
"I don't have to answer anything, and my motives for my movements are none of your business" Alucard snarkily replied.

Bernadotte held his ground. "I'm not doubting my fledging's skills in a fight, if anything, she's well capable. It would've been better if she was returned here un troubled"

Alucard growled. This needed to stop now.

"That's enough. My leg is starting to hurt from the burn and I have another thesis about our situation Bernadotte"

He kept his eyes trained on Alucard, so much animosity was filled in them. Red tinged the outline of his eyes. He didn't even hear me...


His head was tilted forward slightly and his braid whacked him in the face one good time. My hand stung a little bit in pain. Perhaps I should've put less strength into that.

"We need to go Bernadotte, now"

He swallowed and nodded, following me out of Integra's office, but the waves of anger coming off of him was unmistakable.


I yelped loudly. The hand around my throat squeezed harder than it ever has before. Blood squeezed out of my eyes, and I scratched his arm to pieces but this didn't phase him.

"You may not be my 'fledgling' anymore, but you still answer to me! Refrain from doing that again"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" I said while choking on the air I didn't really need to breathe.

He flung me onto his open coffin/bed and my head connected to the wall, I groaned. I said I was sorry already, what'd he have to give me a headache for?

I didn't have time to react, nor move. He was faster than I expected and I would never overpower him, not in the next three hundred years. Fangs pricked my neck and entered into my main jugular, it hurt...but then again it didn't.

I mindlessly pressed my hands against his chest, gently so not to anger him. "Bernadotte, your entitled to my blood whenever ,but with my permi- ouch!" What was he biting so hard for? And what was he doing?

He forced his knee between my legs and felt up my back, I don't...I don't like this. I don't want this...not in the way he's doing things so forcefully.



How many times must I wake up to hitting my head on this damn lid?!


Strange. Bernadotte isn't up yet so he's not the one that called, I growled. I recognize this scent, someone tampered with something in my dreams. Moving my hands around, I felt for the button to lift my bed when I felt something else instead. A tooth, a sharp one at that..pretty sharp too and much like a fang. But not a vampire fang...a dog.


"It smells familiar"

I nodded. "You may not remember, but I's them"

Bernadotte frowned. "Your going to have to freshen my memory"

I sighed. Sometimes he was really good for nothing.

"1675. Do you remember that year?" I asked.

He paused for a second before breaking out into a smile. "I lost a both my eyes and an arm, lucky I got them back"

"And I almost lost you completely, do you remember the people that did that to you?" I asked pressing on.

His eyes widened slightly in realization. "Ophelia and Vervain, they aren't alive anymore. I took care of them myself"

I held one of Ophelia's fangs out to him and he narrowed his eyes at it. "Ophelia, the bringer and corrupter of dreams as her name applies, tampered with mine! I don't like the thought of her and her brother still being alive especially when they're compromising our lives"

"I still don't know how they're alive..."

"It doesn't matter how they're alive! I want them dead! We will incinerate them if we have to!" I shouted.

Bernadotte paused and looked at me, he had a strange look on his face. "What?"

He walked closer to me. "Your a little on edge, what's wrong?"

"I don't want them ruining the new lives we've just established Bernadotte. Back then...we were bloodthirsty and half crazed on the blood we stole from people! I'm not becoming like that anymore...that part of myself scares me" I said turning away from him.

I heard him sigh a little and walk towards me. He took my hand and rubbed his thumb over the top of it reassuringly. "Don't worry Seras, your my flesh and blood. I made you, so your mine. I won't let anything happen to you"

Closing my eyes, I took my hand away from him and sat on my bed/coffin. I looked up at him and his facial expression looked hurt, I decided not to say anything and instead checked what time it was.

From what it felt like, it was midday, the sun was still out, Bernadotte and I still had some hours left to sleep.

"We should get some rest...Integra will be requesting us soon. I don't wanna be late again" I said laying down.

He was about to say something but nodded and climbed into his coffin, the lid shut silently. A puddle of blood was trapped in my hands, and I realized I was crying. Something between Bernadotte and I changed, and I think it was because of that damned dream that I had.

