This story is based off an ongoing Roleplay a friend of mine. He pretty much had all the plot points except for a few, so I have to thank him a ton!)

All characters belong to Hima-papa.)

I'm a slow updater, I have a busy schedule, so sorry. Hopefully I can do every other week. Also, this is my first story. Please give me any comments or criticisms that you have for my story. It'll really help me along!


*Note:All conversation between Ivan and Toris is in Russian unless stated otherwise*

Ivan was silent, off in the corner of the cold room. His violet eyes were on the ceiling, Sigh, it is still so boring. I wish that I could change it's color. Red, red would be a nice color..Then there was a knock on the door, and his thoughts came to a halt, his eyes flicking quickly down towards it. Instantly, they were narrowed, staring coldly at the darkened metal, body stiffening apon instinct. If it was one of...them, then he was going to kill them. Yes, then he can paint the walls with their red, and see how much they like it! Oh! But Sestra didn't like that. She disapproved..And then his eyebrows knit together, a frown coming onto his face.

"Ivan? It's Dr. Toris. May I come in?" Oh. It was him. He always asked, but it wasn't like he had a choice anyway. The other would come in either way, wouldn't he?

"Da." He said simply. He never did end up saying no, he was afraid of being alone any longer than he had to. Toris opened up the door, a smile on his face.

"Privet." Toris said to the other as he stepped inside, the door closing and locking itself once he let go. "Are you ready to take your medicine? I have something special for you today." A frown etched it's way onto Ivan's face. The medicine. It always made his head hurt, and made him have dark nightmares. His body stiffened up, but thankfully the other did not notice it.

"Special?" Ivan asked quietly, wondering what it was.

"Very special, taip." the Lithuanian replied with. "So if you take it quickly, we can get straight to it." He said, that soft light smile never leaving his face. He went up to the other, crouching down beside him and holding out a glass of water, in his other upturned hand, three light blue reached out, fingers wrapping around the cup as he pulled it away from the other. There was a mere seconds' hesitation in his other arm as he took the light blue pills, but then in a flash it was over, and they were sliding down his throat, the Russian man looking up at the other once more. Toris pulled out a thin package from his coat, and opened it up for Ivan to see inside. In that package, was revealed to be a soft pink cloth, familiar to those violet eyes. In a flash, his hand had blasted out and snatched the fabric from the box, lifting it up carefully in his hands, looking it over. Old and frayed around the edges, it was a scarf, one that he remembered well. What passed as a smile for him lifted across his face, eyes lit up just a bit. He wrapped it around his neck, his mouth disappearing behind it, his next expression completely hidden. His eyebrows knit together, hands curling into fists at his sides,

"They changed it.." He said, voice quiet, but filled with a coldness that scared Toris. "They changed it. They touched it. It is not theirs. They should not have..It is no longer her's.." Toris put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Ivan. I promise you, I will talk to them about it." He assured him in a soft voice, before standing up again. Ivan nodded, looking up at him, then down and away, eyes focusing on a dark blotch on the floor next to his feet, remaining silent.

Then, Toris turned back to the box, and pulled a sunflower out of it. He held it up, facing the Russian once again. "Ivan," He said softly, and the other's eyes moved back up to him, and then latched onto the yellow flower. "What does this sunflower mean to you?"

Ivan's eyes never left the beautiful item. "What does it...mean to me?" He repeated questioningly. Toris nodded, holding it out for him to take. His hand reached up, gently taking it, fingers wrapping around it delicately as he pulled it back towards him, looking it over. He could not tell him the reason. How did Toris know he liked sunflowers? He did not remember telling him anything about it before..Ivan thought, eyes going up to the other once before quickly swapping back to the sunflower.

After a while, Toris spoke up again, "if you can't tell me, that's fine Ivan. You can keep the sunflower." At that, Ivan's eyes snapped back up to him, his facial expression seeming surprised.

"You'll let me keep it?" It would make the room so bright and colorful. Toris was so nice..

"Taip, this room needs some color, doesn't it?" The Lithuanian replied with, looking around the room. Ivan nodded in agreement. "Maybe they'll let me paint this room for you."

Then, Ivan shook his head, bluntly saying, "No, they do not like me." Toris looked over at him, eyebrows scrunching together, a frown coming onto his face.

"Oh." Was all he said quietly.

"And I do not like them." HE said next, nodding a bit, looking back down at the sunflower.

"I understand that you do not. They are a bit cruel, keeping you locked up in here.."Once more, the lithe man glanced around the dull room, sighing just a bit. But you will get out soon enough, I will make sure of it." He said firmly. Ivan remained silent. It was obvious he did not think he would ever be able to leave this accursed room. He had been in here for so long..he barely remembered what the Motherland looked like. Toris looked at him. "I'll get you out of here." He said softly. A promise.

Ivan swiftly looked back up at him. "Do not make a promise you can not keep. It is a lie, and I hate lies."

"I'm not lying." Toris replied with. "I will get you out of here, I promise." Once more, Ivan fell quiet. Hah, they wouldn't let him out. They wouldn't even let him out of this room..."And..tomorrow. Tomorrow i'm going to take you outside, okay? We're going to expand your freedom." Ivan just nodded, not speaking on that. Once more, his eyes drifted back to his yellow beauty.

"How long do sunflowers live, Toris?"

"When they're not living, or in water, about three days." He replied with, smiling a bit sadly.

"Oh.." was all the other replied with, his gaze turning sad. "Why does it have to die Toris?" He asked softly.

"I don't know.. Its.. Its just apart of its cycle. It leaves seeds for us to grow, though.." He said. "I can see if we can grow a sunflower in here." Ivan nodded, looking up at him, an excited light coming into his eyes this time. But soon, another silence lapsed over the two. After a few moments, Toris said, "I'm sorry."

Ivan looked up at him again. "Why?"

"Because I may not be able to help you like i'm hoping to."

The large man scoffed at that, violet eyes looking away again. "You won't." He said.

"I will try Ivan. I will always try." Ivan did not reply, so after a few moments, Toris nodded."I think I will be going for now, Ivan. I will return later today, alright?"

He nodded, "Goodbye, Toris." He said in a quiet voice, watching him go. Toris went to the door, and opened it up. He stepped outside, and the door automatically shut and locked it self, sealing the other away from his view.