AN: Here goes nothing...

He took a deep breath. Maybe this was a bad idea. This was probably a bad idea. As the figure on the couch moved slightly, Bart caught his breath. This was definitely a bad idea. He froze mid step, something that never happened for him. He watched the rise and fall of the other boy's chest, eyes searching for a reason to show that Jaime was, in fact, awake. But Jaime looked fast asleep. Eyes closed, mouth slightly open. One hand was on his chest and it rose with each breath he took. Bart gulped. For his plan to work, Jaime needed to stay asleep as long as possible. So, for once, Bart decided his speed wasn't the best plan. So he took a cautious step forward, then another. This was taking forever. But inch by inch, foot by foot, he slowly approached the couch. This was the longest it ever took Bart to decide on anything. Once he reached the couch, he watched the boy for a minute. He looked so comfortable; Bart almost turned around and left him in peace. But that wasn't Bart. He came all the way back in time to save this boy; he might at least have a little fun while he does it. So without further ado, he raised his arm, and sent the water balloon crashing down onto Jaime's face.

Thanks to the Allen family eyes, Bart was able to see Jaime's eyes open a split second before the balloon broke. Lids raised and sleepy brown pools were abruptly assaulted by the red blob attacking his face.


As soon as the balloon broke, Bart ran. He sped out of the room and skid into a hallway, only to peek his head around the corner. Jaime was still flailing on the couch, water dripping from his face onto the pillows. He lurched up, one hand on the back of the couch, the other furiously wiping water from his eyes. As soon as he spotted Bart, his look of confusion was replaced with one of annoyance.

"¿En serio, hermano?" He blurted out. "Really dude?"

Bart laughed playfully. "You will learn to love me!" He announced in his typical fashion, striking a pose with one hand stuck straight up in the air. "Oh wait," He made an overly dramatic face and clapped his raised hand over his mouth. "Spoilers." And with that, he dashed down the hall. As Bart ran, he heard Jaime muttering almost to himself "No, it would not have been preferable to disintegrate him when we had the chance."

Bart skid into the middle of his room, the door blowing shut behind him with a bang. He stopped laughing for a second, reveling in the look on Jaime's face when he came up spluttering, water dripping from his hair, dark eyes blinking wildly, trying to madly clear away a combination of sleep and ice water. Bart thought back to what he himself had said.

"You will learn to love me."

Another image flew into his mind. A very different image. Another face. Lips curled into a mad growl. Eyebrows drawn tight over bloodshot eyes. A face etched with so many lines that it was impossible to tell where the scars ended and the wrinkles began. Stringy brown hair covered parts of the large skull. But the most imposing part of the figure wasn't even the weapon trained at Bart's shivering frame. It was the eyes. Clouded as they were, they were unmistakable. The same brown pools he now remembered framed by Jaime's face. Jaime's younger face.

Bart felt a shiver running down his spine. Thinking about the future, his past, was something he avoided doing if he had could. He came here to change it. So change it he would. Without another pause, he reached down into the bucket sitting in the middle of his room and pulled out another balloon. He tossed it lightly in his hand a few times, before regaining his wicked grin.

I wonder what Superboy is up to.

AN: I apologize for my horrible writing plus horrible Spanish. If anyone knows the right way to say it, please tell me!