Ophelia won't live to see another day, Vervain will have to go as well.


A first in our book, Bernadotte and I arrived in Integra's office on the dot. She didn't praise us or make a smart remark like I thought she would, but only nodded her head at us.

"This mission is simple. Small nest of vampires, multiple ghouls, and a lot of human corpses. Go deal with it. Alucard watch over them and assist them if nessecary, that order is not mandatory though"

Bernadotte and I nodded once and zipped our way out of Hellsing just as the sun escaped the horizon.

'Lets get this over and done with Bernadotte, I want to hurry and pursue Ophelia and her damned brother'

'In time Seras. You must be patient, and if I can recall correctly, they weren't that easy to find the first time. They're both very elusive little things.'

I sighed, I was beyond irritated. 'We must do away with them...I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach'


I knew it!i knew it! Blood spilled out the side of my eyes as Bernadotte and I ran towards Hellsing as fast as we could. The smoke in the sky could be seen from miles away, the scent of ashes and fire whipped around in the atmosphere. I cried out in anguish when it seemed Bernadotte and I just weren't running fast enough.

'Seras! Calm down, I won't let anything happen to them ok? But I need you to hold it together' he said

I didn't respond to him and only willed my feet to go faster, for my leaps to go farther, Im not going back to that time. Never again.

I could practically smell the blood soaking into my hands, gallons of blood pouring out of my pores because so much was on me, and the blissful glee on my face. I'm so ashamed.


Bernadotte was shaking me to death trying to get my attention. He faced my body towards the Hellsing mansion that was up in flames, my heart (what's left of it) ached and I wanted to turn away.

"I'm giving you Luna, I already have Sol with me. Take her, and go inside to insure Integra's safety"

I turned back to Bernadotte in worry. "What are you going to do?"

"It's my turn to do ghoul duty, plus...I have to take on at least one of the twins don't I?" He said smiling.

Flashbacks of him almost dying on me passed through my mind. I winced painfull but nodded. "If you don't come back to me in one piece you will never hear from me again"

He smiled, showing off his fangs and disappeared behind the mansion. I checked Luna to see how many rounds were left...thirty. Just perfect. Knowing the twins, that won't be enough to kill both of them or even just one of them.


The supporting pillars inside the mansion was threatening to come down on top of me, the air was clammy and damp, and no other voices could be heard throughout the whole mansion. Was everyone dead?

I was almost sure Integra wasn't because she would be safe with Alucard, but as far as her maids and other servants...there wasn't much room to hope for them was there?


I closed my eyes and felt multiple shivers run up and down my back. His voice was still the same, but a lot of bad memories came along with it..that voice. I was remembering things I had sworn to never look back on again.


"Why must we attend such a trivial thing? You can't except every offer a pretty girl offers" I said scornfully.

A playful smile illuminated my master's face, it was very hard to be mad with him.

"Must you be so uptight all the time fledgling? As a newborn, you should learn to live a little, you haven't even tasted your first drop of blood yet. Going to this event just may help you in first experiences"

I sighed. "Drinking from your vein is more comfortable for me. What if my prey tries to harm me?"

He patted my head and handed me a beautiful deep sea blue dress. "If your prey tries to attack you in resistance then do whatever feels natural. I won't blame you if you kill them"

I gasped in horror and his smile returned. "When I get back to escort you to the gathering, I expect your dress to be on"

The smile was still there ,but he was anything but playful in the tone of voice he used. I would have nasty reprocussions if I didn't do as he commanded. I nodded.

"Yes, as you wish master"

He turned away from me and left the small room, I started undressing as soon as he left. The dress was a bit difficult to figure out ,but eventually I was able to properly fit myself inside of it. A slight shredding sound of fabric made my blood run cold, I held my breath and looked down uncertainly. Damnit, a small tear could be seen near my upper torso and under my swelling breast.

