
Couple: Rin x Len

Rated: STRONGLY rated T. Actually, I should probably say this is just rated M tbh

Holiday: National Tie Month (December)

Len hated to wear that damned yellow tie - it choked the life out of him, that damn thing wrapping around his neck like some kind of tight noose, and it only felt like it was constricting his air in the moments that he really needed to breathe.

But Rin, she seemed to love that torturous thing. She thought of it as a collar, in a way, always refusing to let him take it off during their intimate moments, even if he had nothing else to cover himself, just so that she could tug on it and keep him in place while she did all of the work. That was just the kind of person Rin was - forceful and dominant. She'd left red marks on the back of his neck before, yanking that cloth so hard that it would rub his skin raw while she worked her soft pink lips against the more sensitive flesh of his chest.

He couldn't deny that he felt a more prominent spark in his abdomen when Rin kept a firm grip on his tie and ordered him around, punishing him by tightening it slightly around his neck - she didn't exactly want to suffocate him, but she wanted to be sure that she always had control of the situation, and what better way to do so than making him feel a little bit more...breathless...at the contact?

"Take off your shirt," the blonde girl commanded, and Len let out a soft mewl of discomfort as Rin shifted where she straddled his hips, giving him room to grasp the end of his shirt with shaking hands; Rin helped him by loosening his tie and taking it off, yet the moment his shirt was discarded to some place across the room, she placed it over his head again.

Len wanted nothing more than to flip their positions, to shove her forcefully down into the mattress and make her pay for using his damned tie and his sweet spots against him in moments like that. (He hadn't topped since after she discovered how thrilling holding him by his tie could be, and that had been months before. While it felt good, it was killing the reputation he'd bragged so much about to Piko and Kaito.) He remained obedient in his actions, though, but he managed to croak out a few words to his girlfriend after she removed her own shirt and ran her free hand along the expanse of her own smooth, flat stomach as though to tease him.

"Rin," he mumbled, panting, "Stop...Stop..."

"You want me to stop?" she countered, an innocent edge to her voice as she tipped her head to one side, her eyes wide and curious. No hidden amusement or mischief swirled in her cerulean gaze.

"Let me lose the tie..." he pleaded, both of his hands grasping hers where it clutched the offending fabric still wrapped around his neck.

Rin seemed as though she were considering for a moment, and with a small nod of her head, she began to loosen it again. "I'll let you take it off," she told him as she undid the knot and let it hang around his shoulders, "but only if I can use it some other way."

"I have an idea for it," Len offered, a slight smirk dancing across his lips. He had been freed; Rin didn't have that damn thing around his neck, and she couldn't give it a fierce yank to make him yield to whatever kind of torture she was unleashing on his body with her fingers and lips - heck, now that she didn't have that tie, she had no way of keeping her position, keeping her control, and without much of a struggle, Len grasped her upper arms and threw her off himself, moving to straddle her hips. He used one hand to cage the both of her wrists above her head while she squirmed and squealed in protest, and with slow, taunting movements, he grabbed one end of his tie. "Rin, would you like a blindfold or a gag?"

She glared up at him in frustration, though a heavy blush had already begun to spread across her cheeks. She squirmed slightly and growled, "Don't even think about it."

Normally, he might've felt bad and loosened up on her. But this was revenge - sweet, sweet revenge that he'd been looking forward to for so long! - so was quite proud of himself as he wrapped the tie firmly around her wrists to keep her from fighting back against him. He didn't think about securing them against the headboard of the bed or anything; she wouldn't be able to do much with him straddling her the way he already was, anyway.

"What's wrong, Rin?" He took note of her flustered and infuriated expression and used his tone of voice to play on it, to piss her off even more than she already was. "Does it bother you, not being in control?"

"Len, I swear to Master, I will fu-"

"Ah, ah, ah! I think you should be a little more polite. Have you forgotten who's in control now?"

"I won't bend to your will just because you've got me tied up." She mewled softly as his lips found her jawline and kissed her along it gently, slowly melting away her will for dominance. "L-Len, no...no."

He smirked as he whispered in her ear. "I like being on the other end of my tie, heh. Now you know what it's like to be in my place." He pressed a chaste kiss to her temple and nuzzled into her hair. "How does a bit of revenge sound to you, starting now?"

Rin couldn't swallow her moans from then on, and she couldn't say that she hated it, either.

I hope you enjoyed this hot & spicy Rin/Len. C: I kinda feel like it was suggestive enough to be M, but I dunno?

Still no review replies; sorry! I'm in such a rush! But i really do appreciate every single one of you guys! C:
