So I know that it's been over a year since anything was wrote in this fanfiction, but I think I got so upset that I jumped around way to much with the story and tried to rush it. So I am revising it and I'm actually going to take my time and write it right. So it I don't go for a week or so without updating, don't fret. I hope that this story is up to par!

I would love your reviews! Thank you!

One Last Chance

Chapter One

"Rose!" Lissa threw herself into Rose's arms the second that the heavy oak door opened. Lissa's pale blonde hair flying in every direction reminded Rose of how the tall grass swayed when the wind blew in the summer months.

After several weeks of being in the hospital following the accident she was almost glad for the choking death grip her best friend had on her. Her life had seemed a nightmare ever since she had woken up in the hospital, not knowing what had happened. Not knowing why she had bruises and cuts all over or why every muscle and bone screamed in protest when she tried to move. Not knowing why Mason wasn't sitting beside the bed, or why she had painful images flash through her memory at the thought of him.

"Lissa, let her breath and let her step into the house." Christian, Lissa's husband said with a slight smile playing on his lips. Christian was a handsome man, not that Rose would ever admit to it. He was pale in complexion, with shaggy black hair, and ice blue eyes. He stood about six two and had the muscles to compliment his build. But the feelings had always been sisterly towards him and nothing more. The only person she had ever felt anything for had been Mason, and she hoped that she would never feel anything like that again. It was just too easy to lose someone.

Lissa stepped back, allowing Rose to move into the breezeway of the massive house with Christian grabbing her bags and setting them against the wall.

Rose looked over at Lissa, noticing the tears that were threating to spill over onto her pale checks.

"Don't Liss. I've cried enough lately." Rose's voice sounded hollow, even to herself. She just couldn't see any reason to put any emotion into her voice lately. Heck she didn't see the point in putting emotion into anything she did. She was a shell of her former self. She felt so distanced from her body; she wasn't sure if she would ever find her way back or if she even wanted too.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just I'm so glad you're here, and that you are going to stay with us." Lissa paused for a split second before adding, "I was so scared."

Rose didn't need Lissa to elaborate about why she was scared. She knew she had been brought into the hospital unconscious and that the doctors had told Lissa and Christian that they weren't sure when or if she would wake up. Luckily she woke up a few days later.

"I know." Rose let her voice trail off, and her eyes dip down to look at the eccentric tile pattern underneath her feet. Hoping they didn't notice her struggling with the lump in her throat and the burning in her eyes.

This time when Rose was pulled into a hug it was a masculine touch. Whether anyone else knew it or not, Christian did have a soft side, he just didn't show it.

Rose felt a sob welling up into her throat; it wasn't just for herself, but for Lissa, Christian, and everyone else affected by Mason's death.

Christian stepped back, placing a finger under Rose's chin and lifted her eyes to meet his.

"Rose, we will get through this. I'm not going to pretend and say it's going to be easy, but we will make it. You will make it thought this. I promise."

If Rose's heart hadn't of been shattered she would have had some snippy comeback about his little speech, but then again if her heart wasn't shattered then he would have had no reason to have said any such words.

Rose nodded in understanding, trying and failing to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat. Christian smiled a sad knowing smile and turned to go into the kitchen leaving the two girls standing in almost an awkward silence.

"Your room is ready, and there are fresh towels in the closet in the bathroom, if you want to go relax and take a shower until Christian gets the grill going, and dinner fixed." Lissa said with a smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes, just like everyone else when Rose looked at them, they smiled with pity rather than anything else.

Rose nodded, picked up her bags that Christian had brought in for her, and turned to head down the hall that lead to her new room until she got back on her feet again.

She was almost glad for the reprieve that LIssa had given her. She loved Lissa like a sister, she always had, considering she grew up and practically lived with Lissa's family. It always seemed that Rose's mom had been too busy with her job to care anything about what Rose done. So Lissa's parents substituted as her own.

Christian had grown up with them also, and they all had been inseparable until Christian, being a year older, had left to go to college some three states away.

That was when Lissa went into a depressed like state and Rose made her confess what the problem was. Turned out Lissa had fallen in love with Christian.

After Rose had gotten over her shock she made Lissa call Christian and confess. Lissa did, and Christian had apparently been just as depressed without Lissa and transferred schools within the same week. They had been engaged within 6 months and married a month after Rose and Lissa graduated.

Rose had never seen someone so stressed their senior year as Lissa had been. But she guessed if she had to plan a wedding, and worry about her final exams then she might be just as stressed.

Rose dropped her bags onto her new bed, opened the one with all of her toiletries, and grabbed the shampoo, conditioner, and her favorite body wash before heading into the bathroom. She hoped that a shower would make her feel somewhat like a human being again.

The shower was as hot as she could stand it, making steam roll throughout the bathroom. When Rose stepped into the steady stream she sat in the middle of the shower, her head between her knees and her arms wrapped protectively around herself.

