A/N: Harry Potter is not mine, etc, etc. This is a re-write of a fic I once published on my livejournal, that contained some serious frerard smut. I always liked the story, but I re-wrote it for some serious Drarry love. The language will probably change over the course of the chapters, seeing as I'm basing this of something I wrote when I was 15 (input heavy shuddering). Rated T for language and heavy sexual tension. (I might change the rating later on, I will have to see where the story takes me).

There, it was all finished. Harry had lit the candles, he'd prepared his Italian specialty, and he'd put down the gift for his beautiful wife. It was their three year anniversary today, and he simply couldn't believe his own luck. Three years of marriage, three years of peace and quiet without having a single worry in their life. After the war had ended, Harry and Ginny had gone back to their previous romance, and it hadn't taken Harry too long to pop the question. The wedding had been most beautiful, and Harry could still recall every single moment of it. From Hermione's positive bawling, to Ron looking so happy he might burst, Mr and Mrs Wealsey crying happily, and Hagrid blowing his nose with his enormous handkerchief. Yes, marrying Ginny had definitively been a good choice, Harry mused to himself.

Right now though, Harry was running around the house, fixing the last few things before Ginny was supposed to come home from her parent's house. She said she'd have a surprise for him, and Harry was slightly worried about what it might be, knowing Ginny, it could be anything (and he did not want to repeat last year's fiasco with the big party and she coming in wearing nothing but underwear).

The only thing Harry missed about Ginny, was that she wasn't at home as much as he would like. She was working as a journalist for The Daily Prophet, and often had to go on business trips around England, and sometimes the rest of Europe. She was a traveller, so he was quite lonely sometimes, but it didn't worry him too much, it made their time together even more special. So they'd decided to wait with having any children, seeing as she wanted to have a career first, and frankly, he'd understood her when she voiced that for the first time. Harry had thought along the same lines himself, working as an auror-trainee, children weren't exactly what he wanted to deal with when he came home in the afternoons.

"Haaarry, are you home," Ginny's sweet voice reached him from the hallway. He could hear her steps, and something that sounded like padding, wait, what?

"Hey there, sweetie," Harry said and rose up from the positively ugly green sofa he'd been sitting on. Even though it was ugly, it was the first piece of furniture they had ever bought together, and Harry had wanted to keep it, even after they'd started to make more money. He walked in to the hallway with a big grin upon his face, but it was soon replaced with a gaping expression. His wife was standing in the hallway with a big smile in her face, and a little Golden Retriever in her arms. Dear Merlin, he was adorable.

"Say hello to your new best friend," Ginny giggled.

"Ginny, he's… precious." He reached out to rub his fingers behind the dogs little ear, his big, grey, puppy dog eyes, that reminded Harry of something, but he couldn't quite recall what, was staring at him with so much love, that Harry could hardly contain himself. Instead of a collar, the dog had a red bandana around his neck.

He kissed Ginny gently on her lips. "You are the best wife anyone could ever ask for," Harry said with a childish enthusiasm.

"I know," she answered smugly. "You like him then?"

"I love him! What's his name?" He reached out and took the dog in his arms, he was so soft.

"He doesn't have a name yet," she answered briefly as she took of her cloak and put it in the locker. "I figured since he's yours, maybe you should name him." She gave him a brilliant smile. "I'm glad you like him."

Harry smiled at her again. "I'll need to think about it. Maybe we could find something together." He put the dog down on the floor, and watched as the little beast started to make a havoc of trying to climb Ginny's leg. "Now, I want to show you something." He guided her in to the dining room, where he'd staged everything for a most romantic dinner for two.

After the dinner, he fixed a proper bed for the dog, and made a mental-note to dream of names for him that night. Ironic enough, the dog was going to sleep in the cot under the stairs (with the door open of course), which would make a perfect bedroom for a dog. Harry gave the dog one last reassuring smile, before he went up to the bedroom, where Ginny was waiting for him.

The weekend went by mostly with Ginny packing for a trip to France, and trying to come up with names for the new dog. Harry still couldn't recall who or what the dog reminded him off, but he'd probably figure it out some day.

"Do you really have to leave," he asked Ginny for what was probably the twentieth time just that Sunday. She was leaving the day after, and Harry simply didn't want her to.

"Harry James Potter," Ginny said sternly, "You know I love you, but sometimes, you can truly be a pain in the arse. Of course I have to go. And I know that sometimes the company dinners can make you a little uncomfortable –" Ginny was working with too many tall, dark and handsome men for Harry's liking, "- But I promise you, you have nothing to worry about." She kissed Harry gently on the lips.


"I'm married to Harry Potter," she sighed, "nobody will ever dare to even touch me, fearing that you'll hex their arses from here to Russia."

In spite of himself, Harry had to laugh. "But you'll be back Friday, right?"

"Yes," she smiled and closed in on him again. "I'm going to miss you an awful lot," she murmured against his lips, before she kissed him again. Harry smiled, and answered the kiss, just like a good husband ought to do.

"I won't be alone though," he mused as she pulled away from him. "I've got the little beat to keep me company."

"Just promise me one thing, Harry," she said with a light laugh, "name him before I'm home again."

The morning after, Harry was sitting in the kitchen alone. Ginny had just left, and he had nothing but the dog as company. He hadn't shown her that he was actually sad that she was leaving, he'd just waved her goodbye, before she'd apparated to the office.

"It's just you and me then, little rascal," Harry said to the dog, lifting him up on the chair next to him as he spoke. "Mummy went off with her tall, dark and handsome colleagues." He hated himself for voicing his concern about the men in her office to Ginny, but he was; he was jealous.

