiding. No doubt Voldemort will assume she is partially to blame for his death. You do understand that he isn't dead, he will most likely return, although I doubt it will be for many many years. "

"One of us could take her," Sirius said, "we are her god parents after all."

"No I think we need to hide her away," Dumbledore said, "she needs to be somewhere he would never look. Harry must never know he has a twin sister."

Sirius and Remus didn't look to keen about the idea. "I've an idea," Dumbledore said continuing on, "The two of you go and collect the Auror's explain to them about the situation at hand and I'll come up with a plan."

"I guess we could do that sir," Remus said reluctantly. Upon their way from the room, Dumbledore conducted a memory charm, causing them to forget about the little girl in the crib. It didn't occur to him until after they had already gone that he forgot to ask the child's name. Shrugging his shoulders he proceeded to cast a glamor charm on the girl. Changing her hair, and her facial features, however he didn't see the harm in letting her eyes the same color. Many people have brown hair and green eyes.

Unbeknownst to Dumbledore Severus Snape had been lurking in the hall. He had come to check on the house after peter returned to the death eaters hiding place. He said that it was done, that their master was gone, destroyed in some way by a small child.

Severus watched as Dumbledore disapperated away with a small child in his arms. After he was sure the cost was clear he entered the small room only to find a baby in the crib, his green eyes boring into his skull. He turned to see Lily lying on the floor, scooping her up into his arms he cried. He told her how sorry he was, and that he would look after her child when the time came. After a short while he gathered himself together, looking at the boy a second time. Taking closer notice to the sheet on the mattress he saw what looked like an indentation in the mattress. From what he could see the boy hadn't moved since he entered the room. However there was an indentation left in the mattress next to him. That could only mean one thing, Harry wasn't the only child in the crib tonight.

Severus remembered thinking that when Dumbledore disapperated away it was Harry he was leaving with; no it must have been the other child. It made sense now, Dumbledore had no use for the other child, the other potter child. He secretly wondered how old the child was, and if it was a boy or a girl. There is something terribly, terribly wrong about all this,he thought. Looking at the boy one more time before leaving, he vowed silently once again to protect the potter children. He disapperated away, just before Dumbledore, returned downstairs to meet the Auror that came with Sirius and Remus.

In the end, James and Lily Potters will was never read. Dumbledore would have been found out if it had. Instead he manipulated everyone into thinking it would be best if Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived , went and stayed with his last living relatives; Petunia Dursley.

Chapter 1.

End of first year, the day where Harry, Hermione and Ron go to find the Philosopher's stone, after all the obstacles, when Harry has his confrontation with Quirrell and Voldemort. Might be a little different from the cannon.

Harry walked into the last room after Hermione figured out the riddle. She'd gone back to get Dumbledore, if it hadn't been for, Ron's sacrifice and Hermione's brains, he wouldn't have made it this far. He stumbled into the room, down the steps. He was surprised to see Professor Quirrell standing there. "Professor?" Harry asked tentatively.

"Harry Potter," he said in a raspy voice, "have you any idea what this mirror is supposed to do?"

"It shows you what you desire most," he answered.

"That explains it," Quirrell said in a raspy voice, "Tell me Potter what is it that you wished most to see? Is it you parents? Your sister perhaps?"

"I haven't a sister professor," Harry said suddenly confused.

'Turn around,' a slithery raspy voice said, 'I want to see.' Harry nearly jumped out of his skin as Professor Quirrell removed his turbot and turned around to show him the face that seemed to be growing from the back of his bald head. 'Shall I tell you about your parents Harry? Shall I tell you how they died? Your father fell easily enough, no it was your mother. You see when I killed her, she enacted an ancient protection spell. Love, it was love that saved you. I stood over your crib prepared to blast you and your twin sister, when the spell bounce off your precious little head, reducing my body to ashes.'

After a few moments of silence passed, he continued on, 'Stand in front of the mirror boy, tell me what you see.'

At this point professor Quirrell had turned around to watch the boy stand in front of the mirror. What Harry saw surprised him, he expected to see his parents. No, what he saw was even more grand, he saw himself holding the Stone, then he saw himself put it in his pocket. Harry, felt his pocket while still looking at the mirror, the stone was in his pocket.

