Arthur looked down at Merlin, trying to look further, than the awful boy who was all skin and bones. Why hadn't Merlin said anything? He must have been famished all that time and still he hadn't said a word. He couldn't imagine what Merlin must have gone through. Arthur never had the trouble of being starved, as his whole life he had been fed and cared for. Whereas Merlin had a troubled life, Arthur had seen horrible people huddled together, looking for warmth. While Arthur had a nice fire, a comfy bed and plenty of food. The captain remembered seeing citizens skip meals, simply because they couldn't afford the luxuries that Arthur sometimes took advantage that time Arthur didn't thought about it that much,they were his father's household,his father's now he was captain on a ship,he knew tried to make sure everyone was well was making sure there was food,and the cook was making sure everyone got their share.

Yet Merlin, he had gone without food for days. Not because he couldn't afford the food, but just because Arthur had only thought of himself. He failed to see past his own luxuries in order to care for his precious prisoner. Arthur was too much of an idiot, to simply look after Merlin. As though Merlin was just an animal he forgot to feed, and care for Merlin, thinking he just simply replaceable. Well now Arthur knew how wrong he was.

Arthur had been too busy lusting after the beautiful boy, that he forgot the most important part. Well that would change, he was going to care for Merlin, like he should have done in the first place. Things were going to change, as he promised to care for Merlin, filling him with delicious foods, until his belly was fat and he felt nauseous.

With that promise made, and sheer determination the captain turned to Gaius, and looked the man dead in the eye "I know what I did and I'm not proud of it, but at least tell me do what I can, to make him better."

Gaius looked at him for a long time, Arthur stared back, hoping Gaius would see the remorse in his features.

Gaius nodded and averted his eyes "Mordred can you bring the medical kit?" he asked, pausing "and bring some soup with you'' he added as an after thought.

Arthur immediately offered to help, wanting to make himself useful. "No Arthur, you stay behind "Gaius commanded.

Arthur felt like a little boy, who was going to get a scolding. Some things will never change he thought Still he didn't bother sneaking away or making excuses, because he knew he deserved whatever Gaius was going to say.

As soon as Mordred left, Gaius turned to face Arthur, his eyes filled with curious and slight annoyed expression. He sighed before fire-ring his questions.

''Did you break his hand?'' asked Gaius

''Well, not exactly on pur-"

Gaius cut in "Let me rephrase that question. Were you the cause of it?" he asked raising his eye-brows questioningly

Arthur paused before slowly nodding with a loud squeak "yes"

The physician sighed "did you starve him?''

The captain hung his head low, as a choked sob escaped his lips "yes!," croaked Arthur, his voice full of sorrow

"Are you sorry about that?," asked Gaius, eyeing Arthur, with suspicion

Arthur raised his head "very!,"

The physician crossed his arms, and narrowed his eyes "did you beat him up?," he asked slowly

Arthur's eyes widened in disbelief "No!," he protested

Gaius cleared his throat, suddenly hesitant to speak "did you mean for all this to happen?''

Arthur felt his heart clench as he found himself sobbing, openly "no!,"

Gaius gaze softened ''will you help me take care of him until he gets better?,"

The captain wiped at his eyes. He cleared his throat as a very relieved 'yes' stumbled out of Arthur's mouth,''If you let me.''

Gaius opened his mouth to say something, but Mordred interrupted him by bursting in. The pirate held the medical kit in his left hand and the soup in his right hand. Gaius nodded at Arthur, signaling that, yes he would appreciate the help and that this conversation was over.

"It's probably the smartest thing, to feed him first" Gaius informed

"Arthur, you can do that'' said his brother as the captain nodded in return.

Mordred handed the bowl over to Arthur, who sighed in relief, glad to be able to do something, other than watch as other's took care of his precious prisoner. He stood with the bowl in his hands, pondering how to feed Merlin the soup.

