Clank Clank

His shoes clanked on the tile floor as he walked down the hall. It was time for recess but he didn't want to play basketball with the other idiots in this school.

Clank Clank

He would have stayed in the classroom but Joey and Tristan would have started trying to rile him up again. They were still sore for losing the fight outside the school last month. They say he cheated. It wasn't his fault they didn't pay attention to the surroundings. It was quite easy to win anyway. Just had to turn it into a game. He was the best at them.

Clank Clank

He ignored the stares. From the girls plotting to go out with him to the rest that were plotting to undercover if he was really gay. He had practice at ignoring them. At times he wondered if he should one down his leather outfit under his uniform. But he didn't think it would help.

Clank Clank Swoooooosh!

He stepped outside and looked around. Ah, there they were. His two friends, Tea and Miya. Both had been his friends since childhood. They were the only ones to look past his dark exterior. One reason a lot of people thought he was gay was that he hung around two beautiful girls and didn't appear one bit interested. How wrong they were. While Tea was beautiful, he had his eyes set on Miya. Ever since they were little, he liked her and since he only ever acted that way around her, she never thought much of it. He was almost sure Tea had picked up on his feelings, however. Giving excuses to leave them alone; dropping hints with the clueless Miya. Nothing was working, however, and he rather act oblivious.

He, not for the first time, looked them over to commit them to memory. Both girls were brunette, with Tea's short straight hair and Miya's slightly longer shaggy hair. Both wore the school uniform, pink and blue. Tea's eyes were brown while Miya's were green. As he walked over, Miya spotted him and started waving. When Tea looked behind her to see what Miya was waving at, she smiled when she saw him. Miya called out.


He gave a small smile and a nod as he finished his walk over. "Yo," He sat down in front of them and they soon followed, much more slowly as they were wearing skirts. They sat there in silence for a moment, before Tea broke it.

"Have you gotten any farther with the puzzle, Atem?" His smile got wider when she mentioned his puzzle. He got the gold box out of his bag.

"Not a lot, honestly. Its very hard to solve but I'll get there!"

Miya opened her mouth to say something when she look like she remembered something. She quickly turned and opened her bag, pulling a big plastic bag out. She turned to them and smiled. "I brought everyone lunch!" Miya was very good cook.


Atem walked out of school after the last bell, grumbling. After class ended, Joey and Tristan cornered him. He was about to get away when his puzzle box fell out of his bag and opened on the floor, scattering all the loose pieces. Tristan picked up the box while Joey grabbed the lose pieces. Miya and Tea had to step in to get them back. All he wanted to do now was get home and relax in his room. As he was about to walk past the school entrance, however, he was stopped by Ushio.

"You're Atem Motou, right?" The big boy with bigger eyebrows asked, his arms crossed. Atem raised an eyebrow. Why did he want to know?


"I'm Ushio, from the Morals Committee," He started to say, as if Atem didn't already know. "I'd like to ask you some questions…" Atem had a bad feeling about this… "Have you been picked on by anyone in your class?"

Whatever Atem was expecting, it wasn't that. His eyebrows jump up to his hairline. Did he mean Joey and Tristan?… "No, I haven't." He said without a beat. It was true. He didn't think of those two idiots riling him as bullying. But that wasn't the answer Ushio was looking for.

"Hold on! For the good of the school, answer me!" Ushio said, arms still crossed. "I'm going to investigate this!"

Wha-? Atem looked at him funny. "I don't really need that but… uh… thanks anyway I guess…bye." That was all he could get out. He was so confused and he just wanted to get away. But before he could move, Ushio grabbed his shoulders.

"Hey, relax, Atem! From now on, consider me your paid bodyguard!"

"Errrr…." Ushio was really starting to creep him out now. Atem quickly retched away and walked away. "What's up with him… Weird guy…" He muttered under his breath.


"The "Millennium Puzzle" was found in the early 1900's. An English archeological team took it from the burial tomb of a pharaoh. Afterward, everyone involved died mysteriously…. And they say the last one was screaming… something about a "shadow game"…"

Atem blinked sleepily, lifting his head off his desk. Did he fall asleep…? The last thing he could remember was Grandpa's word about the puzzle… no, that was his dream. The last thing he remembered was that he working on his puzzle. He then caught sight of said puzzle, half done, sitting in front of him on the desk. He started to pick up the unfinished pieces when there was a knock on his door.

