Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Bella closed the small space between us with a quick step. I hadn't even let go of her face when I felt her arms around my neck pulling my head down towards hers in a hard kiss that took me by surprise.

There was no air to breathe only Bella as her fingers knotted in my hair as she held me there, opening her mouth beneath mine in effort to tangle her tongue around mine in the most delicious way possible. It was a simple act that was enough to bring me to my knees as Bella swallowed the soft moan that I could not keep from escaping from my lips.

My hands moved on their own accord, shifting from holding her arms to trailing along her curves to grasp her ass in a weak effort to pull her closer. It was pointless since no matter how close she was she wasn't close enough.

I gripped her ass tighter, pulling her hard against me before lifting her off the ground before dumping her on the counter top with a clatter as our careless actions caused Angela's spice rack to spill all around us. It was a loud clatter of glass and metal, but it was nothing compared to the sounds of our overheated kisses mixed with gasps for air.

I stepped between Bella's legs, letting my hands trace over the curve of her legs while slipping along her black tights and under her dress to touch her in the way I longed to and the way she demanded from me. I had barely touched her inner thigh when the gasp in the door way caused us both to jump in surprise.

"Whoa!" Angela garbled out loud as she stood in the kitchen door way with her dark eyes wide from what appeared to be surprise.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" she asked in a low hiss of laughter as she watched me step back from Bella who remained seated, spread eagle on the counter top from where I had been planted firmed between those luscious legs of hers.

"Nothing," I sputtered with a nervous shrug as Bella remained curiously quiet.

"Nothing my ass," Ang grumbled as she motioned towards with a flick of her wrists as we stood together, yet apart in her kitchen.

"You were about to hump right on my granite counter tops," she bitched as she shoved me out of the way before pulling Bella down to stand beside me as she snorted in dark laughter.

"Emmett…" Bella began to say, but was silenced with a hard glare from Angela.

"Emmett is dealing with your jackass father for you so the very least you could do is not bang his friend while tries to smooth over what has turned into a shitty night," Ange shot back at my girl with a growl that seemed to silence Bella for the moment before turning back to me.

"You go back in there and try to act normal," she said as she shooed me out of the room with an irritated sigh.

"I don't think..." I began as I tried to soothe the situation with my pointless explanation, but it never went that far as Angela cut me off.

"Yeah, I know," she snapped as she eyed me with dark angry eyes before turning her glare back towards Bella.

"Now get in there and try to act normal. I know it's hard for you, but try," she mocked as I stared at her, refusing to move.

"I swear to god, all I do is follow around after you idiots cleaning up your messes," Ange grumbled as she turned her full attention to Bella once more after dismissing me with a flick of her dainty wrist. This was the power Angela I knew that never took any shit, especially from me.

"Stop staring at me, Edward. I'm not going to hurt her, just maybe knock some common sense back into her, so just go on. She will be there in just a moment, but first her and I need to talk, don't we, Bella?" Ange asked her Bella in a mocking tone, as if she knew more about what was going on than what she should have, but there was no way. She had just walked in on what had been a less than innocent kiss, but nothing more than that.

"Go," Angela hissed at me as Emmett bellowed out my name.

"Emmett is the last person I want to deal with right now and you owe me, so go," Ange bitched with an exasperated sigh as she stepped closer to grab me by the wrist to drag me out of the room while Bella watched. She gave me a soft grin that hinted at her wantonness and a playful side that I had experienced last night in her bed. It was that smile that lit a fire inside of me as I grinned at her response.

"Oh god," Ange groaned as she watched us for a moment before throwing her hands up in the air in what could have been defeat, but I wasn't sure since she still remained there, stopping us from going any further than the stolen kisses we had shared.

"Wait!" she called after Ange and I as she scrambled off the counter top to stop my departure. I watched with a half grin as Bella cross the small distance that separated us, not caring that Angela was watching her with a sour scowl on her face.

Bella wasted no time as she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me down so that we were nose to nose. I found myself practically holding my breath until her nimble finger tips came up to rub at my lips.

"You can't go out there with lipstick on," she whispered to me while Angela watched us with a pissy look on her face. I could hear the tremor in her voice that it mirrored the slight quiver I felt vibrating inside of me that her kiss caused. I closed my eyes against the gentle tugging sensation on my lips as she wiped off the evidence of our kiss with her thumb. It was a teasing pressure that went straight to my cock as she held my gaze with her own sultry one.

It was an awkward position to be as I stood before her with my face in her hands as my hands fought the urge to touch her while under Ange's watchful gaze. It was horrible and erotic all at once as Bella blatantly ignored her sister-in-law while wiping her lipstick off my lips as she worried on her own kiss swollen lips.

"Edward, I want you to know what my intentions are, so there is no misunderstanding between us at all. I have every intention of riding you," she whispered in a soft voice just for my ears with a grin that was sassy with desire that seemed to light her up from the inside out.

"Hard," she emphasized in a soft whisper that might as well been a scream for how it affected me. I watched her sexy grin that made my cock stand at attention with need over her lustful promise.

"Ok, enough," Angela bellowed in a frustrated manner as she pushed me out of the room while Bella's naughty laughter trailed behind me.


Thanks for reading!

Sorry about the mistakes.