I whined and sat down on the near by bed to collect my thoughts. Sewing clothing was beyond my capability and the times where I watched my mother do it...escaped my mind elusively. Mother...I aimlessly caressed the multiple encased rubies around my neck. It was a chocker and would only fit my neck alone.

I gazed around the room and didn't recognize it. Master must have carried me here while on the trip here and I dozed off. The room was rather small and resembled a dressing room (hence the multiple mirrors put off to the side and the extra dresses and shoes), the carpet floor was a royal emerald green and matched the color of the walls.

Small candles were placed in nearly every corner of the room, and there were no windows. It felt like I was in a decorated prison, awaiting for the next time I'll be let out and allowed to see other people. That wasn't very far from what my master was doing to me anyway.

A small knock on the only known door to the room made me jump. "Who is it?" I called.

"What did I tell you about calling out like that? You should be able to smell my blood and know who I am by now. Don't rebuke your natural blood Seras"

I frowned. "None of this is natural, master. Being this creature that lurks in darkness only to feed upon unsuspecting humans...I grew up believing this was a fairy tale"

Silence settled between myself and my master. A series of locks could be heard clicking out of place before he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. His hair wasn't in the usual braid, but straight and tied into a low ponytail, the typical hairstyle of this time and the people of this country.

His light jacket was the same deep blue that my dress was and was decorated with black swirls on the front of it. The shirt he wore under it was black as well and ruffled at the sleeves. The look on his face wasn't very pleased.

"This is hard I know, becoming the same creature as the ones that killed your mother and father and leaving you forever orphaned. But I won't hear another complaint from you about your newfound life, remember how much of your life you owe me Seras" he told me.

The rim of my eyes filled with blood, and I bit my lip to hold back the oncoming flow of it. "Your right. I owe you more than the life you've given me, I should be greatful to you"

He nodded and pulled me onto my feet. His eyes traveled up and down my body, lingering solely on my swelling chest. A blush crawled over my face as he continued to stare. Cursing under his breath, he walked me over to a small bench in front of a mirror that sat upon a small dresser. He gently combed his fingers through my scalp and I closed my eyes in bliss.

"What are you doing master?" I asked.

He parted my blonde hair evenly down my head with a sharp fingernail, he hummed an unrecognizable tune to himself as he did so.

"We have to do something about your hair, it looks as if you haven't ran a brush through it in weeks"

He extended one of his fangs and bit into his index finger, I winced at the sight. He grabbed a certain amount of my hair and wrapped it around his bleeding finger, after awhile he unraveled my hair and it curled nicely. The blood on it dried and turned brown, making my blonde hair seem as if it had brown highlights. A nice touch.

Pretty soon, my hair was slightly curly with the brown lighting it up. Aside from it usually being untamed and frizzy, it actually looked civilized and stretched down to my upper back. I didn't think it was that long. He stood me up from the bench and walked me towards him, giving me another once over before deciding I was ready.

"Ahh, I see you've torn it a little" he said fingering the small hole I made.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I said.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault, they've grown considerably since the last time I've had you wear a dress. The dress itself would've never been able to contain them without tearing itself to make room"

I blushed even deeper when I realized what exactly he was referring to. My chest was too big for the dress.

"Luckily I came prepared for this situation"

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small needle and thread. Kneeling down in front of me while I stood, he approached the tear in my dress with the needle held in his mouth. Frowning, he gestured for me to hold my breast up with my hands so he could get to the tear without pricking me. With a blush, I lifted them alittle and in two minutes he was done. The dress looked good as new and I sighed in relief.

"When did you learn to sew clothing, master?" I asked him in awe of his good work.

He shrugged lightly. "I had a lot of time on my hands, fledgling"

I looked towards the door and then back at my master expectantly, he was always complaining about us never being on time to events. We would make it in time if we left now. He saw my readiness and nodded, he offered his arm and I took it without hesitation.

We only took one step forward before the whole front of my dress almost fell. I grabbed it in time and squeeled loudly. He rolled his eyes and twirled his finger to signal me to turn my back towards him.

