A/N: And here we have it, the final installation of Eyes. Does anyone want to read a more fleshed out version of this? If you're interested, I'll write one up. Otherwise, requests are always loved! c:

Robin had never felt quite as much respect for Beast Boy as he did right then, when the changling walked out of the infirmary and stared everyone down. One dark green eye. One that was just a touch lighter, marred with raised flesh both in and around and below the socket. And a grin on his face that could rival the sun.

"Hey, everybody!" waved Beast Boy. "Why the long faces?"

Raven looked as though she was going to say something, mouth opening and dark eyes narrowing, but didn't. Instead, she turned on her heel and swept away from the small group, leaving behind nothing but a burst of dark energy and a shattered window.

Robin winced, but the disappointed look on Beast Boy's face never came. Instead, he offered Starfire a hug. Patted Cyborg reassuringly on one arm, and turned to face his leader.

"About time you guys let me out of that place. I was going stir-crazy in there!" chirped Beast Boy, and Robin couldn't help but think the other boy was too cheery sounding.

Pursing his lips together, Robin folded his arms over his chest. "Cyborg says that you still can't see."

Actually, the robotic man had said more than that. That the changling would never be able to see again. That his eye was damaged beyond repair, and nothing would ever be the same.

That it wasn't Robin's fault.

But really, it was.

Beast Boy didn't falter in the slightest, and that was a give-away to Robin. Instead, he shrugged. "Yeah, it's a little weird but I'll get used to it. Gonna need to really work on walking around like this when I'm shifted. It totally throws me off."

Unspoken words, this time from the changling and not the larger man beside him.

I'm afraid but I'll be fine. Help me get used to this.

Robin gave a slight nod, thrown off by the determination that flashed through Beast Boy's eyes. It was such a contrast to the goofy grin plastered on his face.

But it was real, like few things Beast Boy did were.

"Alright," said Robin, nodding again, this time more certain. "We'll handle this. I want you back on duty in two weeks, top. Understood."

A mock salute. "Sure thing, Robin."