Hi there! This is my very first fanfic so please do be a bit nice to me! Please? Anyways, the Cat Returns is my favorite Studio Ghibli movie and so one day after watching it, I decided to write my own little story. Please review and tell me to stop and back away from the computer or continue on my craziness! Oh and I don't own the Cat Returns-Studio Ghibli does!

The young American let out yet another frustrated sigh: normally she didn't struggle with book work. But today just hadn't been her day so far, today she had awoke to her neighbor's parrot shrieking at three am. The girl was prepared to throw her shoe at the blasted thing, but that wouldn't go over very well with the owner being her new headmaster. She longed to be outside with the crystal sky and warm weather, these were theDayan she lived for. But no, instead she was stuck inside reading a text book that wasn't her native language, all of the characters seemed the same to her. Her poor eyes were ready to give up, in a last attempt to be productive she flipped to the back to find the periodic table of elements. And it was in English! She sighed in relief and did a quick skim over them.

"Hydrogen, helium, lithium, berylirium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium,magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, strontium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gala-" her reciting was cut off by her cell phone buzzing off the desk. Looking over in annoyance she saw yet another text message from yet another unknown boy in her class. She stood up and threw the phone on her bed. As she headed out she passed by her mom's study, who was furiously typing away on an old fashion type writer.

"And just where are you going young lady," asked her mom- not even looking up from the type writer.

"Just out," the girl replied tossing her golden hair to the side.

"Did you finish your homework?"

"Er...kinda sorta."

"It's a yes or no question; there's no in between."

"Its a yes mom," she said sighing. The girl then left the house. She meandered through the twisting streets of tsit till unknown city of Tokyo. She went to one of the few places she knew how to get to, the Crossroads. She enjoyed the sun as she walked among the small shops, she went in to a café that had a fat cream colored cat with a brown blotch on his left ear, he stared at her as she ordered a tea and a tuna sandwich. She then plopped down ungracefully next to the cat and gave him the sandwich. He finished it before she had even taken a sip of her tea.

"Sorry cat but I don't have anymore. You'll have to wait until next time," she said giggling. The girl finished her tea and left the cat. As she was standing up she could of sworn she saw a macaw circling in the sky above her,the took another look but it was gone.

On her way back she came across a quaint antique shop that she had never seen before. Now she hadn't lived in the area for long but she was pretty sure that she had never seen the store before. It had to be a new store, but like its stock the shop seemed to be decades old. It didn't bug her though as she entered the mysterious little shop.


And sorry about that folks, you all will just have to wait until the next up date to see what's inside. Now I don't want to her complaints about why I haven't said what our protagonist's name is. I'll give you a hint it means "pure" and is of Greek origin. Brownie points for who guesses it first!
