I'm so sorry that this isn't actually an update but I recently discovered Fictionpress and I have started a story that I think you'll like. If you fancy it could you please check it out. My username is Hattie97 and it is called Our Little Secret. Here is a preview. Thanks.

The blistering sun beat down from the heavens, sending golden light over the small, homely buildings below. The sky was a clear, forget-me-not blue with dozens of birds soaring overhead, and the ground was dusty underfoot. Shops lined each side of the street, doors open wide to admit any manner of customers who wanted to enter, and voices mingled cheerfully from inside each one. There wasn't a frown to be seen: each child was giggling and squealing, each teenager was laughing and playful, and each adult was elated and merry. The streets were abnormally crowded seeing as it was a blissful summers day, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong.

His hair was plastered to his forehead above eyes that were wide and frightened. A light breeze blew past him, making him shiver in the suddenly cool air. He was dressed casually so as not to stand out in the busy street, with only a pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt that clung to his body and simple, white trainers. Even though he didn't usually bite his lip, now his teeth were wrenching it apart in his nervousness as he moved onto the pavement next to Waterstones.

He pretended to be like any other boy - rowdy, impolite and arrogant - but he knew he wasn't succeeding. Instead, he was quiet and withdrawn, the horrors that he'd seen and been witness to clouding his eyes and mind.

He continued to trudge along, trying to keep his head low so that he would not be recognizable to any of their spies who might be watching. His eyes kept flicking this way and that in an effort to see if he had been spotted, but so far nothing was out of the ordinary.

There was a brilliant booming noise before the store he'd been hurrying past started to shake on its foundations. Terrified screams sounding from inside as people shoved each other in their rush to escape the collapsing building. In the next second a cloud of dust rose up as the shop finally came to rest, debris flying everywhere. Screams and sirens mixed in the air as the firemen arrived to what had obviously not been an accident. He had no doubt about who had caused it.

A shout to his left ripped him from his thoughts and he turned to see a shaking finger pointed at him. The man it belonged to had a cropped head of ginger hair and sparkling, sapphire-blue eyes that were burning with what looked like a mixture of hatred and fear.


That was all it took; every eye turned in his direction, curiosity and pain showing in every face. More sirens rent the air, signaling that the police were on their way. He found his breath coming out in sharp gasps as he stared straight into the eyes of his accuser.

"He did it."

Those final words jolted him from his state of shock and he glanced around in horror as three police cars drew up, the inhabitants all jumping out. By then all of the injured had been taken away and he dearly hoped that there were no dead, but knowing them, there probably would be.

A small hand fitted itself into his palm but before he could turn to look at the culprit, he was being dragged away from the crime-scene. He tried to look back once but his companion just tugged impatiently on his arm and he was forced to continue.

Whoever it was took him down a series of narrowly twisting streets until she reached a certain house. They fumbled for a moment with the key to the door before pushing it open and stumbling into the sitting room beyond.

It was only then that he got a good look at his 'kidnapper'. She was about a head shorter than him and dressed in form-fitting jeans and a blue, Jack Wills hoodie with the hood pulled up to shield her face from view. Even so he could see a hint of brown hair peeping through.

"Who are you?" he snapped rudely, not willing to take any chances even though she didn't look like she could hurt a fly.

Instead of replying, she carefully removed the hood and allowed it to fall down her back. Cinnamon colored curls cascaded to her waist and her cocoa-brown eyes regarded him solemnly. She had a cute, button nose and full, rouge lips. A slight smile curled the corners of her mouth as she finally spoke.

"My name is Aisling Ava Sophia Lowe but you can call me Ash."