I, tremblinplue333 don't own Fairy Tail but is going out with Natsu and Gray. Dream on girl! XD

I dedicate this story to my close friends namely (you can all skip reading this since I'm hundred percent sure none of you knows them. I just feel like doing this. :P) Leedy, Wena, April, Niña, Riza, Charissa, Dessie, Cyndie, Dianna, and Ezra, whose name always reminds me of Erza. This is for you, girl friends. Although none of you knows I'm tremblinplue333 and none of you is interested in reading fanfics nor watching anime or reading manga. I can't imagine how boring your lives are. XD Stay well, lovelies…

I'm non-native English speaker and currently looking for a beta reader… Someone?

Alright, here we go…

"Man, I coudn't sleep last night. I was awake all night long." All thanks to that blonde celestial mage who confessed to him without warning. She just suddenly appeared in his apartment and shouted, "I LOVE YOU, GRAY!" then disappeared in a blink of an eye. He was so shocked that he spent the whole night processing what just happened. He sighed for the umpteenth time. Sure Lucy was such a chic but he just couldn't bring himself to like her that way. She was more like a sister to him, nothing more, and nothing less. "For the first time I hate being overly handsome and sexy," He rubbed the nape of his neck.

Natsu almost choked to death when he heard Gray's last sentence. "Are you trying to kill me with your jokes, Gray?"

The ice mage just rolled his eyes. "Insecure morons may rot in hell."

A vein automatically popped on Natsu's head. "Who's insecure?"

"In denial doofus as always."

"Are you asking for a fight, pornstar?"

"I'm not in the mood," he replied and continued munching his food.

"So what's bothering you, Gray?" Mirajane asked as she handed him his ale.

"Thanks," he gulped down the beverage rapidly and stood up. "Nothing. Thanks for the good meal, Mira." With that, he made his way out from the guild bar, leaving yelling Natsu and curious Mirajane behind. He knew too well that once he shared last night's happening to the take-over mage, it will not take long for the whole guild to know about it. It would be the talked of the guild and damn he hated too much attention.

He walked at a leisurely pace along the road. What will he do? Should he talk to Lucy and tell her that the feeling is not mutual? If so, how will he say it in such a way that won't hurt a bit? Damn! He didn't want to hurt her but how will rejection not hurt? He sighed once again.

His mind suddenly wandered back to the day he first laid eyes on the stellar mage. He was really starstrucked with her beauty and sex appeal. In addition, her unfailing intelligence never fails to amaze him. She was the kind of girl that a man would take pride of dating.

He remembered the first time he slept with Lucy by his side (Galuna Island Arc). Didn't he silently wished that Natsu wasn't there so that he can spend an alone time with her? Tch! That was just hormones taking over. No special reason! He thought to himself.

Man, didn't it scare the shit out of him when Lucy left a note that she will go home (Phantom Lord Arc)? Did that mean that she's special to him, that he too has feelings for her? Definitely no! After going as far as sacrificing my own life to keep her in the guild, who wouldn't freak out to read a farewell note like that? He nodded to himself.

And that... His face suddenly turned red when he remembered the events in that simple acting job their team took. Didn't it blow his mind when he saw Lucy's naked body? (All thanks to Erza) At that moment, all he can think about was take her somewhere private. He shook his head. No, no, no. That's just normal. He was a guy and Lucy was too damn sexy and that was enough to explain his perverted thoughts.

Gray stopped his reminiscence before it goes overboard.

'I LOVE YOU, GRAY!' Lucy's confession suddenly entered his mind and a sudden smile crept on his face. She loves him. He always thought that Lucy had feelings for Natsu. They were always together and whenever they were with each other, they both looked so happy. And can he deny those numerous times that seeing them together steamed him up? Did that mean he loves her too?

'I LOVE YOU, GRAY!' He recalled Lucy's appearance while she shouted those words. Her face was flushing and her fingers and knees were shaking. She looked so nervous...but cute. She really did look so cute. He chuckled softly.

