I'm back! With a one shot because I decided I needed to keep my creative juices flowing.

I think I am going to write another main story again like my other one. If you haven't read it then you should because I had a awesome time writing it.

Yesterday the last episode of Young Justice came on. I'm sad but happy with the episode

SUPERMARTIAN! I think they got a chance of getting back together.

Tim and Cassie= Wonderbird I remember how everyone paired Wonderbettle lol

The invasion is over that's always a bonus.

The league is cleared and free yayy!

Yea so Enjoy

" Shut up, Bay Watch!" Artemis screamed at the irritating red head

"Is Arty powerless without her arrows?" Kid Flash mocked running around the cave with her quiver in hand. At the comment Artemis was heated; she glared at him and screamed.

" GRRRRRRRRRRRR" She then jumped on him and now they were rolling on the ground, Artemis clawing and kicking the speedster. Wally was yelling out in pain asking for help.

" You should have never offended her like that" Robin said waving his finger like a scolding mother. Kid Flash only glared in return the rest of the team was just looking in amusement beside Rocket who looked genuinely scared. " Does this always happen?". Zatanna looked at her and nodded.

Finally, after hearing enough screams, Conner walked over to Artemis and pulled her off of Wally. She took her quiver back and walked over to her favorite green couch and began polishing them with a smile. Wally got up and rubbed his face then said

" You're lucky I heal fast, I'm going off for a run be back soon". He waved goodbye and exited through the back entrance. "Time for a run!" He yelled but as soon as he took his first step he stopped and looked down. What he saw surprised him it was a box shape object inside of yellow and blue wrapping paper with a bow tied on top perfectly. He tilted his head and picked up the box "What the-?". He looked again "This is weird no one knows about this place, Let me take it back to the team and see what they think".

He then began to turn around and walked back inside the cave. When he arrived Artemis said "Back already?" Robin looked around and smiled " Yeah, KF you usually isn't back this quick, what's up?". " I found this". He put the box in the middle of the table and everyone was intrigued and walked to the table on which he put the box. Zatanna was about to pick it up,but Aqualad spoke " Where did you find this?". Kid Flash shrugged and said " Right outside the back entrance of the cave". Miss Martian floated over and said " I thought no one knew about this place?".

Robin opened his wrist computer and said " No one should". His computer began scanning the box. Once it was finished he closed it and said " My computer says it's completely safe". Rocket responded and said " Maybe someone just lost it or maybe they didn't want it and left it in the forest". Aqualad smiled and said " Possibly but to be safe Superboy use your infrared vision". The clone nodded and stared at the box " I don't detect any heat signatures".

" Can we open it now?" Kid Flash asked with excitement. Aqualad nodded and Kid Flash used his super speed and opened the box in seconds. The box was black with bold letters SHENRON.

" What the hell?" Artemis asked picking up the box

" I agree what is this?" Rocket asked pursing her lips

" Wow" Conner said in sarcasm

" Let's read the back" Aqualad suggested. Miss Martian picked up the box turned it over to the back and read a small paragraph to her team. " Do not open unless you want your innermost secrets or insecurities revealed. You have been warned". M'gann looked at the team slightly afraid. Robin, who was in the corner observing it all,now smiled and walked forward.

" Now I'm intrigued". Conner looked around and asked " Should we open it?". Everyone now looked at Aqualad " It's not dangerous,also I think this is a joke". Artemis smiled and shrugged her shoulder and lifted the lid off of the black box. Inside was a crystal orb everyone was pushing and shoving trying to see what was inside. When they only saw the orb everyone sighed and sat down around it.

" So this is what supposed to reveal all of our secrets" Kid Flash said, full of sarcasm. Artemis began looking for anything else inside the box when she saw nothing, he shrugged. " This is all that came". Zatanna was staring at the orb she felt a weird connection to it, she began to reach for it once she touched it she felt a jolt of energy then the orb began glowing. Everyone gasped at what just happened and jumped away from the table. Only Zatanna stayed the orb glowed blue and began rising slowly. Robin ran over and shook her shoulder, she jerked up and saw the orb rising and ran over to her teammates.

" What did you do?" Rocket asked

" What do you mean me?" Zatanna said slightly offended

" Zatanna, when you touched it, it started glowing now it's floating by itself " M'gann said in a calm voice.

" I don't know what happened, I felt drawn to it, I guess" Zatanna said with a shy smile

" Humans" a voice boomed through the cave. Everyone looked around looking for the voice until Kid Flash pointed at the orb with a shaky finger. " I think it's the orb".

" Yes,human it is. Show respect and call me Shenron" Shenron said. Everyone yelled and ran away trying to escape through the zeta tubes. The orb glowed green and they zeta tubes turned off.

" Ahhhhhhh" they screamed and ran the opposite direction. " Ignorant humans". Shenron then glowed yellow and the team was transported back at the table. They all looked around confused. " Yes, I did turn off your means of transportation and send you back here".

" You really don't know who we are" Artemis said with a growl. She pulled out her crossbow and shot an exploding bow. It exploded on contact and sent the team flying back. Conner was the first to recover and once he saw the orb still intact he ran and began punching it. Kid Flash ran over and joined him punching the orb with rapid punches. " Get back" Robin yelled Kid Flash and Conner jumped out of the way and he threw a an exploding disk while Aqualad sent a wave of water at the same time. They collided and created a huge puff of smoke they smiled in victory until the smoke cleared with the orb taking no damage. " Now I'm pissed" Zatanna hissed. M'gann sent the orb flying into a wall and then Rocket covered in her kinetic bubble and then Zatanna yelled " edolpxe". The bubble was then filled with a huge explosion completely breaking the bubble. Everyone cheered until the smoke cleared once again and the orb was not destroyed but this time it did have a scratch running through it.