"Atem! Are you up?" His grandpa call through the door. "You're going to be late!"

Oh crap… The tricolor hair boy thought as he raced to put on his uniform. Never before had he been this thankful for the school uniforms.


He yawned again for the 5th time since this period. He stayed up too late last night when working on the puzzle. He really didn't mean to. Time just got away from him. It was recess again and Tea and Miya were meeting with some club. His head lowered onto the desk with out his permission. Maybe… just a minute…


Ushio's call woke him up with a start and he jerked his head up. He looked and glared at the offending boy, silently asking "What?!"

"Could you come with me for a moment?" Ushio smirked and walked out, obviously expecting Atem to follow. Curiosity ruling over suspicion, Atem got up and followed. He followed Ushio out back to behind the school. He was starting to wonder if this was such a good idea.

"Ushio… What did you want to show me exactly?"

The big eyebrow boy looked over his shoulder and smirked. "Heh…Just follow me… I'm sure you'll like this…"

They finally got to a stopping point and Ushio jerked his head o the front of him. Atem raised an eyebrow and looked at him then followed Ushio's motion. What he saw made his eyes go wide.

"Joey! Tristan!"

The said boys were all beaten up and leaning against the wall behind the school. "W-who…" Atem whispered, before putting two and two together. He turned and glared at Ushio, who just smirked.

"Atem, I told you…consider me your bodyguard. Its my duty to punish these guys! They're just bullies!"

Atem's glare intensified, though it did no good. Ushio wasn't about to be intimidated by 4 ft freshman. "You're the bully, Ushio." He quickly turned to Joey and Tristan, kneeling down to talk to them. "Are you alright, Joey? Tristan?" "That was a stupid question." He thought to himself but couldn't think of a way to correct it without rambling. Joey opened his eyes just a little bit at the sound of Atem's voice. Even in pain, the blond was able to glare.

"Atem…you brat… I knew you were behind this…"

"What?!" Atem jerked away, as if struck. "You can't think I asked for this, can you?!" before Atem could convince them other wise, Ushio knocked the multi-colored haired teen away and continued to kick Joey and Tristan.

"Move out of the way, Atem! I'm not done punishing them!"

Atem quickly regained his wits and jumped up in front of Ushio, in between him and the others. "Stop it!" He yelled, arms out spread out in front of Joey and Tristan.

Ushio stopped and looked at Atem funny. "Why are you protecting these jerks? You're one weird guy…" He lowered his foot, as he was just abut to kick, and took a step back. "This is your chance for revenge! Hit them! Kick them!"

"I can't do that to my friends!" Atem yelled, causing Ushio to jump as he wasn't prepared for the usually quiet teen to start yelling. "They were just mad that I beat them in that fight last month! When I told you I'm not bullied, I meant I'm not bullied!"

"What?" Joey blinked and looked at Atem in front of him. "Does he really mean that?"

Ushio blinked at the outburst but went back to smirking quickly. "Well, Alright… By the way Atem! I'll take by payment, now! My fee… 200k yen!" Then, before Atem could protest or realize what was going on, Ushio stepped forward and punched him, making Atem fall to the side, away from Joey and the unconscious Tristan. Ushio then quickly kneed Atem before the teen could regain his wits.

"W…what…what the… he always so quiet, only resisting to get away, never to hurt or get back at us…" Joey watched, helpless, as Ushio beat the crap out of Atem. "Atem… are you protecting us?!"

"I made a wish on the puzzle… I wished for friends … who would never betray me… who would I could lean on… would could lean on me… to bring light into m light…"

"I guess that's enough." Ushio said, stopping the beating. "Well, Until tomorrow when you bring me my money, Atem. Remember, 200k!" He walked away, leaving the three teens just lying there.


"Ow…" Atem put his hand on his bandaged cheek, trying to make the pain dull. Its been hours since the beating, and less time since he got home, but the bruises still throbbed. He only hoped Grandpa believed his lie. It was the half truth.

