Chapter 1

"Stop crying Aria. Please stop!" Austin pleaded his 1 year old daughter while looking for her bottle. Now Austin may be a 24 year old music sensation but he is also a helpless father. He has to take care of his 1 year old daughter, alone. Austin finally found Aria's milk bottle and gave it to him. Than he picked her up and started to rock her to sleep.

Heaven knows how Austin survived this one year; all alone, taking care of his young daughter with his very unpredictable schedule. He always had to keep a baby bag ready for Aria. But know, everything was getting out of Austin's control. He had a tour coming up and he couldn't take Aria with him because then, his little princess would be neglected.

Austin wanted to hire a nanny for Aria, but never had the courage to do so. Because according to him hiring a nanny would mean he thinks his child is a burden.

Austin put Aria in her crib and walked out of his room quietly. He sat down on the couch in the TV room and started to rub his eyes. Just then his best friend Dez walked in.

"Hey Austin!" Dez said in his usual hyper tone.

"Oh… hi Dez" Austin said in the complete opposite tone. Dez knew what why Austin was so down.

"Hey buddy look. I know you are against nannies and all but you have to do something. No matter how hard you try little Aria will be neglected. I mean your job is always unexpected. And what about the tour that's coming up? Listen, my girlfriend Trish has a best friend who is great with kids and she is looking for some extra cash. Why don't you ask her to watch Aria?"

"No Dez. Aria is my responsibility and I don't want some unknown to take care of my daughter" Austin said.

"Austin, just give her a try. And she is not an unknown. She is Trish's best friend, and I know she is great with kids. She took care of my nephew a couple of times and believe me she was awesome. Just give it a try. For Aria's sake!" said Dez

Austin sighed and finally gave in " Fine, call her and tell her to be here tomorrow."

With that Austin got up and went to his room. Dez on the other hand was doing his happy dance. Why you ask? Well his best friend finally agreed to keep a nanny for Aria


"I want the rent by the next week. If not than you can pack your bags Ally!" the land lord said and walked away before Ally could say something. She sighed and closed the door to her small apartment and went to her bed room where her best friend was waiting for her.

"Ally don't worry, everything will be okay" Trish, Ally's best friend said as Ally plopped down on her bed. Ally covered her face with her hands and sighed again. Ally was a 23 year old who just lost her parents in a car crash. All her parents left her was a music store sonic boom, which wasn't doing so well. Just then Trish's phone beeped.

"Looks like god finally saw how miserable you were and send some help. My boyfriend just texted me saying he got you a babysitting job. He says if you're hired than your money problems will be solved." Trish told her best friend.

Ally jumped out of her bed and started to scream and dance horribly. "THANK YOU THANKS YOU THANK YOU! TELL DEZ I OWE HIM BIG TIME!"
"Haha, don't worry girl. Oh and Dez says be there by nine. He will text you the address of the house."

With that Trish left and Ally went to bed.


Austin was waiting for the babysitter while he was playing with Aria. Just then the doorbell rang and the butler went and opened the door.

Ally being the punctual girl was exactly on time. She was amazed when she saw the house's exterior. Ally rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. Finally someone did…

"Hello, and who might you be" Asked the butler in a much pooched accent.

"Hi, I'm Ally Dawson and I am here to babysit Aria." Ally said. You could tell she was nervous and trying her very best not to chew her hair. The butler nodded and welcomed in. Ally was just as amazed to see the interior of the house as she was when she saw the exterior. The butler told Ally to sit and wait. After a couple of minutes Ally could hear some baby laughter, and then, in came the music sensation, Austin Moon, holding his one year old daughter.

Ally couldn't believe her eyes. She slowly got up and just stared.

"Hi, I'm Austin Moon and this is my daughter, Aria" Austin greeted Ally.

"You must be Ally?" Austin asked and all Ally did was nod. She was to shocked to do anything. Than finally Ally came back to reality and said "S-Sorry. I didn't know that I was going to babysit AUSTIN MOON'S daughter. I- I was caught off guard. Sorry"

Austin laughed at Ally's explanation. He thought it was funny and cute.

"Haha, it's okay. Anyways, Dez told me that you babysat his nephew a couple of times. Now I want you to take care of Aria, I mean help me out a bit. You know with my always changing schedule I don't want Aria to feel left out or anything. And I can't take him everywhere with me. Like tonight, I have this huge concert and I can't take him because it will be too loud." Austin explained.

"Don't worry Mr. Moon…" Austin cut her.

"Ally, call me Austin. I'm barely a year older than you, not 10… Besides, this isn't a business deal we're doing here. Just chill out…. I won't bite." Austin said. This made Ally relax a bit.

