A/N: Honestly, I want to thank Jack Mirembe for the idea of doing this. It's a collection of scenes and short stories about the Titans, similar to the story Mechanics. But! It focuses on the friendship between Robin and Beast Boy.

I do take requests, but I also appreciate reviews. Let me know what you think!

Like a well-oiled machine, the tempo of the Titans never breaks. They move as one during fights and battles, the cogs spinning as they leap into chaos. No matter who the enemy or what the problem, they are always there.

Each gear, each Titan, has a job.

Cyborg, to protect and back up. He is a walking shield and a walking weapon and a walking bomb waiting to go off, because no one hurts his friends. And when they do, they pay. He has lost many things in his life after all, and will not lose more. Not a friend, not a brother, not a fight.

Starfire, passionate and fierce, unwilling to back down. From her beliefs, from her battles, from her way of life. Nothing can hold her down or hold her back, be it chain or iron beam or robotic hands that grip at her and try to stop her from aiding her friends.

Raven, with her calm mind and steady hand, acts as a guiding presence. She may not know the outcome of a battle, but she will not show fear. Cannot show fear. Does not want to show fear. Just as she doesn't want to show anger when a team-mate is slammed into a wall, or pain when someone takes an attack meant for her. But those things, they show even when she wishes they wouldn't.

They work as the pulleys and levers and softly vibrating rods, and they keep the team mechanism that is the Teen Titans on track. But they do not keep it working and they do not say what job must be done.

They are not the oil, which runs swiftly past them, the first to be injured and spill blood across the battlefield. Yet also the first to be refilled, because his gears, his friends, they need a loud laugh and a sense of freedom and relief, and so it is given.

They are not the electric charge, which powers them and keeps them moving forward, a commanding force that never stops. Yet it is also easily swayed, led a stray by ideas that could be better and grander, until there is nothing left for him to give to the gears that he so easily works for.

These things, these people, they are a well-oiled machine and they work as one. But, just like all machines, one day...something is going to break.