Sorry for the late update you guys. School was hectic and now I'm sort of free. :D Here's the next chapter to this story.

After the whole restaurant conversation, the pure blood and the silverette drove off to a distant place -or so that's what Zero would say since they had been on the road speeding off for about a half an hour already. It wasn't too soon until the silverette was drifting off and Kaname didn't want to wake him up so he just let him be before focusing on the road yet again.

The pure blood turned the engine off before he quietly got out of the car. They had finally arrived at their destination. The silverette was still asleep and as much as he hated to do it, he shook his shoulder gently to wake him up.

"Zero.." Kaname said, luring the silverette from his little dreamland.

The said male slowly opened his eyes and yawned. Zero rubbed the sleep and grogginess away before he looked up at Kaname, blushing slightly at how close the brunette's face was to his.

Zero pushed him away and got out of the car, wishing the pure blood didn't see how tomato-like his cheeks were. All in all, that was futile.

He didn't notice where they were until he had seen the huge gates that separate him and kana me from a dark forest. There was an enormous sign that said 'no trespassing' on the gates and Zero felt chills go up his spine at that. Where did Kaname take him?

"Let's go?" Was all Kaname said before he started walking towards the gate. The pure blood secretly made sure to keep his car hidden well so no one would suspect the area. He wasn't going to face the damn paparazzi with Zero in his company.

Zero hesitated at first but he took a breath and followed swiftly. Ther were several untrimmed patches of grass in the area which added to the spooky-ness which was already there. The silverette felt another chill run down his spine. He could swear that his goosebumps were acting up too.

There were several patches of untrimmed grass near the gate and Zero was being cautious about snakes being near her they were. He didn't want either of them to get bitten. He doesn't know if venom affects pure bloods but surely he still wasn't taking any chances.

Zero was dallying. Kaname noticed.

Once the both of them were walking down the dark path of the forest, that's where Zero started to get really scared. He could barely see anything and twice or thrice he was saved from having his face meet the ground first by having the brunette's arms wrap around his figure it before impact. He silently thanked the darkness because he was sure that his face was beet red.

But then, that uneasy feeling was still in his gut. It felt like they had been walking down the path for hours but in reality it was just a minute. It was like night time. If he hadn't heard the steady footsteps of the brunette beside him, he would have started running blindly anywhere he could get.

'Where are we headed?' He couldn't help but feel worried but then he was assured when he felt fingers intertwine with his own. There goes that heat coming onto his cheeks again.

"We're almost there." Kaname reassured, giving a slightly visible smile towards the silverette. Zero couldn't help but smile back.

"This whole scenario just seems cliche to me." Zero said to himself. However, Kaname heard every word. The brunette smiled.

"Just wait until we get there. You'll think this is a dream." That piqued Zero's interest. Up ahead, he finally saw a clearing. There was a lot of sunlight and he didn't hesitate to run to it in excitement. Not like a little kid would but like how a person who never saw the light of day would. That's how worried he actually was.

Now, as Zero ran, there were thoughts still lurking in his head. What would he see when he'd reach the other end? What did Kaname mean by what he said? Why was he running so frantically?

Then, he stopped in his tracks once he was again sheathed in the light of midday. There was a house a few meters away from where he was. The house was in the middle of thousands and thousands of every kind of flower that could be named. There was the occasional patch of grass here and there but all in all, Kaname was right. It really did look cliche. Right out of a movie titled "Howl's Moving Castle".

"Where the hell is this place?" Zero almost stuttered. Almost. He was mesmerized, he could tel you that. Enchanted, stunned, surprised. Basically the same feelings expressed in different words / terms.

Kaname arrived just a few feet behind the silverette. He smiled at the reaction he got from the other male. "This here is what I call my sanctuary." The brunette crouched down and picked up a rose he saw growing right next to his feet. "Nobody knows of this place aside from you and I. The paparazzi will never know where this place is."

"Saves you a little more trouble huh?" zero chuckled!having to cover his mouth a bit as that chuckle turned into a small laugh.

Kaname took Zero's hand away from his mouth and kissed the palm, causing the other male to turn into a scarlet wreck again.

"Saves me a lot of trouble and privacy." The brunette replied.

"Uh-huh. Why didn't you escape here every time a topic pops up about you and whatever because of the paparazzi?"

"That's a very good question Zero." Kaname and Zero locked gazes for a couple of seconds. "It is because this place is only meant for me and the person who really cares for my well being genuinely and vice versa."

"But you're a well known actor. You could ask the paparazzi to actually cut you some slack." To this, Kaname chuckled and slung his arm around Zero's shoulders.

"You never knew that I was a famous actor until I told you." Kaname had a point there. "Besides, it's nice to change things up once in a while. You know, problems sometimes get to hectic to handle so a little plot twist wouldn't hurt that much on my part."

Zero hummed then nodded in understanding.

"Well then, up for some tea."

Thank you for the wait and I hoped you sort of liked this chapter. Should I continue? Give me your thoughts about this and about the chapter through your reviews. Thank you very much.