Hey guys sorry for not updating these stories in a long while. I'm still working on them and have full intent of continuing them as well. I've not been updating due to life issues, lack of inspiration, writers block, and a number of other things. One of which is also finding the right words and pace for the story. I know I know some of you will say that even a rushed chapter is better than no chapter well I'm sorry I don't want to do rushed I don't like exploiting the whole Time Lapse thing.

I think that I need to set up a schedule for my stories maybe a 1-2 week schedule between story updates. You know work on one story one week and another the next. In which time I will be working on what I want to happen in the next chapter...

Funny thing to note.

I know how I want the story to start and I know how I want it to end. Everything else in the middle is unknown. I'll work on that issue though so that I don't have these issues where there are no updates for so many days, weeks, months, and possibly years... anyways I will also be rewriting Wrath of Hero's so as to follow a better time frame.

My stories that I have in the works are as follow (then again those of you who've fave'd and followed me will already know these stories.)

Pokemon: Awakening

Temporal Shift: Link's Galactic Journey (Sister story is Temporal Shift: Samus' Journey of the Past)

Wrath of Hero's (Going to be rewritten. I had made inference to events at the end of A Blast in the Past and I did not bring those into Wrath of Hero's.)

Inheritance of the Dragon Souls

Spyro and Cynder's Legacy

Ill fate beyond the Sea (It's a continuation from a story by someone else. Prequel is Ill met at midnight)

Breath of Fire: A New Beginning, Awakening

Age of Deception (Which I will start back up completely because my brother had given me a number of idea's to use with it which I will use.)

and lastly...

The story named MetroidZelda: A new AdventureMission... is going to be renamed to Dimensional Rift.

in any case I will find a way to work on these stories and continue them in a well to do manner. So please in the mean time look forward to the updates. I'll work out a schedule for each story so please stay with me ok.