Hi everyone! This is my first Grey's fanfic. I got really inspired by this couple. This is after 9x16 where Jackson is given Seattle Grace. The eventual pairing will be April and Jackson. Please let me know your thoughts because I won't invest the time to continue if I don't get interest! Thanks for reading.


Jackson sat in an on call room after the big announcement that his mother had bought him the hospital that had become his home over the years. He stared ahead of himself not really focusing on anything but the million of thoughts that came with the new, huge responsibility.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to make sense of the major changes that just took place. His mother had no idea what she had done. In a sense, it was a relief because Seattle Grace Mercy West was saved. It would remain open and they would be able to run the hospital the way this hospital needed to be run. A hospital that didn't stifle it's medical staff, but empowered and encouraged them to push the boundaries of medicine.

Jackson could see all that for Seattle Grace Mercy West and all the physicians here. He knew the doctors here would make this hospital a hospital that would not only be nationally recognized, but internationally recognized as well.

Jackson rubbed his hands over his face as he considered his next moves. He needed...he needed...well he needed to speak with his mother and Weber. He needed to know what he would be responsible for. Would this mean limiting his surgical hours? Definitely.

Jackson got up and paced the room and as he turned, something caught his eye. A flash of red hair. April. Her back was to him as she slept on the top bunk in the on call room and he hadn't even noticed. She had slept soundly as he had a mini-nervous breakdown about all the change.

Jackson thought about all that April and him had been through over the years. Mercy West intern years, then the merger, then Reid and Charles, then every drama this place had to offer including them having sex and having a pregnancy scare. She had been there for him and he had been there for her through everything.

Their friendship hadn't always been a strong one, but Jackson realized that it was the friends that showed up when you needed them most that were your best friends. April was his best friend. And now he needed to tell her everything that happened. He needed her.

He walked towards the bunk bed and was reaching up to shake her awake when he froze. He looked to the pair of arms that she was wrapped in, his mind reeling. One was slung low on her hip and the other was acting as her pillow, her red hair grazing against his forearm. Matt? She was already this comfortable with this Matt guy already? Was she having sex with him?

Jackson snapped himself out of the shocked stupor he found himself in and quickly gathered his things and headed for the door. He eased it open quietly and then with a final glance at the slumbering couple, he closed the door and walked down the hall towards Administration, his new future at this hospital.



April jerked awake and tried to orient herself as Matt also sat up quickly. She smiled softly at Matt and then looked to the source of their abrupt wake up call.

Alex stood in the on call room doorway and looked pissed, "I been paging and paging you! There is a trauma coming in involving a 9 year old, so get the hell up."

Alex stalked out of the room and April fumbled for her pager to see if she had indeed missed the pages. She located it and tapped the buttons to find that the battery had died. "Shoot, I gotta go," she said, stretching and smoothing out her scrubs. Matt smiled tiredly and rubbed his face as he tried to wake up. His hair was mussed and he was adorably disheveled.

April hopped off the bunk, followed by Matt who reached for her as she knotted her hair on top of her head in a long ponytail. "Thanks for the nap," he said, his voice gruff.

April smiled and linked her arms behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss and then said, "That might have been one of the best dates ever."

"I think so too. By any man's standards it was an awesome date. It was cheap and I got you right into bed," Matt said, then the goofy smile fell off his face as what he said processed. "I...Oh God, I didn't mean...I just meant-"

April burst out laughing and kissed him and said, "Oh you are so awkward, it's funny." She laughed and he leaned forward and captured her lips in an embarrassed kiss that quickly became heated. April panted against his lips as Matt tightened his grip on her waist.


Alex hollered through the door and April jumped and said, "Now I really gotta go!"

Matt chuckled and pushed her towards the door as she shrugged her white coat on and smoothed her ponytail. He kissed the crown of her head and walked down the corridor without another word and through the trauma center doors.

As Matt disappeared through the doors, a gurney was being brought through with a screaming child that Alex had to have been talking about. She clicked into her trauma mode and immediately threw on an emergency trauma gown and gloves. She began calling out orders to the support staff.

The child had massive burns on his body and Kepner called out for plastics to be paged. Moments later Jackson strode through the door and looked to the child on the table. Kepner called out the symptoms that were apparent to her as she began reading vitals on the monitors.

Jackson, assessing the burns on the small child, began calling out a plan of action with Karev and they were off, saving a life.

Two hours later, Kepner walked out of the OR and headed down to the coffee cart. She had actually had a date with Matt to go to lunch, but she had been on call the night before and had such a crazy night that she was exhausted by the time the date had come around. Matt had been super understanding and actually brought her lunch and then ended up falling asleep next to her in the on call room. It had been really sweet and April thought about how he had made her laugh. He was so nice. And dorky. And funny. She took her coffee and was sailing down the hall past administration when someone called out for her.

She spun around and Jackson was striding toward her. It had been an awkward few weeks and on top of that, April had been really hurt by Jackson. When she found out she wasn't pregnant, it had been a relief because even though she knew she could raise a child, didn't mean she wanted it to happen like it almost happened.

She tried explaining that to Jackson, but he shut her down and then did a one eighty and told her he wanted it to end between them. It had hurt. She wanted more with Jackson, but obviously he wanted sex and only told her he would be with her if she was pregnant.

When Jackson had told her about him and Stephanie, she felt like she had been slapped in the face. It had only been a few days, for God's sake. A few days since he said he would marry her, get a big house, and have kids. As she cried in an abandoned on call room, she thought her friendship with him was over.

For the next two weeks, she felt alone, and focused on her work. Meredith, Cristina, Alex...they all were her friends, but it was almost as if they tolerated her because of Jackson. So she focused on trauma. And then she met Matt.

He was a breath of fresh air. And she needed that. It had been too clicky for far too long in this hospital. Everybody had slept with one another at some point and it was feeling incestuous in the four walls of this hospital. She and Matt were different though.

Snapping back to the present April responded, "Hey Jackson," slowing her pace so he could catch up. She needed to get down to the reopened trauma center. "I would stop and chat, but the first day back has been crazy."

Jackson nodded and said, "I can see that. I just wanted to say good work on that last case."

She smiled, "Uh thanks. You too."

April looked out of her peripheral vision and he was keeping pace with her and she asked, "Heading down to trauma?"

Jackson looked at her as they neared the elevators and said, "Yeah, Stephanie paged me for a consult."

April nodded as they boarded the elevator and rode down. The awkward silence was almost unbearable and she begged the elevator to go faster.

"So...you and Matt still going out?" he asked.

April looked at him, not believing he would bring that up. That was supposed to cut the tension? Really Jackson?

"Yep," she responded vaguely. It was none of his business.

"Good, good. Steph and I are, well it's going good for us too," he said.

"Good," she responded, not understanding what was going on. Was he trying to go back to before they had sex and talked about things? Not gonna happen.

Silence followed and April pressed the button on the floor she needed once more to encourage it to hurry. Was the elevator broken?

"I just wondered because, you know, the conversation we had about...you know, sex with Matt and how you were going to break it to him that you were a once again virgin...again," he blurted out and April then realized he was digging for information.

The door dinged open and she walked out without another word to him. What the hell was his problem? Whatever it was, she didn't have time for it.

So? Continue? Please review or PM me to let me know.