'I LOVE YOU, GRAY!' Didn't his heart beat so fast when he heard those words? Didn't that line keep on reiterating in his mind all night long? Didn't he also imagine him and Lucy walking hand-in-hand to the guild hall? Didn't kissing her pinkish lips enter his mind too?

'I LOVE YOU, GRAY!' Is the feeling really one-sided? Didn't he really feel something for her too? Didn't her confession made him happy too?




Her voice, her sweet soothing voice, he wanna hear it. He wanna see her. A smile suddenly crept on his face. His pace increased till he found himself running towards Lucy's apartment but then the sight of her humble little dwelling made his heart skipped. He stopped and mentally slapped himself. "What the hell am I doing here?"

'You're here to confess to her too, right?' a tiny voice in his head cut in.

'No, you're here to reject her. You don't feel the same way towards her. Be a man and tell her the truth,' another tiny voice inside his head contradicted.

"The truth huh?" He found himself retreating and heading back towards the guild hall. Just awhile ago, he was so confident that he didn't had a thing for Lucy, then he suddenly got too excited to see her, he talked to himself and headed back to the place where he just came from. This was really driving him nuts. Lucy was driving him insane. "Argh!"

"Get off me, Natsu!"

"Make me." Natsu just grinned while Lucy tried her hardest to push him off her. She was pinned on the floor as Natsu toppled over her. Any person who didn't know how childish and oblivious the fire mage was would definitely think that he was attempting to rape her. Fortunately, they were in the guild and the audiences were their nakama, who were just laughing at them but not the mage who just entered the guild bar. There was a knot on his forehead, jaw tightened and brows knitted together.

In a second, Natsu flew towards the wall after Gray kicked him. "You're in my way, ashbrain." He looked down and saw Lucy still lying on the floor while eyeing at him nervously and shyly. He extended an arm towards her and helped her stand up.

"T-thanks," she stuttered as her face getting redder as time passed.

Gray just nodded.

Clock ticked, seconds passed…

"So how long are you planning to hold Lucy's hand, pervert?" Natsu broke the deafening silence while brushing the dust and rubble on his vest.

Gray automatically let go of her hand with face as red as those of tomatoes. He mentally beat himself to a pulp. Why the fucking hell did he hold her hand too long…inside the guild…in front of his nakama, who were all grinning like crazy except a certain fire mage who was staring daggers towards him? Argh! To hell with all of them! He gazed at Lucy, her face as red as his.

"Lucy, I-

"Shut up and fight me, maniac…" Natsu jumped towards him and that was the start of another uncontrollable ruckus in the guild bar.

The sound of chairs hitting the wall…

Shouts, squeals, cries, laughter, teases…

Eventhough he was currently fighting Natsu and any random guild mates, his mind was full of thoughts about Lucy. He will tell her the truth. Yes, he will confess to her but as of this moment, he had to beat the living daylights out of this idiotic fire mage first.

The sound of tables hitting the wall…

Shouts, squeals, cries, laughter, teases…

"Ice blade…" He needed to finish this fast. He can't wait. He can't wait to tell Lucy what he feels so mustering all the power he had, Gray shouted, "Seven slice dance…"

The sound of Fairy Tail mages hitting the wall…

Shouts, squeals, cries, laughter, teases…

The sound of ice blades hitting Erza…




Graveyard silence…




The sound of Gray dying…


LOL! Don't die yet Gray. You still have a confession to make. :P This story is oneshot. Well that was the original plan but this is getting too long so yeah, tell me if I should continue… but might still continue even if you tell me not to. This is my story after all. I call the shots. :P

2nd chapter's title: His confession?

Yep, I typed it right. It's with a question mark. :P You'll know why next chappy.


PS I shall attach my replies to your reviews in the next chapter. Why? Coz it's a fun thing to do! :P