"Christ there's always something wrong with clothes and you my fledgling. Your body type causes all sorts of problems and costs me money" he muttered.

He tied the black ribbons to the back of my dress that holds it together tightly, and put them in neat bows. Lastly, he clipped the upper part of the corset dress together with a black pin to support me better, and without pricking me for the whole night.

"There. Now lets hurry before we're late" he said grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.


We arrived at the party shortly after the sun settled behind the horizon. There wasn't many people ,but enough to fill the room to a desirable amount. Just by the smell of lingering blood and wine, everyone here was of a high status in wealth and power.

'Behave here fledgling, or I'll have your head later'

With that threat, his eyes glowed a frightening red down at me. I nodded and let the shivers travel across my body in waves.

'I will not embarrass you master'

Soft music played in the room and people talked in low to high voices. Some laughing, some carelessly drunk or tipsy, or the many that was standing around waiting for something interesting to happen.

Once my master was noticed by someone, we were flocked to by the majority of the people in the room. Women of all types were flaunting their way onto my master's lap, while most of the men in the room oogled my body with their eyes. I obeidiantly kneeled on the floor by my master's side and never spoke unless specifically spoken to.

After a couple of hours, the hype died down and my master's entourage dispersed to mingle with the others that had just walked in. Two newcomers caught my eye the moment they appeared at the stairs.

My mouth dropped slightly at their beauty. They had the same face, but one was clearly a woman and the other a man. His hair swooped away from his face in waves of dark waterfalls and stopped halfway down his back. The lids of his eyes hid away the orbs I wished to look into, as he led the woman gently by the hand down the stairs. The clothes on his back said he may have been of royalty and is highly respected.

The woman, by whom's hand he held, had a cruel beauty about her. Her eyes were the shade of black onyx (utterly astonishing), and her black wavy hair, identical to the man's beside her, only fell to her shoulders and upper back. The dress she wore was of royalty as well, the tresses outlined with gold but the dress itself made out of deep red silk and velvet.

I was captivated by the sheer beauty of the two that I didn't notice my master's commands, thus, I was sharply hit in the side. Yelping out loud, my master finally got my attention.

'Do not stare at them, fledgling. We want nothing to do with them..'

A confused look came onto my face. 'But why?'

The look he gave me terrified me to no end. 'Are you questioning me?'

I was quick to shake my head no and our telepathic conversation ended there. Averting my gaze, I stared at the floor of the place. Counting, all the squares gave me something to do and take my mind off the ache in my knees from kneeling on the ground for so long. Before I had time to react, two pairs of feet invaded my view from the floor.

Wondering who it was that had interrupted me, I slowly peered up at the advisary, only to be scolded by master.

'Eyes on the floor Seras! I won't tell you again'

Immediately, my eyes looked back at the person's feet. My skin tingled in nervousness as I recognized the ends of the dress which stood in front of me, it was the woman I saw earlier, the beautiful one. Next to her, must be the male that was with her!

"What brings you to me?" My master asked them.

"We've never seen your faces in this annual event before, I just thought it would be nice to introduce my brother and I to you newcomers" she said.

Even her voice was delightful to hear, it melted into my ears with such pleasure and ease.

Master chuckled. "Well it would be rude of me to let a fair lady such as yourself introduce her entourage before I, so I will take the pleasure of going first. This here is Seras Victoria, and I am Pip Bernadotte"

The woman curtsied and I presume the male next to her bowed.

"This here is my brother, Vervain Felix Martinez. And I am Ohpelia Elizabeth Martinez, pleased to meet your acquaintance Sir Brnadotte"

They curtsied and bowed again. My master tilted my face up and I fully looked at them, they were breath taking up close.

"Don't be rude Seras. Greet them like any people of royalty that would show such respect to you" he commanded.

I nodded and stood up gracefully. Curtsying as low as I could, I swooped the floor slightly and came back up without wobbling.

"I am honored to be in your presense" I said with a small smile.

