A/N: Don't worry, the next chapter is when things really start picking up. I'm very happy to start writing it, and it may even be a touch longer then the normal ones. No promises, though. c:

As always, reviews are loved. I take requests, both for one-shots and for drabbles over in the Dynamics story. Toss me a message, why don't you?

"She trusts us," stated Robin, sitting down at the kitchen table. In moments, seconds really, the other Titan's had gathered there as well, each taking a seat that had been claimed as theirs three years in the past.

Cyborg frowned, lips twisting and making him look uneasy. "Are you sure about that? You know that she's given us trouble in the past, man. I don't think we should trust her."

Robin closed his eyes, but didn't sigh. It was a normal question, after all, and Cyborg was always the first to question decisions these days. Something that stemmed from previous bad choices and lies that were spun just a little too quickly, or so the masked fighter assumed.

"I know she has. Trust me, I haven't forgotten about June. But I think she means it this time." insisted Robin, voice even. "Mayor Phillipa turned down the Governor's reques to send the military in, and she wouldn't do that if she thought her city really was at risk. I'm thinking this entire thing may just be a false alarm."

From his spot on the far end of the table, knees still drawn to his chest, Beast Boy shook his head. "It isn't. Trust me, I can tell. There's something out there, Rob', and it's bad."

Beast Boy knew, even without having looked further into the report. Without speaking to the mayor or the police or anyone else that Robin had visited during his trip out earlier in the day.

He could tell, because every animal inside of him was fighting for control. They all wanted out, out, out, to be free like never before. To get a grip on the body of their host and run away, flee from the iminant danger that would surely destroy them all.

The sensation left Beast Boy feeling weak and slightly dizzy, though he tried not to let it show. Just stared at Robin with his dark eyes and that seldom serious gaze.

It was met, but Robin was not swayed. "It could be. It may not be. I don't know yet. But the fact remains that Jump City is ours and the mayor is counting on that. If it's a false alarm...then nothing will happen. If it's real, we'll be ready."

"If it's real, then we'll be smoked." countered Cyborg, and the aggravation was clear in his voice. Clear in the way his eyes narrowed and he shifted away from the table, fingers curling against the smooth wood in front of him.

Beside him, Starfire laid a small hand on his arm. "Do not fret, Friend Cyborg. I believe that if Friend Robin and Friend Beast Boy see it fit we prepare, then there is no harm in that. We have faced greater threat in the past, have we not?"

A pause, because they hadn't. Still, Cyborg didn't want to upset the Tamaranian beside him. "Yeah, I guess."

"Then we shall be fine." beamed Starfire. "Correct, Friend Robin?"

The corners of Robin's lips twitched up, and he gave a nod. "That's right, Starfire. We'll double our training and we'll be ready. No matter what happens."

Robin didn't believe that the threat was real.

Beast Boy did.

That was enough for the young leader, who had made mistakes in the past but tried so hard to correct them. They would train and they would prepare.

Jump City would not fall. The Teen Titan's would make sure of it.