"Sorry I'm late gramps… The bruises? Oh, just got into a fight at school… I won! Yes, I know it was stupid…"

He shook his head and checked the final tally of money he owned. "1,656 yen… not enough. I need 200,000... Where am I going to get that kind of money?" He continued to work on the puzzle just to have something to do with his hands. If he didn't pay up, Ushio would beat him up again and Atem didn't think he could win that fight like he won his fight with Joey and Tristan. But as he worked on the puzzle, it became easier. "If I half rotate this one it fits there… and it I do that, this one fits… Yes! How is it so easy now?!" Finally, he had done it! The Millennium Puzzle was almost complete! "I…I did it! Just one more piece and I'll be done!" He said as he reached into the box to get the last piece. Only to find… nothing. "Its not here… Its not here! Its gone!" He got up and started to tare apart his room to find it but he couldn't! The last piece… the final piece to completing the Millennium Puzzle was gone…. Atem snapped his head up. Maybe he just left it in school. He did drop it the other day when Joey and Tristan cornered him… Yes… Yes, It had to be at school!

That was the reason he was now running toward his high school in the middle of the night looking frantic. He ran in to the courtyard, not even thinking how he would get into school this late at night, and only slowed down when Ushio stepped out into the light. "AH! What the hell?!"

"Atem…" This lighting didn't help Ushio look any less creepy. "Did you bring me money?"

"Did…did you just wait around here hoping I would show up?!" Atem half scream, still a little freaked out.

"Pretty much. I was board."

"Well… I don't have your money sooo… bye!" Atem tried to run off but Ushio grabbed his jacket and pulled him behind the school so no one would see him beat Atem up.


"Atem!" Joey ran up to the shorter teen, who was only half conscious and lying on the ground beside the wall. The Puzzle was laying outside his backpack where it fell earlier.

The said boy opened his eyes at the sound of Joey's voice. "Joey…"

"Its ok, Atem. I'm gonna get back at Ushio for this." The blond pushed something into his hand. The last piece of the puzzle! "Here. Take this." And with that, Joey ran off to fight Ushio alone. Atem stared at his hand for a moment trying to become more aware. Finally, he just stretched his arm and put the final piece into the puzzle. There was a bright flash of light and Atem knew no more.


Ushio smirked as he sent one final kick into Joey's stomach. Pathetic. He turned away from the unconscious teen and began his walk home when a voice caught his attention.

"Ushio." The voice was childish yet still confidant and strong.

"What?" Ushio whirled around to face the person but no one else was there. "Who's there?!"

The person came out of the shadows. It was Atem! But… his eyes were purple with red tinted instead of his usual purple-almost-crimson, and his yellow streaks were missing, instead opting to hang slightly in his face. He was also a bit shorter and seemed to glow in power and confidence, that Atem didn't exactly lack but it showed more with the boy. It sure looked like Atem but it didn't quite match. Ushio raised an eyebrow, refusing to be scared. "Who are you? You sure looked like Atem but you're not him."

Not-Atem smiled, though it turned into an almost smirk. "Nice observation, you bully. I can't really tell you my name right now, so call me what ever you wish." Not-Atem walked closer, with a cheerful look that made him look ten that didn't fit the creep scene. Ushio tried to step back but found he couldn't. He didn't know if he was just scared stiff or it this boy was doing something and he didn't think he wanted to find out. Not-Atem started to speak again. "I'll leave you a way out. A way to put your heart back together but it will be difficult for someone like you. It won't be any different from normal but if I didn't leave you a way out I don't think I could forgive myself." Ushio didn't know if this boy was explaining something to him or if he was just talking out loud. Maybe both? Either way, not-Atem was going to do something to him and he didn't think he would like it…

"Game Start."


Atem yawned and looked around for Tea and Miya. Well, they're not in the court yard. Maybe inside. Class did start soon. So he headed inside.

Not once did he notice Ushio laughing in a pile of leaves surrounded by students.

Atem messed around with his Puzzle again and smiled. He had finally finished it! "My treasure…"

"Yo, Atem…"

"Hm?" Atem looked up to see Joey leaning against the wall, one or two more bandages than he himself had. "Joey. He, how are your injuries?"

The blond smiled. "Fine, how about yours?" Atem smiled in answer. "Perfect! So…" Joey held out his hand. "Friends?"

Atem looked at the hand for a moment then shook it without a moment more of hesitation.