" Good try. But I can't be destroyed even by the magician. I will stay until my quest is finished. Let's start over I am Shenron a magical orb forged from a very powerful ancient witch. So let's begin."

Everyone looked and sighed and sat down. " Good Rocket, you're first". She glared and said " Go head since you think you know me. He then began glowing brown and spoke " Well, you have seen a lot. You saw your brother die in the hands of a murder and you wanted to prevent others from going through the same. Most importantly you feel like a lie because all your powers come from a belt and without it you're nothing" Shenron said in a monotone.

Rocket mouth was wide open and she just lowered her head in shame. Everyone looked at her and Zatanna hugged her.

" Artemis" Shenron stated and began turning green. She sat up and glared at the thing.

" Well you're an interesting subject. Your past haunts you all the pain you have been through, all the pain your mother went though. Your father brings back pain. You try to not let your past define you, but sometimes you wonder will you follow in your family's footsteps and become evil"

Artemis just sat in her seat looking ahead. Wally walked over and said " You will never become evil you ;are pure good and do not forget it. I love you". She smiled and gave him a big hug.

" Now turn for the red head" Shenron said with a hint of mockery. Kid Flash smiled and said " Bring it on"

" You mask your sadness with happiness. You were abused when you were younger,but then were taken in by your uncle. Even now you still have nightmares about it. You wonder if everything you love betray and hurt you once again."

The look of the speedsters face was of pure shock. He just stared at Shenron, Artemis just wrapped her arms around him and said nothing.

" Miss Martian" Shenron's voice boomed through the cave. M'gann looked terrified as she already knew her inner most insecurity but didn't want her friends to know.

" You're a white Martian as everyone already knows. You were always degraded and abused just by the color of your skin. You wanted to be free from it all so you came to Earth with your uncle. Your greatest fear is that your team will fear you for who you really are, and never truly like you."

M'gann fell on the floor sobbing, everyone formed a circle and gave her a group hug. Conner spoke up " You have shown us your true form and we still accept you and we always will". She smiled and let Conner pick her back up.

" The Clone's turn" Shenron announced. The Kyprtonian glared at the orb.

" Conner you haven't lived a long life. But You're physically 16. You're a very smart boy, but you let your anger control your actions. You want Superman's approval and appreciation and you fear that you will become like the other experiments and eventually malfunction."

This caused the clone's crystal blue eyes to harden and he charged the orb with a angry cry " GRRRRRRRRRRRR" . He jumped at the orb with his fist extended when his fist landed on the orb he went flying back. He got back up quickly after and began his assault again and began punching the shield. He would go flying back and get back up and try again the shield was starting to crack.

" Get the clone back!" Shenron yelled in panic. M'gann used her telekinesis to pull Conner away from the orb. " Calm down" M'gann spoke to him telepathically. She set up a mind link with the rest of the team.

" Supey, you're like our family" Kid Flash voice rang through his head

" Yea you don't need Superman" Zatanna chimed in

" You won't malfunction" Aqualad reassured

" You're like an older brother" Artemis said

" Supes,you're awesome" Robin said

" We care so much about you" Rocket said

" I love you" M'gann said with a smile. His body relaxed and he walked over and sat back in his seat at the table.

" Now that that's all over Aqualad is now up". Everyone glared at the orb. And Aqualad had a blank face and just looked at the orb and nodded.

" Aqualad you hide a lot of your emotions. You feeling immense heart break that's why you let on that you're so calm and collective. The most pitiful part is that the girl you love was taken by your best friend" Shenron said in the calmest voice

Aqualad still had a blank face. But inside he was steaming. "What makes this thing think it knows me? It actually had the right to mock me?". M'gann felt this wave of anger and said " Kaldur this orb might know what we feel, but he doesn't know us personally". He patted her shoulder " Thank you".

" Magician you're next" . Zatanna looked and nodded shakily

" Your dad is now Doctor Fate I see. Wow, I would be honored,but you're deeply sadden by this. You feel like a weak magician; you think you're not worthy of your powers. You even thought about suicide for weeks. You're slowing feeling better, but you still get depressed from time to time."

The whole team looked at her with wide eyes. She started crying slowly " I.. F-eel so sad all the time it's hard to deal with sometimes. But after I got to know you all I felt better". Everyone hugged her and she started smiling once again.

" Last and certainly not least Robin or should I say Dick Grayson". Robin eyes narrowed in his mask. " Who is that?" M'gann asked. " My.. real name" he responded

" Your parents died, when you were the age of 9 and Bruce Wayne took you in. You trained and became Robin, Batman's apprentice. You're always sad about them, you think about them often. You have nightmares about their death often. You have a hard time trusting because when you love you get attached."

Robin's look on his face showed nothing. He took of his glasses which revealed clear crystal blue eyes. Everyone gasped. Robin looked at them and introduced himself " I'm Richard Grayson but just call me Dick".

" My job is over, Goodbye; may our paths cross again" Shenron voiced boomed before it disappeared in a blue flashing light.

" Well, we learned a good lesson" Zatanna said with a smile

" Yeah, do not pick up mysterious objects" Kid Flash concluded with a smirk

" Well, we learned more about each other" M'gann added

" A little too much" Conner ended

Yep lol I had a dream I made it into a story. But I had another idea, and it kind of could go along with this story to make it a two shot.

It's like the orb come back because the whole team gets into a fight. And this time Shenron tells the team what they dislike about each other and what they like about it each other. I think that would also be fun to write.

So if you like the idea say yes in a review or PM.

Lastly there is actually a Young Justice Awards video on YouTube

All the young justice fans please go watch it. Go to YouTube type in Young justice awards and it is under TheSirkShow247.

The video is cool there is many categories.

See you next time
