Sk8er Boi

Disclaimer: I do not own FFVII or "Sk8er Boi"

Note: This does not exactly fit the story line... _

*Updated*I redid some parts, which were messed up. Thank you very much, KawaiiChare, for pointing them out! ^_^*

He was a boi, she was a girl

Can I make it any more obvious?

He was a punk, she did ballet

What more can I say?

Cloud looked over at Tifa, she was so pretty in her pale dress. The flower in her hair fluttered in the cool breeze as she and her friends played with their dolls. He wanted so much to talk to her...

He wanted her, she'd never tell

Secretly she wanted him as well

All of her friends stuck up their nose

They had a problem with his baggy clothes

Tifa glanced Cloud's way but quickly averted her eyes from his stare. "That boy is such a freak." One of her friends remarked.

"A total weirdo," agreed another. "Don't you think so, Tifa?"

"Hmm?" Tifa stopped daydreaming. "Oh, yes." She sighed.

He was a sk8er boi, she said see you later boi

He wasn't good enough for her

She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space

She needed to come back down to earth

Cloud finally managed to work up the courage to talk to Tifa. "Hi," he whispered sheepishly.

"Go away," she sneered in reply.

Five years from now, she sits at home

Feeding the baby she's all alone

She turns on TV, guess who she sees

Sk8er boi rocking up MTV

Tifa woke up to her quiet, lonely household. She got out of bed and heated up a can of food. It was morning, so she didn't go back to sleep. There was a commotion outside, and when Tifa opened the door, she was more than surprised to see a familiar person standing there.

Standing next to Sephiroth in a SHINRA suit, Cloud didn't look at her.

She calls up her friends, they already know

And they've all got tickets to see his show

She tags alone, stands in the crowd

Looks up at the man that she turned down

Tifa went to her friend's house and all they discussed was Cloud. "He's so official, he will make SHINRA proud of Nibelheim, he is so handsome in that suit." Only one person was silent.

Tifa thought about the time, long ago, when Cloud once trusted her…

He was a sk8er boi, she said see you later boi

He wasn't good enough for her

Now he's a superstar, slamming on his guitar

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

Tifa was shocked as Cloud and Sephiroth walked past her window; she still hadn't gotten over the fact. "He's so… amazing," she whispered.

Sorry girl, but you missed out

Well tough luck that boi's mine now

We are more than just good friends

This is how the story ends

Aeris woke up in Cloud's arms. After a tough battle she had fainted. She closed her eyes to sleep again, knowing she was safe.

Too bad that you couldn't see

See the man that boi could be

There is more than meets the eye

I see the soul that is inside

Leaning on each other's shoulders, Aeris and Cloud sat stargazing. Cloud had his sword out, in case any monsters decided to come their way. Their flickering campfire light reflected off their happy faces.

He's just a boi, and I'm just a girl

Can I make it any more obvious?

We are in love, haven't you heard?

How we rock each other's world

On the ground, two weapons lay. A large sword with fearfully sharp edges and a long staff topped with a globe. An attacking instrument and a healing magic. Several paces away, there lay another weapon- a broken fighting glove.

I'm with the sk8er boi, I said see you later boi

I'll be backstage after the show

I'll be at our studio, singing the song we wrote

About a girl you used to know...