Arthur put the bowl on the cupboard then crawled behind Merlin. With his back against the wall, legs open in a V, he hauled Merlin against his chest. Merlin whimpered at the contact and he began to stir, in his wounded state. The captain put his arms around Merlin's small, skinny waist, making soothing sounds, rocking him a little as if Merlin was a small infant. Merlin gradually calmed down, in Arthur's arms as his whimpering quieted down. Arthur released his hold over Merlin, who in return whimpered from the loss of contact. He began to thrash and whimper louder sensing the loss of touch and warmth. Arthur let out a low chuckle, running his finger's through Merlin's raven black hair in a soothing gesture.

The captain stroked Merlin's hair with one hand, and reached out for the soup, with his other. It was still nice and warm, which was good, He hauled Merlin a little higher, in trying to get better access. Again he reached around Merlin, transferring the bowl to his left hand and grabbed the spoon with his right.

"Mordred can you pinch his nose shut?" asked Arthur as his brother did what was needed. With a loud gasp, Merlin's mouth opened, and Arthur dived the spoon in before the opportunity was lost. Thankfully Merlin ate the first spoon, and waited for more, as Arthur emptied the contents of soup into his mouth..

"I can get more" Mordred said helpfully. Mordred could already see the color coming back to Merlin's face.

"That won't do any good" Gaius said in a dismissive tone."His body is used to the constant nourishment, we can't stuff him full, as his body will only reject the food and everything will come out again.''

"What can we do now?" Arthur could see the food had worked a bit as Merlin's cheeks were already getting a little colour on. He looked up at Gaius, his face full of hope "I mean something for the bruises" he added as an afterthought.

Gaius was quite a couple of seconds, thinking of things Arthur and Mordred could help with. "I still need to set his broken wrist back. Mordred if you could help me with that? Arthur, I do not need you further right now"

He said saw Arthur's face fall, his mouth open in a silent protest, but he held his hand up, and Arthur closed his mouth again.''I said that I didn't need you further now. When you are finished for the day, I will give you some ointment, which you can rub onto his bruises. Is that okay with you?'"Gaius asked, already knowing the full answer.

Arthur gave him one sharp nod, already back in captain mode. He got off the bed, lowering Merlin gently on his back,He pushed a few raven colored locks from Merlin's forehead and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He drew back and hovered a bit over Merlin's face, after some consideration he leaned forward again and gave Merlin a sweet peck on his lips. Arthur straightened up and walked on his way, he paused and shot a look Gaius and Mordred, that clearly said 'don't say a word'.

"Look at this! Do you call this a knot? You imbecile, one tug and the whole mast comes flying down! Do it again'' Arthur barked at Kay."Can't you get anything right?! You utter pig" growled the captain, his eyes glistening with anger

The whole crew was looking at him by now, not used to Arthur this way. Usually he would bark an order, not spout his whole cursing vocabularies at you, when you did something wrong. No! Instead he would stand next to you and order you to do it again, not attract attention.

This Arthur made them think of before, they joined Arthur. When they were regular sailors for legal companies, when they weren't all started out on the bottom, replaceable sailors in service of their country. They had a captain that would eat until he couldn't walk anymore, while they hadn't had a proper meal in days. The captain would drink wine and eat his precious pork while his whole crew got scurvy. Their teeth would out and they got tired very they didn't get their work done, they of course got flogged.

Poor Simon had whip marks on his back as a result of this,Life was unfair on these ships, life was unfair in general, but that was until they met didn't exactly know what his story was, only that for some reason the guy was filthy rich, it was the greatest mystery on board.

They knew for sure that Mordred knew but that little brat wouldn't let anything slip. There was even a reward for the person who got the information and details. Arthur got their hopes up, gave them a chance to get those bastards captains back They stole from them and put them on their knees.

Arthur said they would all be equals, getting the same amount of money from whatever they found on the captured ships. A wonderful dream and chance to get man had money and seemed nice enough, so they took the chance. It all paid out well as Arthur had kept his promise. Every time they boarded a ship, they would stall everything out on deck. From there everything would be divided equally and fair. The money was divided as were weapons and of course the food.

