When Trader Johann came back to Berk, it was with pride that he showed off his latest items.

Hiccup picked up a book titled "How to Train Your Dragon."

It was very tattered and old, but the title had caught his eye and he had learned to go with whatever caught his eye.

Trader Johann chuckled a bit when he saw the book Hiccup was looking at.

"Got anything for me, then, to trade, Hiccup?" He asked. He had only recently met the boy, but quickly liked him.

Stoick had mostly kept him hidden whenever other people visited the island, but Johann could tell that beyond his slight build he had a brilliant mind. He was always offering clever things for Johann in return for a book.

Well, books were scarce on Berk, Johann knew that, but he also knew Vikings shouldn't even know how to read.

Hiccup reached a hand inside his vest and brought out a small bracelet that he had made himself. There was a small, carved dragon above it, the symbol for the dragons in Mystery Class, and the word 'mystery' written in Norse below it.

Johann considered it for a second, then accepted. "Fine craftsmanship, that," he remarked. "I must remember to speak with your blacksmith."

"It wasn't the blacksmith that made that, it was me," Hiccup replied.

Johann decided the boy was being honest. "You have skill."

Hiccup colored. "Thank you."

And he left with the book.

Hiccup opened the book and began to read the first chapter.

"Hey, Gobber, you're in this!" he said excitedly, looking up from where he sat in the dragon arena, and then trailing off. Gobber wasn't there.

With a sigh, Hiccup went back to his book.

A smallish Viking with a longish name stood up to his ankles in snow. His name was Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third.

"I'm in here!" Hiccup remarked. "This is so weird—

But the pages had begun to flip wildly back and forth, as if in a strong wind, but there was only a light breeze blowing through the arena right now.

Hiccup set the book down and made to walk out of the arena. This book was seriously starting to freak him out.

But before he could go more than a couple of steps, ink trailed off the pages, causing every word but 'Hiccup' to blur, and the ink reached his boots, and sucked him straight into the 'H' of his name.

Hiccup fell into the book with a scream, but it only flapped its pages a little.

The ink returned to the pages and it lay there innocently, waiting for the next unsuspecting person to pick it up.

Hiccup hurtled through islands upon islands, until finally he came to rest on a pile of rather damp sand.

He stood up and dusted himself off, then looked around. "Where am I?" The last thing he remembered was the ink leaking out of the book itself.

Suddenly, another boy ran into him.

"I'm so sorry!" he gasped, picking himself up off the sand. He extended a hand and pulled Hiccup to his feet as well.

The boy had very bright red hair, blue eyes, a thin face and freckles.

"Have you seen a Common or Garden Dragon running through here? He's about so high, he's got green eyes and his scales are the same color as his eyes…he's really rude, he might have growled or done something obscene when he saw you…"

"A common or garden dragon?"

"That's right," the boy nodded. "I've got to find him, Toothless will cause so much trouble if I'm not there, and Father will have a fit…"

"Wait – Toothless?"

"Yeah. He's my dragon."

"That's so cool! My dragon's called Toothless, too! He's not your breed, though – he's a Night Fury."

"What's a Night Fury?" The boy's fingers reached for his vest and he drew out a notebook and pencil. Hiccup saw him write 'Night Fury' at the top of the page. "What does he look like? How fast can he go? What's his shot limit?"

"Whoa!" Hiccup said. "Slow down. I don't know the answer to some of those questions."

The boy flushed. "Sorry. I know, my obsession with dragons is nerdy. But when I learn about a new one, I go a little overboard learning all I can about it."

"No, it's ok!" Hiccup assured him. "It's ok, I have a friend – his name's Fishlegs – he's a real dragon nerd, too. Knows all the facts, memorized the entire book of dragons…"

"Fishlegs? Book of dragons? Fishlegs, a dragon nerd?" The other boy laughed. "Oh, no, no, no. Fishlegs really isn't fond of my obsession with dragons at all. Thinks I'm a geek, but he's too nice to say so."

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup demanded. "Fishlegs loves dragons! He'd love it if he met someone like you, obsessed with them, just like he is. I love them, too, but I didn't memorize their stats."

"No," The boy replied with a frown. "He thinks it's dorky!"

Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you aren't talking about some other Fishlegs?"

"Well, he has black hair, always wears a Viking helmet, is real skinny like me…"

"Yeah, that's a different Fishlegs alright," Hiccup declared. "The one I'm talking about is a blonde."

"Oh. I didn't know there were other boys on Berk called Fishlegs."

"I'm still on Berk?"

"Who ARE you? And where do you come from?"

"I come from Berk…but I guess I'm still there," Hiccup replied. "And my name is Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third."

"That's impossible."


"Because that's me."

A/N: What do you guys think? I love the books AND the movie. I feel the books are sometimes a refreshing, humorous change and explore a different side to Hiccup and Toothless and still send the message the movie does. So I decided, that, seeing as they're so vastly different, why not make a fanfic? It's mostly set in the book world, and you meet book characters, but it's centered on movie Hiccup purely because I love him so much.