This was all her fault. Or at least she thought it to be. Mason had been her everything, and one night was all it had taken to ruin everything. It was supposed to be just a fun night out with some of her girlfriends from work, but half way through the night all of her friends had met up with random guys and had left to go back to their place, or to a cheap hotel. Rose had been too drunk to drive home, so she had called Mason to come get her.

If she just wouldn't have called Mason, or if she would have just stayed home, he still would have been alive. God, she had to do something about the pain, it was eating her alive.

"Rose?" Lissa soft voice was muffled by the door the separated the bathroom from the bedroom. "Dinner's ready whenever you are."

Rose knew she should respond and tell Lissa that she would be down later, or at least tell her she wasn't hungry. But her throat was clogged with the same lump from before.

Rose knew when Lissa didn't persist in an answer that she had left to go join Christian in the kitchen. So she stood, shutting the water off while she did, and stepped out onto the plush white bath mat, she dried and dressed into her favorite pair of ripped jeans and her favorite shirt, Mason's shirt.

On her way out of the bathroom the mirror caught her gaze and it was like a force pulled her to it. So she stood looking into the mirror for what seemed like ages. Used to, she loved what she saw. Her hair was long, dark and beautiful. She had tanned skin, and big brown eyes. She used to be strong willed, funny and outgoing, the center of conversations, and most of all she had loved life, but now all she saw was this girl. This girl was an intruder, and she brought nothing but pain and sadness with her.

Rose sighed and turned away from the mirror, and headed out towards the kitchen to choke down some food that she prayed would stay down. She hadn't been able to eat much since the accident, always ending up throwing it right back up. At first the doctors blamed the trauma, then they blamed the stress, and eventually they ended up blaming her, saying she was forcing herself to do it.

"What's for dinner?" Her voice seemed small in the large dining room.

"Steak and potatoes." Christian answered while bringing out three of the biggest steaks Rose had ever seen.

Lissa had tried and tried again at the cooking thing, but she always burnt, or ruined the food somehow, and considering that Christian's parents were professional chefs, he was a pro at it himself, and loved to do it.

Rose sat down in the place set for her across from Lissa, and started picking at her food. The steak tasted amazing, along with the potatoes, but Rose could tell just by how her stomach was acting she was going to be fighting to keep it down.

"Christian, you're still in part with the lawyers' office right?" When he nodded she continued, "Do you think you could get me a job there, or at least an interview?" Rose had no idea where the question came from, all she knew is she needed to stay busy with something. She knew if she sat idle the pain and madness would consume her and she could not allow that, no matter how bad she wanted too.

"Rose I own half of the company; I can do anything I want." Christians smile, and sarcasm made Rose feel better. It was nice to know something hadn't changed. "But why do you want to go to work, don't you want to relax for a little while?" Rose could read the confusion in his eyes, but he kept his face passive.

"I would love to 'relax' but if I do, I'm going to go crazy." Rose sighed, and pushed her plate back into the center of the table. "You guys have no idea how thankful I am that you opened your home for me. I sat in the hospital for weeks, and if I sit around any longer all I'm going to do his think about Ma—him." Rose couldn't bring herself to say his name; it was like a knife to her heart.

"Ok. Well I think Dimitri needs a secretary, I'll talk to him tomorrow morning. I would say you could work for me, but I don't have any open spots. And as for the crazy part, Rose you've been that way since we were little." Christian jumped out of his chair, laughing before Lissa could smack his arm. Rose was thankful that he at least tried to act normal around her.

"Thanks, Christian." Rose had a ghost of a smile playing on her lips, the first one since the accident. It was a small step, but a step none the less.

After the table had been cleared and the dishes washed and put away, Rose excused herself to unpack.

She didn't have much to unpack. Everything she owned had been either too bulky to move or she didn't want to put in the effort to do so. So what she couldn't sell, she left in the small house her and Mason had shared. What she did bring with her was mainly her clothes and pictures. She has tried to bring all of Mason's clothes with her as well but there was only so much room in the trunk of her car to fit things. She knew it was petty to bring his things along, since they weren't doing anyone any good, but she felt in some way comforted by them.

Rose didn't know how long she was going to be living with Lissa and Christian, but she was hoping that maybe by being around her closest friends she would be able to get past this, and honestly without Mason's income she couldn't afford the house she was in anyway. So when Lissa had called begging her to leave everything and come stay with them, it was a blessing.

Moving about the large room she was fighting keeping the food that she had eaten down. She hadn't figured out why she got sick after eating, somehow she thought maybe it was gilt of more or less being the reason of the accident. No matter the reasoning though, she knew she couldn't continue puking everything up that she ate without someone noticing.

Knowing she was losing the battle, she went into the bathroom and closed the door, with hot tears rolling down her checks.