Yay! I'm back! Sorry again, I was gone for a long time, I was busy, then I got lazy, then of course there's the writer's block. But I'm happy to say I got everything figured out so here's the story and hopefully some more to come.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats

I don't own the characters

Please support the official release

Chase's POV

The convention was just as amazing as Bree described it. The room was so crowded, every available space was occupied by stands and booths, groups of people gathered around wizards selling something or casting spells. Everywhere I looked; spellcasters dressed in fancy robes were either casting brilliant, colorful spells, shouting something about a new product or were transforming various volunteers into animals. Colorful murals and vibrant tapestries floated just under the ceiling. Some booths floated along with them.

"Hey kid, come here," a voice called me. I looked behind me to see an old woman standing in the shadows between two large booths. She was dressed in an ancient, dirty robe. She wore a pointed hat, but the hat was so old the point drooped down and covered her face, I walked towards her.

"You seem like a sneaky kid, I got a once in a lifetime deal for you. See this," she took out a small black orb, "this concentrated aura of darkness has the ability to hide you in any situation. Just activate it with your own wizard energy." My eyes widen at the words, 'own wizard energy,'

"I'm sorry I-"

"Perhaps you'd like a demonstration," she cut me off, the witch activated the orb and shadows flew at my face, the next thing I knew she was right next to me. "Just between you and me," she whispered, "you can go up to any shop you want, take something, and use this item to make a quick getaway, hee hee!"

"Oh, no I don't-"

"Just think kid, every object in this convention could belong to you"

"Actually, I jus-"

"When you buy this one small orb, you buy every item in the Magcik's convention, for just 500 coins! Can you imagine?"

"I'm sorry but I don't have any money!" I finally blurted out.

The witch scowled, "well then why are you wasting my time by talking to me you little twerp!" She spat. She pulled out a broom out of her robe, "tryin' to make an honest living and little punks are trying to rob me blind…" she mumbled as she flew away. She dropped the black orb she was trying to sell me as she was flying away, I picked it up. I squeezed it and its shape molded to my hand and it made a squeaky whistle as it returned to its spherical shape. "A chew toy," I thought,

"Grrrghrregh!" my thoughts were interrupted when a one-eyed troll carrying a pole with fish through it came up to me. The bald, muscular creature kneeled down and offered me a fish. He tore it from the pole the fish was impaled in and offered it to me. I looked down at the mangled fish, then the odor hit me. It took everything I had not to vomit, I simply responded with a "no thank you," before I started to back away,

"Areghgagha!" it shouted as it tried to force me to take the fish,

"No I don't want it!" I took out an empty sack and held it upside-down, "See? No money!"

But the troll kept at it, this time he shoved the fish in front of my face, a piece of its meat broke off and landed on my cheek. I gaged and subconsciously slapped the fish off the troll's hand. He was furious. He slammed the pole carrying the other fish on the floor and started stomping on the floor and waving his arms, punching the air in a furious outrage. I felt so embarrassed watching people stop what they were doing to point and stare at a rampage that I started. I turned and ran away from the scene. I ended up going into another room. As I parted the curtained that covered the door way, I looked around; many people sat in couches being served drinks and silently chatting. I walked around when suddenly I heard some laughter I looked and I stood frozen in my tracks. I saw a group of wizards talking and laughing, one stood out to me, the tallest one and the most gorgeous: shining brown eyes, a bright amazing smile and the most amazing hair, he was wearing a brown long-coat. I knew for a while now that I was gay, but being around girls or my family I wasn't really attracted to anyone, until now. He was drop-dead gorgeous, he met my gaze.

"Hey kid, what's all that yelling going on the other room?"

I snapped out of my trance; wait, was he talking to me? "Uhh…" I instantly panicked, I had two options: make the stupid mistake of thinking he was talking to me, but was actually talking to someone else, or assume he was talking so someone behind me and walk away. Option two seemed better, as I turned and walked away I noticed I was the only one standing in my side of the room, "crap," I said under my breath,

"Ey! No one ignores the powerful Adam, get back here!"

The wizards sitting next to this "Adam" got up and surrounded me

"I-I'm sorry I thought he was talking to someone else" I tried to apologize, but the wizards weren't having any of it.

"Maybe we can beat some sense into you," one wizard said.

"Or we can knock the stupid out of you," said another, two of the wizards held me up off the ground, I tried to squirm and wriggle myself free, but the two wizards had a firm grip, I wasn't going anywhere.

"That's enough!" Interrupted Adam, "he made a simple mistake anyone of us could've made"

"But Adam, don't you want us to teach this kid a lesson?"

Adam answered by pointing his finger to the ground signifying to put me down, "don't make me repeat myself"

The others obliged and dropped me down, "now go and leave us alone," Adam said. Again they followed his orders and walked away, going into the main convention room. His expression lightened as he kneeled down to help me up. "Nice to meet you, I'm Adam. Sorry about those guys, they've been antsy ever since I made them stay in the lounging room with me."

