Well this is it! The last chapter. Hope you enjoy. I do not own, nor am I affiliated with, the Sookie Stackhouse novels or True Blood!

Godric and Aurora had been at the temple for several hours. He didn't know how much longer he could watch her keel in prayer. Godric worried for her, something had to give soon. They had been in Greece for almost two weeks now and their party was getting anxious.

Godric was just about to suggest they call it a night, when a strong wind blew through the Temple.

"Is that sandalwood I smell?" a female voice echoed, "It has been a very long time since we had someone follow the old customs." She mused.

"Show yourself!" Godric said firmly, not in the mood for games, and a little unnerved with the phantom voice.

"How dare you make demands in my temple?" the woman asked offended at his gall.

"Artemies?" He asked.

"Not quite," came an amused response from behind them.

They turned to find an older woman seated at the feet Zeus' statue. She was beautiful in a punishing way. Godric felt Aurora tense up before falling to her knees. Godric dipped his head in respect to the goddess Hera.

"This is not the first night you've visited." She said breathing in the old incense

"We came to ask for a blessing," Godric said, "hoping that someone would hear."

"Most people think us vanished from this world." she replied.

"Your magic remains," Godric countered, "So do your servants and wives. Why wouldn't you still be here?"

"A fair point." she agreed, "What blessing were you looking for?"

"We wanted-"

"Not from you Vampire," the woman interrupted, "I want to hear from Aurora."

The girl paused clearly uneasy with the goddess.

"I came to ask for mercy from the goddess Artemis." Aurora said from her position on the floor, "I wanted her to clear my name."

"Yes," Hera mused, "you have been on my ledger for quite a while now. Truthfully I had expected you had passed into Hades realm. I was surprised when the bounty came back on your voice. Quite resilient of you to last this long, and quite clever of Artemis- your little cat trick."

"She was quite determined to keep me hidden." Aurora replied quietly.

"And hidden you were-for centuries. In fact you have had centuries to come, so why now?" Hera asked motioning for the girl to rise.

"Fear at first, then survival." Aurora said taking Godric's hand "It is only recently I have found something to live for."

"You are lovers." Hera stated looking at Godric closely.

Aurora nodded.

"Are you going to help us?" Godric asked.

"We were once very powerful," Hera said, "and we reined with cruelty. I spent a millennia terrorizing souls for sport. It was too late when we realized our mistakes. And now, even though we have left this place, there are still reminders of our petty games."

Hera walked down from her perch at Zeus' feet and took Aurora's hands in hers.

"I release you, Photine of Olympus." Hera smiled, "You are free from our games, and your bounty."

Aurora, or Photine rather, immediately fell to her knees and whispered her thanks.

"How can we thank you Goddess?" Godric asked

"Be good to her, a proper husband." Hera stated stepping back to take the couple in.

"She is my lover, my mate." He said pulling Aurora up by his side, "I could be nothing but good to her."

"I can see your love for each other," Hera smiled softly, "a true love that will last through the ages. I will bless this union."

"Why did the airline call me to confirm my three tickets back to the states?" Eric asked walking into his maker's room the next night.

"Aurora and I won't be joining you." Godric replied covering the girl with the comforter and leading Eric to the lounge.

"You are going to stay here?" Eric asked.

"Not for much longer," His maker replied,"we plan to travel."

"Travel," Eric scoffed, "You both have seen his world a thousand times over."

"Yes but nether of us have truly been in the right state to enjoy it." Aurora said walking into the room wrapped in a robe, "I'd like to enjoy Paris."

"As a human this time I take it." Eric teased the girl, surprised that he enjoyed her laughter as much as he did.

"Don't worry Eric," the girl smarted back, "I wont keep your maker away for too long."

"Keep in touch." Eric said before making his way to the door.

"We'll be sure to write." she teased.

"I do enjoy the odd postcard now and again." he replied smirking.

His makers laughter followed him out.

"Another one?" Pam asked watching Eric attach another post-card on his bulletin board.

"mhm" he answered, taking a look at the others already up on the wall.

Godric had kept the joke going through out their travels, Eric wasn't sure if it was for his benefit or Aurora's. He had to admit the cards came as a welcome sign his maker was well. With every major city they ventured to came a new post-card. Rome, England, Scotland, Japan, and now;

"Transylvania." he mused out loud.

The card was a picture of Dracula's castle, with a hokey saying on the front. The back simply read 'With love - Godric & Aurora'

It had been almost a year and a half since they had lifted her curse and learned Photine's true name, but the girl still chose to go by Aurora. Eric didn't think it was a coincidence that both the girl's names meant light. Godric often called her the 'light of his life' in was nauseatingly accurate he had to admit. She truly was a bright spot in Godric's otherwise dark existence.

I want to thank everyone who commented and messaged me, I really appreciated it and you guys made finishing my first story a dream. So sorry I took this long to update this. I have been in and out of the hospital and I was unable to write. I can assure you this isn't the last of Aurora and Godric.

Much Love!