Sparking Magic Again


Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ.

A/N: Gohan and Videl are like 18 right now. They will be 14 in the next chapter. Before you exit this story, or skip to the next chapter, or throw various things at the author, you need to know what's going on.

Summary: What happens when Gohan and Videl become 14 again a week before their wedding? The worst part is they don't remember anything of the past several years including they're in love and thier wedding is soon. Not to mention a hurricane that knocked the phone line out & a Saiyan Proof barrier. Can love still be true for these young teens, or will it die?

Outside Son home, April 14...

"Chibis, give me my journal back right now!" Videl screams taking off into the air after the two little people.

"Dear Journal," Trunks begins to read, "Tonight was the best date with Gohan yet! He finally told me he loves me!"

Gohan choked on whatever food he had been scarfing down and coughed loudly. He then said, "Time for bed."

"But it's only 4:30." Goten states pointing at the clock that read 4:30.

"Do something quiet that doesn't involve you sticking your noses into someone else's beeswax." Videl corrects.

Trunks and Goten put their heads down and walk away.

"Drop the journal!" Videl yells.

"Kuso," Trunks mumbles as he drops the journal, "I almost had her secrets. I'll get 'em"

Videl puts her hands on her hips and asks, "Remind me why I'm doing this?"

"Because Mom and Bulma are both paying you 150 zeni per hour per chibi which in total is 600 zeni an hour." Gohan says as he puts his arms around her waist.

"Good point. Are our children gonna be like them? You know, sweet on the inside but, evil on the inside?" She asks as she turns around to face Gohan.

"Probably not. You never know though. Hey wait, are you implying you want to have kids with me, Videl?" He asks with a scrunched up face. She could be implying or she could not be. To imply or to not imply. I'm going too far on this subject.

"Did it sound like I was implying that? No seriously, was I? I was just wondering. It was a fair question." Videl said with a light blush creeping upon her cheeks.

Gohan nods his head and says, "Yes that was a mostly fair question but, you were kinda implying that you wana have kids with me."

"Shut up."

"Wait," Gohan says, "Trunks left your journal over there. It's not over there."

Videl waisted no time and flew straight into the room where the chibis wete always either doing something evil or planing something evil, or doing the occasional cookie eating because apperently, the dark side has cookies.

"But you know what," Trunks reads, "I would just die if anybody, even Gohan, found out that I had a dream..."

Videl quickly shoots a ki blast at the journal vaporising it into ash. If they turned the next page Videl would just die because she had a dream that... Hey! I'm not telling you.

"Chibis! You will die! By the Frying Pan of Doom™ Chi-Chi gave me for Christmas!" Videl yells getting out her frying pan.

"Is the Frying Pan of Doom™ really necessary in this situtation? Maybe a heavy, metal bat would be better?" Trunks tries to reason.

"It won't be necessary if you tell me what you know. What did you read in my journal?" Videl asks with some hostility in her voice.

Trunks whispers to Goten, "Don't worry, we have the right to remain silent."


"Goten, you do not have the right to remain silent but you can," Videl begins and Goten sighs until Videl finishes, "if you want to end up like Trunks over there."

Goten gulps and tenses up again.

"Tell me what you know! Quietly so no one else will here!" She demands.

"You're very deeply in love with Gohan, you want him to propose, and you have a pink teddy bear your mom gave you named Stuffy that you sleep with every night!" Goten whispers loudly.

"And who's gonna know about this?" Videl asks with the Frying Pan of Doom™ still in her clutches.

"The media?" Trunks offers weakly.


Videl turns back to Goten and says, "Not the media, little person, not the media."

"No one!" Goten yelps.

Videl smiles, "Good," She says, "You will not be bodily damaged."

"Videl," Trunks says, "I have a chant."

The room darken and Trunks's voice lowers.

"Strange," Videl says quietly, "Okay."

You have angered this Chibi for the final time

This is why I'm rhyming this rhyme

This is the Chibi Curse

This a curse of a single verse

And a year from this fateful day

You will meet some form of fate

The room brightens and Trunks's voice goes back to normal.

"Wait," Videl begins, "when you said 'And a year from this fateful day you will meet some form of fate', do you mean I'll die?"

"I don't know. You might lose you power to fly. You might go blind. You might shrink. Heck, all three might happen and you turn pink. Don't worry, the effect only lasts for a week." Trunks explains.

Videl walks out of the room. Chibi= sweet and adorable. Chibis= evil and devious. This was something every person needed to know in order to survive in the ecosystem of the Z senshi. Stragest ecosystem ever.

