Chapter 1

It was time for the weekly Justice league meeting…that Oliver and Black Canary had got into even if they weren't in the original seven. Oliver sped out from the zeta beams only to collide with the ever late, scarlet speedster, Barry Allen. "Hiya Ollie! Why are you late?" Oliver rolled his eyes and continued down towards the meeting room but Barry wouldn't let up, he blocked the stubborn arrow's path and persisted to get information out of him with the phrase; "Come on Ollie! You can tell me anything, I'm your best friend!" Oliver sighed at the speedsters annoying ranting and proceeded to try and move past. "You're not getting away that easily, we're already late anyway, please?" Barry persisted again and Ollie finally gave in.

"I had another fight with Roy." He stated quickly and indifferently. "Where is he now?" the conversation continued calmly for they had gone through it many times before. "I don't know, he walked away angry." The Flash sighed, "Look for him after the meeting; you need to learn to be a better parent before he runs away for good." Oliver's reaction to the comment was a seemingly innocent, a simple, irritated, light punch to the arm. Barry's reaction though was much larger. He roughly punched the blonde archer in one quick, fluid motion. Though the moment passed in a blur, Ollie knew the effects wouldn't and he would surely have a bruise in the morning. Since when did Flash get angry?

Oliver stumbled back and held his shoulder; he stared at the speedster who seemed as confused as him, "What the Fuck, Barry! Since when can you do that to me!?" The "fastest man alive" simply stared at the man across from him, as if asking the same question. Then, seemingly out of the blue, Barry simply rolled the uneasy feelings off his shoulders and shrugged, replying with a simply stated "I dunno." Then the speedster walked away towards the meeting as if nothing had happened. Ollie stared at Barry before following him, rubbing his now VERY sore shoulder, "Well, next time give a guy a warning, gosh."

The 7 people already around the table stared at the pair expectantly, the demand of an explanation clear in their eyes. When the doors had opened they were met with the not-so-strange site of a slightly dazed speedster and a brooding archer. "You should be used to me coming late by now" Flash stated briefly before taking his seat at the table amongst the other heroes. Their eyes then turned directly to Ollie who, after a moment of consideration, said "I just lost track of the time" before reluctantly sitting next to the blonde speedster.

All through-out Batman's long, boring speech about who-knows-what, Ollie kept glancing warily at the speedster who had, just moments ago, cost him a nasty bruise without even a trace of remorse. The voices around him simply came to him as cloudy mutterings until Batman ended with the words "… does anyone else have a concern they'd like to share?" Ollie thought about any regrets this impulsive decision would bring him, and, after realizing he didn't care, he rose from his seat saying "I have something to say." His words were met with a group sigh and a reluctant "Yes, Oliver?" Oliver cleared his throat, as if about to give a long, confident speech, when he bluntly pointed to Flash and accusingly said "He's crazy!"

"You say that every week Oliver," Superman pointed out with a snicker, "But, Supey! This time I mean it, look at the bruise he gave me this morning!" He lifted his shirt sleeve to reveal a nicely sized bruise forming on his right shoulder, "Roy, defiantly didn't give me this, I know because we didn't have time for a fist fight." There was a short, awkward moment of silence at the end comment before Flash shouted "Why would I do that? I'm not violent!" Ollie turned to him, "Yeah, except if someone takes your food or if I do this," he lightly punched Flash in the face and his arm was grabbed and he was flipped so he landed hard on his back with a thud, very dazed and confused, to the rest of the leagues astonishment…all except Batman. "I was hoping for just a punch, not this." Ollie said with a slightly higher pitched voice showing how much pain he was in, "Flash…interrogation room now." The demand was met with a confused, "Wait, wha-...?" that was interrupted by Batman dragging Flash and Ollie out of the room.

As soon as the trio entered the small interrogation room the first thing that was heard was an aggravated shout that sounded like "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" from a very pissed off GA. Batman sighed at the very unprofessional actions of his teammates "Calm down Oliver. Barry, what happened?" "Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh…" "Wow that was very helpful Bats. Can I go home now?" The Bat inwardly rolled his eyes at the request and gave a blunt "No" in reply. "Why not?" Ollie whined dramatically, accidentally slapping Flash lightly in the process of his exasperated hand gestures. What would inevitably grow into a large bruise was now residing Ollie's face. In other words, Barry slapped him. "Owww, Bruce why are you just standing there?!" "I need to observe his behavior a while longer to be able to detect the reason behind Flash's actions." But-! He-! "Bruce!"

Oliver whined some more before getting a super powerful, bat-glare to shut him up. "I don't understand what is going on at all, what is so wrong with me that I am in here?" Flash gestured to the interrogation room with confusion, "Don't get comfortable, you and Queen will be moved to a test room very soon where we will study your behaviors." Oliver's eyes bulged at the news of being stuck in a room with Barry for who knows how long. "When will we be done?" Batman looked at Ollie cautiously and then gave him the estimation of three to four days, three to four days too many in my opinion.

"Now before we send you to the test room, is there anything either of you can tell us to help understand what's going on?" Batman looked at both of them questioningly' Ollie answered "Yeah. This guy's fucking crazy" Barry lightheartedly glared at him for the comment, and batman rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Just go." He commanded, opening the door to the small room with nothing but 2 beds and a min-fridge that they would share for the next 3 to 4 days. The 2 grumbled slightly as they reluctantly walked into the room. Barry moved to the right. Ollie moved to the left, and Batman shut the door. "I still don't understand why I'm here." Barry stated the moment the door was closed. Ollie turned to him with a frustrated look "Because you hurt me! Since when do you get angry!" he practically shouted, only for Barry to shrug his shoulder and through his hands up as if to say "How the hell should I know?"….. Well, minus the curse word, of course, because speedsters rarely cuss. Barry seemed legitimately confused about the situation, which was slightly worrying Ollie… not that he cares, or anything. It's like he doesn't even know he hit me. "Barry, what's going on with you?" Barry just sat there staring off into space while Ollie eventually fell asleep with a very uneasy feeling.