"Hi Adam I'm Chase" my heart was beating a million miles a minute,

"Chase, would you like to sit down, maybe have some tea, it's naturally made, no magic or anything." (It's never a good idea to eat magic, it makes you extremely sick which is why it's a bad idea to use any growth spells on crops or drink water that came from a water spell)

"Sure, but I don't have any money" I lied again, as much as I would like to sit and have naturally brewed tea with what seems like my dream man, I'd rather not humiliate myself by doing or saying something stupid. I just want to quit while I'm ahead.

"Don't worry I was going to buy you some anyway," he smiled. "Well so much for that," I thought. He left and quickly returned with two cups in his hands and gave me one. "That was fast," I said,

"That's what she said" Adam responded with a laugh. Wizards are notorious for telling dirty jokes; I tried to laugh as best as I could. We sat and had our tea,

"So I haven't seen you around Gandalf's are you from another wizarding school?" He asked,

"Uhh…" Crap! He thinks I'm a wizard! "Yeah! I'm from far away and I just wanted to visit the Magick's Convention to see what all of the buzz is about."

"So where are you from?" He asked,

"Uh, I live in a-a farm up north," I technically wasn't lying; I used to live in a farm and its north of here. I took a sip of tea to calm my nerves,

"Oh! So then you go to Mortimer's School of Ancestral Magic?"

I almost spit my tea out, how does this guy know so much about wizard schools?! "Actually no a little bit farther up north."

"Farther up north? There isn't another school for miles after Mortimer's" he seemed confused

I desperately needed to change the subject. "Well enough about me, what about you? I'm curious to know what makes you the 'Powerful Adam'"

"Well, I'm Adam Spellman, I go to Gandalf School of Sorcery or Gandalf's for short, and I live there which gives me time to work on my powers. I also was always just naturally gifted with performing any spell with great power."

"Oh nice," I took another sip of tea,

"Really, you're not going to ask?" Adam gave me a puzzled look

I almost choked on my tea, "ask what?"

Adam chuckled everyone knows Gandalf's isn't a boarding school, whenever I tell people I live at Gandalf's people question me or give me puzzled looks. Which is why I'm curious as to why you haven't started with the questions: 'has Gandalf's made a boarding program?!' 'Wait are you homeless?' 'Why do live there are you poor?' 'I bet you don't even go there!' Adam imitated the questions people ask him.

"Well it must have slipped my mind I guess," I tried to brush his question off,

"You know you're really interesting Chase, you're from some mysterious farm up north, you go to an elusive, seemingly non-existent school and you don't know anything about the most famous wizarding school in the magical dimension. You're different from other wizards"

"Well I wouldn't say I'm too different" Oh no! I think he's starting to catch on

"No, no, no! I wasn't trying to offend you. In fact, I'll let you take a shot at me"

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, I'm actually a really strong wizard so any attack you throw at me won't hurt, so come on! Hit me with your best shot!"

Shoot! A distinguishing factor between wizards and fairies is the type of magic they use! Adam will definitely be able to tell I'm a fairy now.

Adam stood up and outstretched his arms "I'm open,"

"Well you see the thing is…" I desperately looked around for a place to run or hide, I even tried to find Bree she'd kill me if she knew I was here, but better than being destroyed by an angry wizard who discovered my secret.

"I'm waiting…" Adam said,

"I'm really sorry, but I have to g-"I was interrupted mid-sentence by a massive explosion at the other end of the room. From the rubble, a pair of red eyes emerged.

There was mass hysteria in the room, people ran everywhere. The pair of glowing red eyes were revealed to be an older bald man in a dark red robe.

"Headmaster Lancaster!?" Adam shouted confused,

Many shadowed figures emerged from the giant hole in the wall the explosion made. They started attacking people with several different attacking spells.

"Chase?! Is that you?" Said a familiar voice, "Chase what are you doing here, I thought I told you to stay in the dorm?" Bree came up behind me and she was as scared as I was,

"Bree… I… You… It's just…." I couldn't figure out what to say, the fact that I got caught by Bree, the dark figures attacking, the million questions on my mind on how Adam knows who the man in the dark red robe is; I couldn't find the right words to give an excuse on why I was here.

"Look I don't care let's just get out of here!" She grabbed me and we left out of the back entrance. I looked back to see Adam trying to talk to the man in the red robe. The last thing I saw was Adam get hit by the man's spell and got knocked to the ground. "Chase…" was the last thing he said before he passed out.

Few done! Ok so again sorry for the wait, if you see any plot holes or don't understand something OR you see any errors please message me or include it in the review. Otherwise Read and Review as they say. And cross your fingers and hope this story's hiatus is over I know I will! Oh wait… (Haha get I'm writing the story)