The Element of Betrayal Ch.4

As Applejack was walking back to the house after a hard day's work, she spotted that familiar rainbow-colored streak across the sky heading towards her. She set her basket of apples on the ground and started to walk to where she assumed she would land. They both met next to each other.

"Hey, Dash." Applejack said. "How'd the, uh, situation go?"

"Not so good." Rainbow Dash said matter-of-factly.

As Applejack was walking back to the house after a hard day's work, she spotted that familiar rainbow-colored streak across the sky heading towards her. She set her basket of apples on the ground and started to walk to where she assumed she would land. They both met next to each other.

"Hey, Dash." Applejack said. "How'd the, uh, situatio "Twilight doesn't approve of the relationship, and I think she's still mad at me."

"Relationship? You mean..."

"Yes, Applejack. I... I think... Spike and I..."

Applejack smirked confirmingly. "Well, that's good, I guess. Now just you let me talk to Twilight for you. Maybe I can convince her to let you back into her life."

"I never meant to hurt her."

"I know sugarcube. I know." Applejack said in her comforting voice. "You need to stay here again?"

"Naw, I'll be fine. Besides, my house should be parasprite-free by now." Rainbow Dash took off, leaving a faint rainbow trail behind her. Applejack went back to her apple basket to put it up before taking off to talk to Twilight.

Meanwhile, Spike was wandering the town of Ponyville while waiting for Twilight to calm down. He walked by Sugarcube Corner to see Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie having a conversation. He remembered that they were supposed to be ridding Rainbow Dash's house of parasprites. If they're done, then that means Rainbow Dash must be at her house. He could go up there and be with his beloved.

But even if he could find a way up there, he wouldn't be able to stand on the clouds. He needed a pegasus. There weren't too many pegasi in town because most of them were working (even harder than usual since Rainbow Dash apparently took the day off). His only choices were either Fluttershy or a grey pegasus with some sort of eye problem. He figured Fluttershy was the safer choice.

Spike walked into Sugarcube Corner, the bell ringing as he opened the door. Fluttershy turned around and greeting him with her usual whispery voice. "Oh, hello, Spike."

Spike meant business. "Fluttershy, I need to ask you for a favor. A HUGE favor."

Fluttershy knelt slightly. "O-Ok. Anything. What is it?"

Spike proceeded to tell her all about the night Rainbow Dash spent at the library. And the sneaking into Canterlot. And flying home with Dash. Even the argument they had with Twilight. "So I need you to fly me to Rainbow Dash's house so I can talk to her."

"Oh... so you and Rainbow Dash are... in a relationship?" Fluttershy said with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah... that's not a problem, is it?"

"Oh, n-no. Not at all. Um... let's get you to Rainbow Dash's house." Spike hopped on Fluttershy's back as she started out the door. Once outside, Fluttershy opened her wings and took off from where she stood, flying unusually swiftly.

Meanwhile again, Applejack was already at Twilight's house. At first, their talk was limited to idle chat, such as the weather and about how their days were going. But Applejack was here for a reason, so though it would be a bit uncomfortable, she knew she had to mention it.

"So... Twilight... about Rainbow Dash..." Twilight looked away. "Look, I know you don't approve of it, but if you forbid them from seeing each other, they're just going to sneak around behind your back!"

Twilight resumed eye contact. "I just feel like I've been betrayed. Spike is like my little brother, and when I saw Rainbow Dash on top of him..." Twilight shut her eyes.

"I know it's weird for you. It's weird for me, too. But it's not like Rainbow Dash is some creep who wants to take advantage of him. She's loyal, and she would never treat her friends like that." Twilight opened her eyes again.

"...You're right, Applejack. I hate to admit it, but you're right. Do you think they'll accept my apologies?"

"I know they're just dying to."

Spike and Fluttershy were approaching Rainbow Dash's house fast. A bit too fast. "Fluttershy, slow down!"

"I don't think I can. I've never flown this fast before!" They both screamed until Fluttershy hit the underside of the cloud, sending Spike flying.

Rainbow Dash was laying on the floor of her home, deep in thought. She was thinking that maybe Twilight was right; maybe she was a horrible person. Maybe her desires were perverse and wrong. Maybe- Then suddenly, Spike rockets through the floor and out the ceiling. "WHAT THE?!"Rainbow Dash flies out the door and up in the air to find Spike beginning his descent, screaming the entire time. She picks up pace, flying nearly vertical, and manages to catch him on her back. "Gotcha!"

Rainbow Dash started to fly him back to the ground. "So how did you manage to come barrelling through my house, anyway?"

"Fluttershy flew me up here so I could tell you I love you. But she kinda crashed."

"Fluttershy?! You told FLUTTERSHY we were seeing each other?!"

"Yeah, why? Was I not supposed to?"

"You can't tell Fluttershy that her secret crush is in a relationship with someone else! I'd devastate her!"

"Secret crush?"

"I'll tell you about it later." Rainbow Dash flew past a thin layer of clouds to find Twilight Sparkle on the ground waiting for them. Rainbow Dash was worried about what kind of heated discussion awaited her, but she landed there anyway, just to get it overwith. "Twilight, I know this looks bad, but-"

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash, I'm not mad at you anymore."

"I know you told me that you di- Wait, what?"

Twilight got closer to Rainbow Dash and laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Applejack helped me to understand that maybe I was wrong about you two."


"DON'T PUSH IT. Anyway, even though it's weird for me, I can accept that you two really do have feelings for each other and want to be together. For what it's worth, you have my blessing." Rainbow Dash felt relieved to know she could be finally be with her lover and not have to feel guilty. She let out a euphoric, almost creepy giggle. "I'm really sorry, for both of you. I won't stand in your way anymore. In fact, Spike, no curfew tonight. You two should go out on a real date for once."

"So, I run away from home TWICE, and my reward is to stay out as late as I want? That's not very good managering."

"I SAID DON'T PUSH IT." Just then, Fluttershy flew towards the group in a slightly dizzy manner. "Hey, Fluttershy, do you mind helping me with the library tonight? I told Spike and Rainbow Dash they could have the night off to go on a date."

"Spike and Rainbow Dash are going out tonight? Well, that's just GREAT." Fluttershy said in an oddly passive-agressive voice as she walked away with Twilight.

"So, Rainbow Dash, what should we do on our night on the town?" Spike asked while Rainbow Dash started trotting.

"Well, first, we should stop by Sugarcube Corner so we can tell Pinkie Pie and Rarity the news."

"Then we can go to that fancy new salad restaurant near the courthouse." Spike suggested.

"Then, we'll go to that patch of trees by the creek where it's nice and secluded."

"What're we going to do there?"

"You'll find out, kid. You'll find out."