"Okay Ally, today is a trial day, if you're good I will hire you and take care of all the problems that Dez said you have." At this Ally flushed red with embarrassment, and Austin noticed that.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed; we all have problems. Besides, it's not like I'm just giving you the money. You're working for it."

Ally just nodded. Austin looked at his watch and said "Okay Ally, I have to go and rehearse before the concert. I am trusting you with my little princess. If you need anything just ask the butler." Austin said as her handed Aria to Ally and grabbed his keys and kissed Aria good bye.

Ally sighed when Austin left. She then looked at the smiling Aria. "Awww she is so adorable!" Ally thought.

The day passed pretty quickly. Aria was such an easy baby. The time she was up he just played with Ally. Ally would let her crawl and catch her. During his whole day she only took one nap. It midnight and Aria woke up from a bad dream. Ally tried to calm her down but nothing worked. Ally tried to rock her, feed her and change her, but nothing worked. Just as Ally was about to give up, she saw a small piano in Aria's room. "This has to work." Ally thought and laid crying Archie in his rocking crib. She rocked it a little and went towards the piano. She sighed and started to play.

"Hush, go to sleep my darling

Close your eyes, the dreams are calling,

Don't worry, I'm right here

To hold you close when you're in fear.

Dream about, you're flying high,

Dream your about to touch the skies

Explore your own little world

With these shut eyes."

Ally then just hummed the melody and softly played the piano. She looked over to Aria who was now fast asleep. Ally smiled and tucked her in and kissed her forehead. With that she turned on his night light and walked out of the room.

When she walked out she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw it was none other than Austin Moon. He was smiling, a real smile.

"Sorry!" Ally whispered, and walked passed Austin. Austin followed her.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in." Ally said as she started to grab her things.

"Ally! Stop apologizing. It's cool. Why do you act like I'm some crappy old business guy who is very "poised" and "sophisticated" Austin said and Ally laughed a bit.

"So Ally, have you eaten yet?" Austin asked as he took out his phone.

"No, I am just gonna grab something to eat on my way home."

"No you're not. You're gonna eat with me."

"No- I …"

"Is someone waiting for you at home?"

"No but-"

"Then it's settled. We are eating Chinese."

Ally sighed and gave in "Fine."


So far, Ally is amazing. I heard her singing to Aria and I might say her voice is beautiful, just like her. Wait what. Where did that come from? I just met her!

I thought that I should get to know her over dinner. If you call eating in the middle of the night dinner!

The thing about my house is, sure I am filthy rich and all but I don't like my house to be filled with chefs and maids and butlers. I only have one butler who is also part time. Me and Ally walked into the kitchen and sat down and waited for the food.

"So Ally, I heard the song you were playing for Aria. It was good, and you have a great voice by the way."

Ally blushed. Aww she looks so cute! Oh god what's wrong with me.

"Thanks. And the song, it was actually the first song I wrote. I was 5 years old and couldn't sleep. I wrote this poem and then my mother modified it a bit and turned it into a lullaby. She told me that after that, whenever I had trouble sleeping, she would sing me this."

Ally said. That was actually really sweet, but I couldn't help but notice a little sadness in her voice.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, this just reminded me of my mom and dad. They died in a car crash not long ago." She said wiping the small tear in the corner of her eye.

"Im so sorry for your loss."

"No biggie." She smiled at me.

After a while our food came and we ate and talked. She told me about her music store and how it wasn't doing so well. She told me about her love for pickles and music which made me like her even more. Woah woah woah. Like.. what the heck is wrong with me?

It was 1 am and I offered her to stay here tonight, but she refused saying that her apartment is close by.

"Good-bye Austin."

"Bye… oh and I like this Ally!"

"What?" she asked all confused.

"you know, the one that is not to stiff all the time, the one who is just chill. Stay this way. It's better."

She tried to hide her blush but I noticed it. I was about to tease her but than I let it slide.

"See you tomorrow!" I said as she stepped outside.

"Wait.. does this mean…"

"If it wasn't that obvious, yes, you got the job."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" She screamed with excitement and hugged me. And I hugged her back. It felt nice, and I swear I felt some sparks but it was probably nothing. But her body against mine felt nice. Like 2 pieces of a puzzle. STOP IT AUSTIN.

"Oh, umm.. sorry!"

"haha Alls, its okay!"

"good night!"


And with that she left. I loved the fact that Ally didn't go all fan girl on me when she saw me. And the fact that she didn't hesitate to hug me. And the best of all, she treated Archie as if he was her own.

I walked into Aria's room and saw her sucking her thumb.

"Sleep well princess!" and then I kissed her forehead and headed to my room.

That's the end of chapter one. I hope you guys like it. Please review. And if u have any ideas give em to me! Thank you! Review