"What do you see?" Quirrell demanded, suddenly his stuttering better.

"I see my parents," Harry said, "my mother is patting my shoulder and my father is smiling at me."

'He lies,' another voice said, 'kill him, get the stone.'

Suddenly Quirrell lunged at the boy, and Harry touched his hand. Quirrell jumped back in pain. Harry did the only thing that he could think of and touched Quirrell's face. Quirrell was reduced to ashes as he screamed in agony. The dark lord hovered above the ashed of his former servant, 'This isn't the end Potter, I'll get you and your twin.' and then he was gone, and suddenly Harry was alone. Left with all sorts of questions.

In the end Dumbledore explains the reason why Quirrell could not touch Harry was because Harry's mother had died to save him, protecting him with her love. "Professor," Harry said tentatively, "Voldemort mentioned my having a sister, do I sir?"

"Do you what Harry?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Do I have a twin sister?" Harry asked.

"He was mistaken in what he saw Harry," Dumbledore said, "I know nothing of what he speaks."

"Oh," Harry said disappointed, "I would have liked having a sister."

"I agree Harry," Dumbledore said with little emotion, "sisters are quite nice."

After the house cup was awarded and points rearranged, the students returned to their common room. Severus Snape sat in his office, thinking, going over the year in his head. Harry potter did indeed have his mothers eyes. Severus couldn't help but search the other eyes of his first year students. There were a few Muggleborn girls that had green eyes; but only one of those matched the intense green that was Lily Evans. Harry potter did indeed have his mothers eyes.

Severus found himself confused, Hermione Granger had green eyes. She had brown hair that seemed unruly at times, so perhaps she should have had brown eyes, gray eyes or even blue eyes. Brown haired, green-eyed girls were hard to come by. But Hermione couldn't possibly be Harry's twin could she?

Severus rubbed his temples, he felt a headache coming on, which meant one thing. He was thinking too much, analyzing the situation to the brink would do that. He leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. Dumbledore was hiding something, the manipulative old codger. 'I'll find you out,' Severus thought, 'I'll discover your secret, just you wait.'

Not many things happened over the summer, Dumbledore was still trying to make sure that things went his way. The Saviour of the Wizarding world needed to stay isolated, he could never find out about his sister. Dumbledore remembered dropping the delicate little girl off at the Granger household. Leaving her on the steps was a good idea at the time. He left a little note explaining that she needed care and a family. If they could leave out the fact that she was just left on their doorstep would be helpful for the future. Seeing as he didn't know her name, he wasn't able to tell them what it was.

When Hermione Granger was called for sorting he was surprised to see a green-eyed, frizzy haired 11-year-old girl. Surely it was a coincidence, that the girl had the same hair and eyes as the infant he dropped off at the Granger home so many years ago. He really should have changed the color of her eyes. What would she have looked like if he hadn't changed how she looked as a child?

Dumbledore removed her from his mind before he started to feel guilty about messing with her life. Her bother would have been safe living with her, wherever she was. She was his closest remaining family.

No, he thought, what done is done, there is no going back now. It's for the greater good, he has a better chance of defeating Voldemort for me if he's isolated. I'll be known as the man who made a hero when this is all said and done. There is no going back now.

Yes, that's what he would do; keep the boy isolated. It was to bad that Miss Granger and he had become friends. She would without a doubt be there for him when he needed her the most... wouldn't she?

Harry was sitting in his bedroom at his aunt and uncles. He couldn't help but wonder at what Voldemort meant. How couldn't Harry have a twin sister? Wouldn't he know if he had a sister or not?

He was tempted to ask his aunt if his mother had ever mentioned him to her. Would she tell him if he asked? Probably not, still it couldn't hurt to ask, right?

Sneaking down the stairs as quietly as he could, he saw his aunt standing in the kitchen at the stove. She was making lunch, probably for her and his cousin. Harry was usually left to fend for himself, in cases like these. He really was very hungry but didn't know if he could bring himself to eat before asking his aunt about him twin sister.

"Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked walking silently into the kitchen.

"What is it?" she asked stiffly, as she looked up at the constant reminder of her dead sister, standing there in the door way. Contrary to what she showed on the outside, she really was very sad about her sisters passing. She just didn't want her family to know about it.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked shyly.