So watching Arthur now, spit in someones face confused them, were they NOT all equals? Sure, they knew that they needed a leader and respected that, but this wasn't a moment between captain and sailor. No! This was more like a moment between master and servant.

"Maybe he has trouble with that girlfriend of his" Bors whispered to Jack who in return merely looked confused.

"Girlfriend? Does he have a girlfriend? The only girl I ever see him with is Morgana. Did he have an affiere with Morgana?" Jack whispered, his eyes glistening with confusion.

"Are you crazy? It's an AFFAIR you dumbass, and no I meant that boy he has in his hut all the time"

Jack looked even more confused, than before ''But that's a boy,a boy can't be someones GIRLfriend. Right?''

Bors face went from disgusted to way too sickening sweet, as he grinned at Jack,"well Jack! Aren't you curious what that boy has, that makes Arthur so wild?"

Jack nodded, slightly scared from Bors dark expression.

"Let's pay him a visit sometime shall we?" Bors smirked as Jack nodded again. He was even more afraid now, now he knew Bors his intentions. He found himself cornered unable to utter the word 'no'.

They were both so totally engrossed in their conversation, that they missed the way Arthur's back turned around slowly, his eyes fixed on their every move. He clenched his fists so hard to contain himself, that he found himself shaking with rage.A little blood fell from his balled fist where his nails bit in his skin.

"What did you say?," Arthur growled, eyes blazing with anger as he guarded them with a look, like a predators. In fact, maybe he was a predator, and those two were his preys.

Mordred sat beside Merlin, as he covered from shock, when Arthur openly displayed his affection for Merlin. He had known from the first interaction between Merlin and Arthur that Arthur liked him. His brother loved challenges, not bootlickers. Mordred had never thought it would come to this, he had seen the look on Arthur's face when he was interrupted. Mordred's and Gaius conversation, it was a mixture between deeply shocked and deeply worried. Yet there was some guilt in his eyes and Mordred didn't know what to make of it.

Mordred was happy for Arthur, his brother was long over due for some happiness. Mordred prided himself for being a good judge of character and while it didn't take a genius to figure out, Merlin didn't exactly have an easy life.

Mordred remembered the kindness in his dark times, where Arthur definitely over cared for him. It was so simple for Arthur to care for somebody and protect that very person. He would give them the world if he could. Arthur may not have done a splendid job so far with Merlin in the taking care part, with breaking his hand and all (yes, Mordred had eavesdropped) he would certainly do so in the future.

Arthur had done so with Mordred, when people found out their father, Uther had a bastard child. Arthur not very happy with this news, he didn't blame it on Mordred,In fact that he treated Mordred like his brother. No! His real anger was directed at Uther. Arthur had told Mordred many times how he couldn't understand why Uther thought and still thinks he could just bloody well shut his son out. This was the last straw that caused the break between Uther and Arthur.

After Uther had called Mordred a mistake, Arthur had punched him and said Mordred was the only thing he was grateful for. Uther had responded with that Mordred and Arthur were both on their own. In revenge Arthur took all his money and Uther's most beloved ship with him to never return back to England. Camelot was a present from Arthur to Uther. Mordred still didn't know if there was symbolic meaning behind it all. Arthur found a crew and in kindness offered Mordred a place in that crew. Which of course Mordred had agreed with a speechless 'yes'.

Since last month they boarded twice as many ships as they used to. There were rumors that Uther himself was on the seas, said he wanted to make a couple of travels. Arthur wasn't stupid, or blind, he knew Uther was daring him, so in order to protect himself he bought some extra canons, and some hired hands. Apparently Uther decided that Arthur had ruined the Pendragon name for too long. No! This wasn't just a peaceful travel. Nobody really knew that, Uther had changed his surname after Arthur became pirate. Uther feared Arthur would ruin his chances for getting higher up. Uther had spend years of hard work to get where he was now. Uther was nowadays the riches man in England, he was a ruthless killer who enjoyed killing people and he hated when people got in his way. After some time, he decided Arthur was now in his WAY.

