Disclaimer: Only in my dreams do I own the Buffy and Bones characters

General Notes: Okay time line wise this is a little wierd. Pretend that this is basically season four of Bones taking place directly after Not Fade Away on Angel. When writing is in bold it means it's Angelus talking and italics means it's Angel thinking. There will be chapters that are from the squint squads POV's and they will be referring to Angel as Booth but it's really Angel.

Okay. Now you're god to go.

Image flashes are disconcerting. Image flashes when the images aren't yours are even more disconcerting than regular ones. Image flashes of someone elses life when the last thing you remember is fighting to the death in an alley way in the darker part of L.A. is the most disconcerting thing ever.

Angel as a 247 year old vampire with a soul had experienced some pretty bizarre things, but this was a new one even for him. Not to mention that his head felt like someone had driven a jack hammer through it. He did however know to sit back (metaphorically, after all you can't sit back literally inside your own head) and absorb the information being presented.

"Curious isn't it?" said a cool female voice.

Angel jumped in surprise as the image of the female oracle came into his mental view. This reached a whole new level of wierd, because for starters, he knew for a fact that both Oracles were dead. Apparently not.

"This is a whole life presented in nothing more than images and pictures," the oracle continued.

"This isn't my life," Angel answered.

"How can you be sure?" the oracle asked.

Angel gestured as an image flashed into view. The image showed a small boy hitting an older boy on the head with a baseball bat in a front yard. "Well for one thing, I never had a brother and for another, when I was that age baseball wasn't even invented. Do I need to keep going?"

"Just because this is not the life you know doesn't mean that it is not your life."

Angel raised his eyebrows in a silent request for elaboration.

"The Powers that Be feel that you have gotten off track from some of the goals we had in mind for you. In order for you to achieve these goals we have deemed that you are needed to help people in a slightly different place with problems that are more your concern than theirs." the Oracle explained. Well, if you could call saying something that cryptic explaining.

"Would you care to elaborate on that?" Angel asked only slightly veiling his irritation.

The Oracle ignored him and handed him a ring. Angel recognized it as the Gem of Amara. "I destroyed this," he commented.

"I am a higher being," the oracle said in a well duh you idiot type of voice.

"So what? Am I just supposed to live this mans life until I fill out your higher power itinerary?"Angel growled irritatedly.

The oracle smiled arrogantly. "I believe you will enjoy the certain benefits. And if all goes as planned I believe the results will be most satisfactory," with that the oracle and the images began to fade away.

Angel tried to call after the sister oracle to get some sort of answers for just what the hell was going on here. After all it was his life, or rather unlife being manipulated, but was quickly distracted by a harsh, loud, repetitive beeping noise echoing inside his head. As the images faded the beeping got louder, faster, and shriller, as his headache intensified to the splitting point.

Suddenly the beeping faded to a long pulled out drown. It was highly irritating to Angel's advanced hearing abilities and he tried to shut it out.

"Booth! Oh my god Booth!" came a shrill voice.

Booth? Who the hell is Booth? Angel wondered. Did I actually get turned into somebody else?

Booth is the guy who's life got implanted in our collective brains you half-assed moron! Came the familiar irritating voice of Angelus through the back of his brain.

Angel mentally rolled his eyes. Not somebody else entirely then.

"Someone get the defibrillator!" came another voice.

"Whoa boy!" Angel said shooting up off of what closer inspection proved to be a hospital bed. "Let's all just hang off of the electrical shocks okay?" Angel had only had one experience with direct electric shocks to know that he did not need the extra shock to his systems. He raised his eyes to take in the bare hospital room and the shocked faces of several doctors and a brunette women who his brain identified as Bones.

The whining, drawn out beep was still echoing through Angel's ears and he turned his head in irritation towards the sound to see a flat lining EKG. Now normally it would be wonderful to know that hospital EKG's functioned correctly. But in this case the only information it gave Angel was that he was still technically dead.

Angel frowned. The Powers That Sucked seriously couldn't go to the trouble of giving him a fake heartbeat? He was in a human hospital for crying out loud! He scrambled as best he could to try and cover somehow.

We could always just kill them. Angelus suggested helpfully. That would be fun. I bet you we could even find a nice hazardous waste dumpster to throw them in.

Shut up Angelus. Angel thought angrily.

Or what? you'll stake me? Angelus retorted. Well, sorry to burst your bubble buddy but we happen to be shareing a body. Besides, I don't see you coming up with any better suggestions!

Angel frowned deeper and tried to come up with an alternate plan while simultaneously ignoring the voice of his rather vindictive inner demon. It wasn't all that hard, you got used to blocking out the little inner voices when you have to deal with them for the better part of a century. What was harder was blocking out the memory images running through his head. Eventually he gave up trying to come up with anything brilliant.

He looked tiredly back at the doctors and jerked his thumb back at the still whining machine "That thing is broken."

A/N: Well this was chapter one. I hope it wasn't awful but you have to let me know. If this is too awful to ever be continued just let me know and it will be demolished from existence. If you want this to be continued tell me, and I will be very, very, happy. Any feedback at all people! I'm practically begging you here!