The woman, Ophelia, returned the smile but it did not reach her eyes. Her brother on the other hand stepped in front of his sister and kissed my hand. A blushed appeared all over my face much too quickly.

"An honor to be in your presense as well. Such rare beauty in a place such as this, is truly a gift"

His sister kept her composure, but the way she stared at my hand and her brother screamed aggressiveness. He released my hand already, but the feeling was still there. His skin was extremely warm, sweltering to be exact. Strange.

"We will be on our way" Ophelia said leading Vervain away.

My heart dropped alittle as I saw him leave, his very presence brought something alive in me.

'Something isn't right about those two, are us?' I asked my master.

He shook his head and narrowed his eyes at them. 'Your right on one thing Seras, they aren't right and no, they aren't like us. Something that's been a danger to people like us for centuries'

I looked over at them again and I met eyes with Vervain, his eyes were the same as his sister's but his were different. Warmer. Yearning, I think is what it's called. This feeling I'm feeling right now...I yearned for this man. He turned away from me after awhile and I felt my heart drop again, his sight has only been in my view for five minutes and he already had such power over me.


This party lasted for hours on end. There were humans mixed in with this group and I felt like I couldn't control myself any longer. Master kept insisting that we were going to leave soon and then I could have my dinner ,but we didn't seem to be leaving any time soon.

"May I get some of the drink over there to keep my mind off of the hunger?" I asked.

He inhaled sharply. "Red wine, it should help but I don't know what your preference is. Yes you may, but be aware that I'm watching you fledgling"

I nodded and gathered the longer part of my skirt and walked steadily to the wine servings. I reached for a glass before the one I was aiming for was snatched away. Frowning, I looked at the person that grabbed it before me.

"A lady as beautiful as yourself should never pour her own glass"

My eyes widened slightly as I met face to face with Vervain himself. He chuckled and gave me back my now filled glass, which I drank steadily from. His gaze was fixed on me and I felt rather uncomfortable. Feeling the need to say something, I set my empty glass back on the serving table.

"Are you enjoying this night?" I asked.

He smiled gently at me, my heart was fluttering for sure. "Why yes ofcourse. The moon is showing her beauty to us all tonight, but most don't seem to notice"

"I happen to admire the sun alittle more than the mystifying moon herself. The sun may punish those around him by blinding those that care to gaze at his brilliance, but doesn't that make it even more tempting to gaze on it knowing you shouldn't?"

His eyebrows rose slightly and he smiled again. "That gives me something to think about. Ahh, this song is magnificent. Care to dance?" He asked holding his hand to me.

I looked nervously over at my master and he nodded stifly just as Ophelia blocked my view of him. Turning my attention back to Vervain, I gently took his hand and led me to the crowd of dancing people. He pulled me closer than I thought was necessary and held me tightly by the waist.

We danced to the rhythm of the music and others moved out of the way for us, so caught in eachother's world. I peered deeply into his eyes when a surge of hunger traveled through my whole body, making my eyes glow red for a moment. He frowned and I gently pulled away from him, gracefully but hurriedly leaving the place all together.

The cool brisk air came into contact with my skin and I breathed out a sigh. My fangs elongated and pricked my lips painfully, they throbbed with hunger and tears pricked at the corner of my eyes. God I was hungry.

After ten minutes, I decided to just briefly head back inside and try to convince my master to secretly give me a portion of his blood. Ramming straight into a hard chest, I caressed my nose and mumbled an apology to whoever it was I rudely ran into. Looking up, I met with Vervain again.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked nervously.

He looked at me seriously. "I saw what happened...while we were dancing. I know what you are and what your male companion is"

I shivered in fear. Oh god he knew our secret, now what is he gonna do? Exposé us?

"I may be young, but...if you attempt to endanger my master and I. I won't hesitate to take your life" I said staring him in the eyes.

His face crumbled into a full on smile that was dazzling to see, I blushed at the sight. "If you do want to take my life you'll have to get through my sister first. It won't be easy either, for I'm not human either"

I frowned. When my master said they were natural enemies of the sort to our kind, I thought he meant humans, apparently not. There were other creatures of this world other than ours.