Uther had chanced many things since he was an influenced person,none for fist law of England was his stated that no peasant could become higher than an ordinary shattered many young boys had dreams of working themselves out of would do that by working themselves up in the hierarchy on ,was now just a dream. Uther had effectively made sure that peasants stayed he wasn't very loved.

Arthur and his fellow pirates, raided every ship they encountered. With the money they bought canons and weapons, It was a clear sign that Arthur wasn't running away scared. Mordred and tried and failed in getting Arthur to tell crew who he REALLY was. Arthur refused, maybe he was afraid that the men would leave knowing who he truly was. He just wanted loyal men, for who he was and not for his goddamn riches. Mordred was already aware of the bets going around, and it was important Arthur told the crew himself, before anyone found out.

"I'm finished with him!," said Gaius from the doorway

Mordred snapped his head "huh! What? Oh, um how is he?''

"Some deep thinking there huh? I set his wrist, it should be fine in a matter of days and his bruises will heal. The only tricky thing is his nourishment. We need to make sure he is fed" Gaius informed it was Mordred's turn to laugh.

"Don't worry! Arthur will feed him even if it is the last thing he does." chuckled Mordred

Gaius smiled amused "I'm sure he will. Talking about Arthur,can you get him? I promised he could do the ointment"

Mordred stood up and walked through to the deck. He stopped and froze, as he Arthur looking positively murderous, his eyes fixed Bors. Behind Arthur stood a sniffling Kay, and next to Bors stood Jack, who was shaking, seemingly from fear.

Bors just looked like he had won, which was quite confusing. He walked up to Leon "What the hell is going on here?!" he whispered, his eyes flickering between his brother and Bors

Leon looked confused too "they were talking about Arthur, his boy or something" he said shrugging.

Leon looked at Mordred and saw, as his face morphed from confused and then understanding.

Mordred walked to Arthur and stood on his toes to whisper in his ear "Gaius is finished with Merlin. You can expect Merlin to wake up in a matter of hours," Arthur nodded and walked to his hut, looking less murderous than his was seconds ago.

"What did you say to him?" Leon asked, as he looked at Mordred, with a curious expression, seemingly more interested in what he said, that calmed Arthur down so quickly.

"Just that Merlin is gonna be alright" Mordred said, not giving them too much information.

"What was wrong with Merlin?" Leon asked, very confused.

Mordred sighed, they were suddenly very hungry for information "he fell and broke his wrist. He also he knocked himself out from the fall"

Merlin was a little too complicated to explain and Mordred didn't have the time nor did he want to explain it.

Gwaine laughed loudly, finding something miraculously funny "so that's why Arthur acted like a total bitch" hiccup "because he fancies this Merlin"

A few other people could see the humor in it too, and joined in with Gwaine. Gwaine was by now nearly doubling over with laughter "he's having boy trouble!," he exclaimed feeling triumph

Kay looked a little better now, knowing it wasn't him that Arthur was mad at. There were a few other's who looked relieved too, as they sighed in relief.
Bors still looked suspicious and Mordred didn't really trust him. So instead he decided he should keep an eyes on him. Just for when, he tried something.

Arthur walked to his hut with as much dignity as he could. He didn't want to be seen as a concerned mother hen. Well he didn't mind being concerned or letting people see that. But the mother hen thing he wanted to avoid, indefinitely.

He dropped all pretenses once he was inside as he ran over to the bed and kneeled next to Merlin. The boy already looked a lot better, and anyone could see he was in good care.

Gaius cleared his throat behind him "Arthur this is the ointment. Just rub it onto every bruise you see. As Mordred probably told you, I expect he will wake up any time soon. When he does, he might be a little panicked but you must reassure him. Tell him he is all right" Gaius explained as he handed the ointment over.

"I will!," Arthur said in a dismissive tone, but it seemed Gaius had not heard.

