a/n: This is just a little ficlet I wrote originally as a series of drabbles as a gift for bittie752. It has been slightly altered from its original posting on tumblr. As always, I don't own anything you recognize, although I'd really like to own TenToo. Seriously.

New New Earth

On their first trip in the TARDIS, he took her to this universe's version of New Earth. Unlike Pete's World, New Earth appeared to be identical to the one in their home universe, complete with the city of New New York in the distance and the smell of applegrass surrounding them. She took his arm and looked up at him with a mischievous smile.

"Traveling with you, I love it," she said, intentionally quoting herself.

"Me, too," he quoted back.

They ran across the field, hand in hand, as they had so, so long ago. It was different. It was a new TARDIS, on a new New Earth in a new universe, with a new him. But it was the same, too. Because, despite the changes he had gone through, despite the metacrisis, he was still him. They were still them. And they were together.

Later, they were lying in the applegrass, on top of his new greatcoat. It was a copy of his old one, identical in every way, from the heavy suede of the outer shell to the slick, blue lining. It even had the correct number of buttons at the top of the long slit up the back. She had had it made and gave it to him on the anniversary of his creation. His birthday, she called it. Inwardly he called it his second chance. The second chance he had of a life with her.

She gestured at the hospital in the distance. "Do you think Cassandra's there?" she asked, her mouth twitching in amusement.

He raised one eyebrow. "We're not going to go and find out," he replied firmly. "I'm done with cat-nun-nurses and bitchy trampolines."

"You never know," she said. "This one could have a little shop."

He shook his head, trying to hide a smile. "No. Absolutely not. We're not going. Not even if they have a little shop."

They were on a cliff, overlooking the bay, watching the cars fly in the distance. A light breeze was blowing her hair around like last time. Unlike last time, he was the one who brushed it out of her face. Leaning over, he gently kissed her. "I wanted to do that last time," he said quietly, staring in her eyes.

"Why didn't you?" she asked softly.

"Because I was afraid," he admitted. At her questioning glance, he continued. "I was afraid of loving you. Of how much I already loved you. "

"I loved you, too," she said and raised her hand to stroke his cheek. He bent to kiss her again and she ran her fingers through his hair and caressed the back of his neck. As they kissed, he trailed his fingers from her shoulder downward, along her arm and ribs to finally cup the curve of her breast. Grateful that some things weren't the same as before, she sat up and slowly unzipped her top. And as the sun began to set on new New Earth, Rose and her new, new, new Doctor made love surrounded by the scent of applegrass.