Harry waved his wand in the general direction of the radio, and lifted up the dog again. He almost danced through the house to the newest hit of The Wicked Sisters. The band had been on the biggest hit trip when he'd gone to Hogwarts, so he was taken down memory lane when Do the Hippogriff came on. Remembering all that, he walked up to the second storey, and in to a room that was full of useless stuff they didn't have the heart to throw out.

"Look," Harry said to the little puppy, who was curiously running around the room, sniffing everything he could get his nose on. "Old photo albums." The album he opened first was the one Hagrid had given him on the last day of his first school year. Some of the photos were missing, seeing as they had been hung in the living room. There were several of his parents, waving and smiling to him, and Harry couldn't help himself but to smile back. In another album he found pictures from his first (and sadly, last) Christmas with Sirius. In one photo he was morphing to a dog, just to amuse a very young looking Ginny. He'd though about it, naming the dog Sirius or Padfoot, but it would be too emotional, and besides, the dog didn't look much like Padfoot had.

Smiling to himself, he found one of many photos Andromeda had sent Harry of Teddy. They had, sadly, moved to Ireland, so Harry didn't get to see them too often, but he made sure to pop by once in a while. In this photo, Teddy Lupin's hair was bright pink, just like his mother.

Digging even deeper in the box, he finally dragged out the album he was most keen to look at. Their graduation album. Harry had returned to finish his seventh year at Hogwarts, thinking that N.E.W.T's would always come in handy, and here he was, looking at an old album of himself and the rest of the graduates. The first picture was of the trio, Hermione was standing in the middle, holding her arms around their shoulders. The next one was of Harry and Ron, beaming at the camera. Then there was the one with Hermione and Ron standing together, looking most in love. Harry missed the times they'd had together so much, he would have to floo them sometime this week.

In the back of the album, was a picture of the whole graduation class. Harry was standing next to Ron and Hermione, smiling in a sort of awkward manner, Ron and Hermione were holding hands. Parvati and Padma Patil were beaming at the camera, like this was their moment in the sun. There weren't many who came back to take their N.E.W.T's, but the few that had remained, were the few that had been least scarred by the battle. Harry tapped the photo to get some Ravenclaw boys to move, to see who was behind them. A blonde, pointy faced smirk gleamed up at him, with steel grey eyes and his diploma in hand. Draco Malfoy.

Even though they had been on friendlier terms during those last few months together, but that didn't mean there was an underlying contempt in the brief conversations. Ron had never softened up to Malfoy, of course, seeing as he'd always been somewhat of a git, but Harry had somewhat easily forgiven him for the Dark Art's he'd been so in over his head with. Still, it had been a little strained.

He looked up at his dog that was so contempt at destroying the cardboard box the photo albums were laying in, and saw those same steel grey eyes he'd seen in the picture.

"Draco," he said silently. "That's your name, isn't it?" The dog, of course, didn't answer, just kept on chewing on the box. Harry couldn't name his dog Draco though. Ginny would positively kill him, Ron would roll over with laughter, and he could only imagine Hermione's judging look upon her face. Great.

The thing about Draco Malfoy was that even though he was a complete and utter arse, he had actually saved their lives. Harry had never actually thanked him for that, and with a pang of regret, he though he maybe should have. However, he hadn't heard anything from or about Draco in several years, not since the war had ended. Harry had a sneaky suspicion that he'd gone to live in some other country, just to get away from it all, and Harry could partially understand it. So Draco Malfoy had become nothing but a memory, Harry was unsure whether to keep or throw away.

He rose up from his rather uncomfortable position on the floor and put the albums back in the box. "Come on, Dr- you little rascal," he said to the dog. "I'll make you dinner." The dog followed him happily down the stairs.

Life without Ginny, especially when he had vacation, was long and boring. He took Foy (which was the name he'd settled on for the dog) for several walks around the neighbourhood, had Hermione and Ron over for dinner, went to see the other Weasleys, talked to their muggle neighbour and everything in between. But still the days went by awfully slowly. However it was now Thursday, and it was only two days left until The Return of Ginny Weasley-Potter.

Funnily enough, he'd been thinking a lot about Draco Malfoy and their time at Hogwarts in the past few days. He was a mystery to Harry, and he intended to find out what had happened to him, he only had to go back to work first. There were two weeks left of his vacation though, so he couldn't start just yet. He'd failed to mention any of his thought to Hermione and Ron, which was probably for the best.

"Foy," Harry whistled after the dog the minute he walked through the door. He'd been out shopping for some groceries, and were loaded with parcels, so naturally, the dog jumped him and made him fall over. Harry had to laugh as the dog was licking his face.

He put his jacket on the hanger, and skipped off his shoes before walking in to the kitchen. He was looking through the mail, and had to give an advertising magazine to Foy so he wouldn't completely trample Harry. The mail were mostly boring stuff, a newspaper, a reminder that he had an appointment with the minister in a couple of weeks, a postcard from Ginny.

Harry, love

When you read this, I'll be home soon.

I miss you and I love you.


It was a moving wizard postcard with a photo of a great black dog on the outside, either to resemble Sirius or to resemble Foy. Harry had to smile about the fact that Ginny was actually this wonderful. He'd never believed her to be when he first met the shy little redhead in the burrow for the first time.

He threw away some advertising, sorted through the bills and put the rest in a bunch of stuff that he and Ginny would have to go through together when they got home. He'd overlooked one letter though, it was a parchment envelope so it was from a wizard. It was hand written, so it wasn't a bill or anything.

He wrinkled his nose as he was opening it, he'd stopped getting fanmail a couple of years back, so it probably weren't anything of that sort. Who the hell would send him a letter? The writing was very neat and tidy, but very boyish.

Harry was positively flabbergasted when he had read the letter.