"Gohan," She begins as she walks up to him, "Trunks put a 'Chibi Curse' on me. Should I be worried?"

For a split second, Gohan has a look of fear on his face, then he smiles that Son Grin™ on his face and asks, "Hey, Videl, what'd you put in the hamburgers? They taste better than my mom's."

"Yeah, I put paprika, salt, and pepper - You will not change the subject! Should I be worried?"

" see...the time the chibis put a curse on me, was...bad. Have you ever went a week without using the bathroom?"

Videl scrunches her face and blinks, "That, sounds terrible."

"Yeah. Everyone forgets about it. Until there is a flash of lightning that strikes a single yard away from on a clear day. The next day, the curse begins." he tells her.

"When did they earn this ability?" Videl asked.


Son home, 2 years ago...

"Trunks," Goten begins, "is there cool stuff on the internet?"

Trunks nods and says, "Duh, it has everything! I even found me and you online."

"What line were we on?" Goten asks eagerly.

"The internet is online." Trunks sighed.

"Okay," Goten says, "What line is the internet on?"

Trunks slaps his forhead, "Um, the awesome line?"

'What other lines are there?" Goten asks.

"Forget it." Trunks sighs, "Cool, I found an evil chant!"

"We can use it on mean people!" Goten exclaims.

"Uh, sure. Mean people. Why not?" Trunks says darn, he wanted to use it on his dad. Wait, his dad's a mean people. Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!

*End Flashback*

Son home, present day...

"Strange," Videl says.

"But true." Gohan finishes.

Goku, Chi-Chi, Bulma, and Vegeta enter the home.

"Vegeta, did you have to blow up the resteraunt?" Bulma asks, "Now I have to pay 3 million zeni to get it fixed."

"Why'd he-"

"He got jealous of the waiter that was flirting with me." Bulma states.

Videl nods understandingly. Saiyans were not good with jealousy. 'Gohan almost killed that jock for calling me hot. He barely beat me to it.' Videl thinks.

"Well, here's your pay." Chi-Chi sighs handing Videl her zeni.

"Thank you. You might want to know that Trunks put a 'Chibi Curse' on me." Videl says.


"I'm gonna go ahead and leave." Videl says. She pecks Gohan on the lips and waves to all of them.

As she flies of, she hears a loud...


Poor Trunks... That's gonna hurt in the morning.

6 Months Later...

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Videl asks her boyfriend.

He smiles and replies, "'Cause you're perfect."

"I think not." She says.

"You think wrong." He teases.

"I'm far from perfect."

He looks into the sapphire eyes of Videl and says, "Let's go through all the flaws you think you have and I'll tell you what they really are."

"I'm too aggresive." She says swatting at a fly in front of her.

"You're not a pushover."

"I stalked you for like a month."

"You excessively followed me because you wanted answers to supernatural happenings."

Videl huffed, "You're impossible to stump. I'm too short."

"You're Fun-Sized!"

"Kuso," Videl snaps, "I'm weaker than you and the rest of the Z-Senshi."

He smiles warmly, "So, you can't beat us in a spar. The Z-Senshi and I would never want to hurt you. That doesn't matter."

"You're too sweet."

"Close your eyes." He instructs.

She does so and Gohan grabs her hands.

"Videl," He begins, "When I first met you, I wasn't sure what to think. You were beautiful, smart, and the strongest woman I'd ever met. Excluding 18. The problem was, I thought you hated me. You were so amazing, I think I fell for you when you were beating up the Red Shark Gang. Strange right. Videl Satan, you are the most beautiful, intelligent, funny, couragous, strong, and sweetest woman I've ever met. Don't even get me started on your beautiful sapphire eyes. Videl, will you do me, a favor?"

"What?" Videl asks excitedly.

He withdrew his hands and said, "Open your eyes."

She did. She knew she was dreaming because he was down on one knee with and holding a diamond ring his hands.

"Videl Satan, will you marry me?" He asks.

"Yes. Yes! YES!" She cheered.

She caught his lips by surprise. Not like Gohan was complaining. He was kissing the most perfect woman. Why complain?

"Mommy's gonna flip." A voice says, breaking thier kiss, the vioce continues. "Nii-chan's getting married!" The they see a small orange and dark blue blur swish through the sky.

Videl and Gohan look at each other, nod, and say in unison, "Goten."

They happily begin kissing once more.

Aren't you glad you read the Prolouge first? I'd sure be. Please Review, follow, and add to your faves.

See you 'round. -NerdsRule

BTW: If you look at the day it began on, it was the day the Titanic sank. *Insert evil laugh*