"You may ask," she said in a docile tone, "but I may choose not to answer."

"I understand," Harry said, "I was wondering did my mother, ever mention me, having me I mean?"

After a moment of two of silence, "Yes," she said, "she sent an announcement for yours and your sisters birth. I'm not sure of her name however, I can't recall it. Why do you ask?"

"Well, the man, that attacked them, well he mentioned that I have a twin," Harry said, "but wouldn't I know if I was a twin or not?"

"I don't know," she said stiffly. In reality she was just trying not to cry for the lost niece she would never meet. Would things have been different if both her niece and nephew were staying in her home. A little girl in the home was what she had desperately wanted more than anything.

Not another word was said on the matter. Harry spent several days wondering why Dumbledore would keep such information from him. Could he trust him? Surely he could... right.

Hermione sat in her living room, reading a book on the couch in the family room. Well she was trying to read, she was listening to a conversation her parents were having in the kitchen.

"She has a right to know," her father said.

"I know that dear," her mother said, "but wouldn't it be better to wait until she was a little bit older?"

"She's more mature than some adults I know," her father argued, "she'll handle it well."

"Alright," her mother conceded after a few minutes of silence.

Soon after they entered the family room where Hermione was sitting pretending to read.

"Sweetheart, we've something we need to tell you," her mother said, "please try to be quiet until we're finished."

"Is it something bad?" she asked them, "you two aren't getting a divorce are you?"

"Of course not, sweetheart," her father said.

"Oh than goodness," Hermione said relaxing a bit. "what ever you have to tell me can't be bad as all that."

"I don't know dear," her mother gulped.

Her father reached over and patted her mothers hand, "The fact of the matter is dear is that your adopted. You were left on our doorstep when you were about a year old. There was a tidbit of a note explaining that your parents had passed on. The person asked us to keep you and raise you like our own."

"Why are you telling me this?" Hermione asked a bit in shock, adopted?

"We thought you had a right to know dear," her father said, "it doesn't make you any less our daughter though. I wouldn't give you up for the world."

"Thanks dad," she said hugging him tightly. "Is Hermione my real name?"

"The letter didn't give us what your name was," her mother said, "So when we went to the police, to tell them that this beautiful little girl was left on our doorstep without a name they allowed us to named you. After the waiting period, that is. They had to file a missing persons report first. After 30 days when no one claimed you, they let us keep you. We named you what we planned to name our daughter if we ever had one. Hermione Jean Granger, after my favorite Greek God, and me."

"Oh, Mom," Hermione said hugging her mother, "I'm glad that you are the ones that found me. Can I tell my friends? Or should I keep it a secret?"

"I would keep it a secret for now dear," her mother said, "You never know how people may react to something like that."

"Alright, I'm not sure that Harry would want to hear that," Hermione said, "his parents died when he was just a year old too, but he live with his uncle and aunt that they don't treat him all that well."

Jean and Alex Granger looked at each other, with a look of concern before leaving Hermione to get back to what they assumed was her summer reading. They had a sinking suspicion that things weren't all that they seemed. The note had said a few other things, about their adopted daughter; but they weren't prepared to go into it at this point. The note had asked that they not tell her about the rest, and to only tell her about being adopted if it was needed.

Now that they thought about it they only knew half of the facts. Could the person who left Hermione on their doorstep be trusted? They certainly hoped so...

A/N: I bet you're wondering what brought this story on when I'm still working on two others? Well it's an idea that popped into my over a month ago. I'm still trying to figure out where to go from here.

I've been reading other stories, and although I've come across ones where Harry had a sister, there were only one or two where Hermione was said sister. This story will contain a tricky headmaster a suspicious Snape. Remus and Sirius after having their memories wiped won't know about Hermione being potters twin until she figures it out or is told. And there will perhaps be an overly evil Lord Voldemort.

I may only update this once a month unless I get a better handle on where this story is going. I know where I want it to end up, but I also want Harry to follow the clues to his sisters identity.

Tell me what you think I like feed back. And yes I know that some things are different from the Cannon. It will be as I've decided to twist events and people to my own liking. I will however try to keep the characters in character, if I can.

P.S. I do not own harry potter.