"Good! Get him something to eat too," Gaius prattled on

"Yes Gaius! I get it," Arthur said, his tone now clearly saying 'dismissed'

"Oh and some water would be good as well. Poor sod must have a sore throat" Arthur was seriously doubting if he did it on purpose, or if he was just incredibly oblivious.

"GAIUS?!," Arthur yelled, loudly making the old man jump

Gaius stopped speaking at once, looking pretty well startled. Oblivious it was then.

"I get it, Gaius" Arthur said, more kindly than before.

"Oh! Eh! Well, good. I'll be going then" Gaius stammered out, and then promptly hobbled outside.

Arthur went and sat on the bed next to Merlin. He discarded his shirt, so his chest was bare. He picked up some salve and rubbed it between his hands, so when he applied it on Merlin it didn't feel too cold. As soon as it wasn't cold anymore, he smeared it on Merlin's bruises by his watched closely for any discomfort. He saw that it wasn't unpleasant for Merlin. He poked a bruise on his neck, which looked less painful than his ribs. Still it must have hurt when they hit him, he sighed, they all looked painful to be honest. He looked at Merlin's face, as his eyes wandered to his chapped lips. He grabbed a small bottle of water and pressed it towards Merlin's lips. He gently lifted his head and poured some water in his slightly parted lips. Arthur watched intently as Merlin swallowed the water, his Adam's apple bobbing in the process.

He carries on with applying the salve, and in the process accidentally touched Merlin's nipple. Merlin let out a loud gasp, alerting Arthur in the process as his head shot up in alarm.

Arthur looked at Merlin, expecting to see him awake. Instead he was greeted to a pleasurable sight of Merlin, his mouth hanging open in pleasure. Arthur grinned as he rubbed his other nipple, earning a low moan from Merlin as his face scrunched in one of pure pleasure.

Arthur grinned from ear to ear as his hands ghosted around Merlin's belly, steadily moving a bit as Merlin arched his back, which Arthur smirked at, realising he was bucking.

Arthur smiled fully now, refusing to do anything more. He wasn't going to take advantage of Merlin, in his vulnerable state. But he was damn sexy. He sighed, before smearing more salve on his bruises, wherever he saw them. When Merlin's chest moved up and down, rather quickly Arthur got startled.

He froze, seeing two clear blue eyes pierce his own."Ehh! I eh..I was just. Ehm!" Arthur stammered, feeling very nervous.

"Putting salve on my chest" Merlin finished, with a slight chuckle.

"On your bruises!" Arthur corrected, clearing his throat in the process.

"Yes! Well, thank you" Merlin said, whilst trying to sit up

"What do you think you are doing?''Arthur asked, loudly as Merlin turned a bright red.

"I thought you were finished with er" he gestured to his chest "so eh I thought that I should do er my er face myself" said Merlin as he stuttered, turning even redder than before.

"Lie down!," Arthur commanded as he turned to grab the bowl of soup.

"You can eat this yourself?" Merlin's eyes were wide open, staring unbelievably at the bow. Arthur now felt the very familiar, stab of guilt, he did before. Seeing no quicker way to get Merlin to eat it he said "or do I have to feed you?"

Merlin's head shot up at this as he grabbed the bowl as fast as he could "you are not going to feed me" he said in a warning tone.

"Already did!," Arthur replied with a smug. Merlin put his head down and started eating. Arthur smiled at Merlin, who looked like a little child, all petulant with baby blue eyes.

When he was sure Merlin ate all his food he announced "when I return, I expect you to be asleep. You are under no circumstances ,allowed to come out of this bed!Understood?"

Merlin looked up at him, his eye-brows knitted in confusion "you mean I sleep here?"

Arthur nodded "in this bed?" Arthur nodded, as he put took the bowl and put it down on the table.

Merlin smiled dreamily as he flopped back on bed, looking very content, murmuring something about 'wanted to do that for a while'.

Arthur snorted, a low chuckled escaping his lips. He turned and walked out, his soft gaze, suddenly taking on a new demeanor. He had some unfinished business with Bors and Jack.