A/N: I hope a lot of you read the previous chapter because it explains a hell of a lot. Or at least it points out a lot of holes that was PURPOSELY placed there. Anywho, on to the next chapter.

P.S: If I got the name of the Lab wrong, I swear its because of my auto correct that won't let me catch a break.

P.P.S: In case you got confused before, when Wally said he hung up his cape and all, he meant as Kid Flash. And while he did say he would be honored to take up the mantel of The Flash, he is still unsure.

Jump Forward from the last two chapters:

The process was familiar to Wally. It had been the same one they had gone through when Artemis had faked her death and went under cover as the Tigress. During this, an uncomfortable ear piece was planted near the inner ear (why they couldn't just use a mind link, Wally didn't have the heart to ask). After this, there underwent a makeover, which luckily was done by magic so that Kid Flash wouldn't have to wear makeup. His fiery red hair was traded out for a light brown color and his green eyes were replaced with vibrant blue orbs. His freckled skin had also changed to a sickly pale color and thin, black, wired glasses completed the look.

In his opinion, he looked like crap, but according to everyone else, he looked like a man named Walter Sodchack. Nightwing was the first to catch sight of him, and when he did, he let out a laugh that Wally hadn't heard in quite a while. He was almost expecting the shorter man to crack some sort of pun about the situation, but then remembered how serious it was a shut this thought down.

"Hate to see you off again," Nightwing began as he withdrew a stack of manila envelopes from a desk drawer and handed Wally the one on top, "But you're needed in Alabama by 3:00pm today."

"Why there of all places to head?" Wally, now Walter, asked in his new, slightly accented voice.

Another thing that had changed about him, which was completely by his choice, was his voice. He had chosen an accent similar to that of Steward Pot from Gorillaz. For some reason that particular band had been stuck in his mind a lot the passed few days. Back to the mission at hand though, he reached out and took the envelope which contained the list of people he would have to come in contact with before the day's end. This seemed like a lot of work to others, but to him, it would be an easy task. At least he hoped it would be.

"We managed to trace a few of those things from the other day back to a warehouse there." The younger man explained, "We also managed to trace a few members that still remain of the original CAMDUS team, there."

"Wow, you really think they would stay off the charts after that whole incident." Wally commented, loosing his accent for a few seconds.

"We thought so too," The Zetatube whirring to life suddenly cut Nightwing off from explaining things further, and Kaldur entered the room not a second later.

"Is everything ready?" The former leader asked without missing a beat, quickly approaching the two men.

The two men nodded their heads in unison and Wally tossed the envelope into a nearby backpack, zipped it up, and then tossed it over his shoulder. He figured he better get a move on quickly before Artemis came back from her own mission and would make leaving all the more difficult.

"You might want to review those names before you leave." Dick piped up suddenly, pointing to the bag.

"No time, D. If I wanted to be in Alabama today I would have to have gotten there by yesterday." Wally joked as he slowly began to walk over to the tube, knowing that the tube would get him there in no time.

"Well, at least be careful when you read them. Anyone could see those documents and figure out who you really are." Dick reminded him sternly and Kaldur agreed.

Without a word of goodbye, Wally went to the Zetarube and entered it, taking one last look over his shoulder at his old friends. He shut his eyes as if wanting to capture the image, which did seem a bit dramatic but if anything should happen, he didn't want to forget them again. Within seconds he felt the sickening, vibrating pain he had felt the day he 'died'. It was a lot like breaking every bone in your body then being tossed around in a blender and then spin back out in another random place. Or at least that's how it felt to him now after all of these years. Hopefully he would get used to it again in good time.

Stumbling out of the tube, he found himself in the darkened alley way of what he could only assume was his destination of Alabama.

"Well that was fast." He joked to no one in particular as he tossed his backpack on the ground.

Taking out the file again, he pulled out a sheet of paper and read off the first name on his list. The alley was dim enough for him to just barely read the text of the letter, but it was still enough for him to see it. A picture of a young woman was attached to the profile via paperclip. Wally studied the photo and was surprised when he found that the woman was a very familiar looking one. In the back of his mind he searched for a face and came to the conclusion that she was either one of the scientists that he had tripped over on his first mission, or maybe she was one that he had seen being saved by firemen at that exact same date.

Which ever, she was a familiar looking, albino woman around the age of 25, with oddly colored eyes that held heavy bags under them. Under her photo was her information, or at least what had been gathered about her.

Rochelle Packers.

Age: 28 (he was close)

Status: Alive

Address to date: 4831 Ridge Ave.

Area code: 46327

Looking up, Wally was relived to see that the location was just a few doors down from where he currently stood.

"Well Miss Packers..." He muttered as he made his way to the door and was about to knock but his hand then froze in place.

He had no idea what he was supposed to say or what he was trying to learn from this girl. God, now he wished he stayed behind a few extra minutes to ask.

'You're a student who is currently staying with Mrs. Packers as part as an exchange student program. Since leaving the lab project, shes become a teacher. Just act normal around her. Your next target works at a local grocery store and the last member you need to find today lives in the same apartment complex as you and Mrs. Packers. And next time don't leave before we get to explain Kid-idiot.' NightWing's voice crackled into the earpiece Wally had forgotten he was wearing.

Silently thanking his friend, he went to the door and knocked. Once, Twice, and then right before the third time, the door opened. There in the doorway stood an albino woman with heavy bags under her eyes, and in her arms she held a small child.

"Oh, hello." She greeted, her tone holding a certain happiness to it. "You must be Walter."