"Than what...?"

It took me a moment to register what was happening. His arms were around me in a gentle embrace, and we were surrounded by trees so no one could really see us. I melted into his embrace and returned it the best I could without doing something stupid out of sheer embarrassment.

I snuggled my face into his neck and didn't notice what I was doing until it was too late. He jerked back, but I held onto him harder than ever without really doing it on my own will. My fangs slipped under his skin and I sucked, awaiting the sweet nectar running through his veins. What I got instead, felt like fire was burning my skin on the outside and on the inside.

Screeching, I unlatched myself from his neck and pushed him away from me. Crying from the pain, I fell to my knees and clutched at my stomach. He walked over to me and smiled.

"I told you I wasn't human, but your hunger got the best of you I suppose. What I will do, is give you your dinner. And I do this because I love you"

He disappeared from my sight and I continued to writhe in pain on the ground. It wasn't long before he returned to me with a woman draped in his arms, drunk and unconious. Her brown long hair was swooped to one side for my benefit and he laid her down on my lap. Using a long fingernail, he slit her throat neatly and blood drenched her dress. She choked and gurgled a bit before stopping.

I didn't hold myself back, and I drank and drank until her body was almost shriveled up. She now resembled a dried plum. I sighed fully satisfied and laid back on the ground, my full stomach made me want to sleep. Vervain chuckled and took the dead corpse from my lap and threw her into the nearby lake, and picked me up in his arms.

I closed my eyes for a moment and before I knew it, I was peacefully asleep.

Turning around, I met his onyx eyes and dark hair neatly pulled back into a low ponytail. His attire was still the same after centuries. Black dress pants with dress shoes, the victorian jacket he wore that had deep red velvet decorated on the outside of it and black swirls. I knew this would happen...

Blood leaked out of my eyes and my whole face crumbled. "Vervain..."

A/N: hey guys^^ I know it's been awhile and I can't even use the excuse that I've been busy, cause I know I haven't. Truth is, I've been lazy. It's spring break so I sleep in a lot more and just lounge around the house playing video games all day. Anyways here are a couple of links to show you guys what I was pretty much trying to describe in the story. Mainly wardrobe, the victorian jackets, Seras's neckalace, and Ophelia's dress and Seras's dress.

Victorian Jacket: search?hl=en&biw=768&bih=900&site=imghp&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=jKxXUYSJOoy29gTRlICoBw&q=victorian+clothing+for+men&oq=victorian+clothing+for+&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.45208.46061.0.47..425.0j1j1.2.0...0.0...1c.1. .pSfat25cUr0#biv=i%7C17%3Bd%7CNi1atJN8M_bNEM%3A

Sera's neckalace: search?hl=en&biw=768&bih=900&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=IexYUdGaI5Da8wSbqYCgCw&q=ruby+neckalace&oq=ruby+neckalace&gs_l=img.3...6817143.6819665.0.6820..0..0.0...0.0...1c.1. .oxKrNZg7Ytk#biv=i%7C10%3Bd%7C5-G8lCZR29Wn8M%3A

Ophelia's Dress: search?hl=en&biw=768&bih=900&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=xwZZUeHWFpOI9QSAqoC4CA&q=victorian+dresses&oq=victorian+dresses&gs_l=img.3..0l8j0i5l2.218737.228.6513.2j2j1j4j4j1j1j1.16.0...0.0...1c.1. .guhlrJZCJW4#biv=i%7C27%3Bd%7CJ_QUHa3M4ZB-tM%3A

Seras's Dress: search?hl=en&biw=768&bih=900&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=sAdZUaStBIfY8gSx-oGQCQ&q=corset+dress&oq=corset+dress&gs_l=img.3..0l10.188529.192979.0.193..1215.4j7.11.0...0.0...1c.1. .J0DVaDhjomA#biv=i%7C65%3Bd%7Chx2uhbRxA4efbM%3A