A/N: With all the manip'ed Klaroline sexy time gifs on tumblr, I couldn't resist. This is just a smut drabble, just fyi.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned. They belong to L.J. Smith, Julie Plec, and the CW.

Caroline gasped into their heated kiss as Klaus pushed her into the front door. He lifted her up and hiked her tight mini-dress up to her hips, their lips practically fused together. Not wanting to let him take complete control, she shoved him towards the opposite wall in a flash, knocking a couple portraits down around them. She clawed at his shirt, her fingernails getting caught in his necklaces, and finally pulled it over his head, throwing it in a random direction.

He quickly flipped them around into the side table, toppling a few vases down and off of it. They didn't pay attention to the sound of them shattering as Klaus's hands found the top of her dress and he tore at it and her bra, exposing her breasts. Immediately he dove at her chest, licking and sucking at her quickly hardening nipples. Caroline's head flew back and she moaned loudly in pleasure before he moved them to a small table, likely used for his sketches.

Klaus slammed her upon it, pushing the sketches aside carelessly and not giving a damn as his charcoal broke as it fell onto the ground or that unfinished sketches of guess who crinkled underneath her. His mouth found hers once again in a passionate kiss as the table beneath them creaked in protest to the weight being put upon it.

The hybrid groaned as Caroline rammed them both onto one of his couches, the force of which caused it to tumble over its back legs and onto its side, bringing the duo with it. She scrabbled at Klaus's jeans, ripping the belt off and tugging at them. He assisted her from his position above her, and once getting them plus his underwear off, he stripped her of hers by tearing the thin fabric off.

He didn't give her any warning, he knew she liked it rough, so he pried her legs apart and thrusted into her in one swift, brutal move.

Caroline shrieked and bucked her hips, her arms flying around his neck and her legs locking around his waist. He relentlessly pounded her into the carpet, and she moaned and whimpered at the fusion of pain and pleasure as he did so.

She flipped them suddenly, jerking her head back with her messy hair whipping back with her, and she began to ride him hard. She alternated between grinding and raising herself up and down, and he assisted her with his strong hands gripping her hips and pushing her dress up to her waist as he propped his legs up and thrusted his hips upward to meet her.

Soon enough, he sat up, his mouth catching hers as they grinded together, their sounds of sexual ecstasy echoing through the empty mansion. He pulled away for a moment, his eyes golden with dark veins protruding, before he pulled her back in and sank his teeth into the tender flesh of her neck.

Caroline screamed and her own eyes changed as she sunk her own teeth into his shoulder, coming harder than she ever remembered coming. Klaus moaned as the feeling of her drinking from him, added with the taste of her blood and the feel of her clenching around him sent him over the edge with just a few more thrusts.

They moved together with the aftershocks of their orgasms. Klaus released Caroline's neck first, and she quickly followed suit. They faced each other, both panting, and leaned close to join in a deep kiss, tasting one another on their lips.

Caroline hoisted herself up slightly and winced as he fell from her heat. Klaus held her close to his body, her chest touching his, so no room was left between them.

"We seem to have destroyed my living room, love."

She looked around at all the items that had been in their path of destruction and giggled, leaning her head on his naked shoulder, "It's not like you can't afford replacements." She replied flippantly.

Klaus smirked, "It's not replacements I'm worried about, sweetheart…Elijah wanted to come over tomorrow morning. I'm not sure that he'll appreciate our…redecorating skills."

Caroline snorted in response, "Still won't beat the time you came on his favorite suit."

"Hush you."