
In a far away realm there lived a husband and wife, a king and queen but these weren't ordinary people they had the strongest love.

True Love, so strong that it could conquer anything. There was true love in this realm, but never as strong as their's. For their's was the strongest true love in the whole universe that no one could beat.

They were faced with many challenges that tested their love together, and they had always won against evil. They had helped people along the way making friends and allies and took back their kingdom from their estranged and evil step parents.

They were expecting a child...a child who can and will change everything they ever knew into some thing even greater, this child was no ordinary child for SHE was a girl which would change many lives for the greater good and defeat evil every where she went. It starts with her parents, and the evil queens curse.

This girl's story was just beginning, her name is Emma... and this is her tale and it was in some bit's nothing like a fairy.

"I don't want to leave you" She ran to him, she rubbed her hands up and down his chest near his neck around the collar of his white cotton shirt he was wearing.

"What's 28 years with eternal love" He looked lovingly and deep into her eyes, vowing something mentally.

Snow and Charming kiss deeply not wanting this to be their last kiss when... snow breaks from the kiss with a hurt face

"what, what is it"

snow's face contort's with pain and clutches her stomach

"The baby she's coming" snow says with a lot of worry in her voice.

Regina is on her way to her stupid step-daughters kingdom in her royal carriage while the curse she behind her and her solders speeding toward the charming's castle.

"My Queen it's time"

"Excellent soon my step-grandchild will be born and I will raise her in the new cursed realm as my own, and make her despise her parents"Regina feeling the need to see snow in pain as a funny thing.

"Genie show me my step-daughter"

"As you Wish"

Back at the charming castle...

"AAAAAAAHHHAAAHHAAH" she was full of tears and sweat, she was in great pain which she would relive again if it were to see her baby daughter.

"a few more minutes and the wardrobe will finished"her husband tried to calm her, and support her in any way trying to reassure her not to worry.

"I can't have this baby now, I can't" she was in tears, she tried to deny what was happening knowing full well what she would have to do if she had her daughter now.

"Just breathe, Doc do something"charming tries to calm her, he held her side being there for her holding her hand.

"Its ready" Gepetto motions for him to come to leave, to escape.

"we can't move her, it's too late" Gepetto leaves to go to Pinocchio, he went to go speak to his son which he made get into the wardrobe knowing the queen wouldn't make it with her child but only the babe after Pinocchio.

"push snow, push"she pushed with all her might, holding her husbands hand crying tears she couldn't distinguish as happy or sad. She heard her daughter's cries come into the world, she started to smile not caring about the queen or even the curse. Doc cleaned the baby off then wrapped her in the baby blanket Granny had knitted for her, it had her name on it. Doc looked at the baby then smiled, he passed the baby to snow and Charming who were waiting anxiously for their daughter.

"WAhahaah" as Regina heard those cries she smiled so big, because she knew that she was going to take that child from snow whites arms, just like she took Daniel from her.

In the mean time...the The Evil Queens Guards breached the castle. "find them and my child" the queen commanded.

Snow and Charming stared a their beautiful baby girl as she wails and cries, just looking at her and admiring every feature on her face. Charming kissed baby Emma's head then his beautiful wife. As snow cherishes this moment she hears the guards breach the castle doors followed by shouting and fighting, then quickly she remembers the escape plan.

"The wardrobe, it only takes one"

With a rushed breath "Then are plan has failed, at least were together"snow looks at her beautiful baby touching her face scared for the courage she has to say

"No, you have to take her, take the baby to the wardrobe"

"Are you out of your mind" charming whispers trying to convince her

"No its the only way, you have to save her-

"No-no-no you don't know what you're saying"

"No I do, we have to believe that she will come back for us"

"We have to give her, her best chance" snow finishes crying looking at charming who mirrors her own face

Charming kisses his baby girl on the head

"Good-bye Emma" kissing her as well trying not to cry handing her to charming

Who kisses her so hard and rushes off to get his sword and looks at snow one last time for a while and running out the room with Emma who is crying for her mother.

Regina looks into her mirror and sees snow crying for her life, and she notes that she looks so heartbroken which brings a huge smile to the witches face which fades quickly when she notices that the child is no longer with her and charming is gone as well.

"NO, he will not get away"

She vanishes to the hallway to the nursery in a hurry to catch him before he got away with the baby.

Charming runs down the hall with Emma and see's The Evil Queens guards take out one of his solders who he knew and was his third in command. Charming charged at them with his sword and fought with all his might and breath, one of the guards swords went near Emma but charming deflected it, while get slashed on the shoulder and killing the guards once and for all.

He ran to the nursery door and kicked it open in a rush to get Emma into the wardrobe, he put Emma in the wardrobe kissed her on the head.

"Find Us"and he closed the doors but not fully by accident in a hurry to save his daughter, after all he was injured across his shoulder.

He glimpsed to his left and turned around and was faced with another set of guards which got the better of him since he had his shoulder already injured and stabbed him in the gut. The price stumbled to the floor and fell all while looking toward the wardrobe and watched as The Evil Queens men broke open the wardrobe but before he could see inside, he closed his eyes into a sleep for many years.

The wardrobe still contained baby Emma for which charming did not close the doors fully, which in turn the wardrobe had not worked.

The guards pick up the child and exit the nursery to find the Evil Queen.

Snow had a feeling something was terribly wrong and went to find her husband she wobbled trying not to wince from the pain of child-birth she was in.

"No, nooo" as she saw charming on the floor stumbling over to him, she tries to shake him awake but he doesn't move, she holds his face

"Please, please come back to me " she thinks of the time he awoke her with true loves kiss and kisses him and sees it didn't work and tries again for this was not a sleeping curse but of a coma, but of course she doesn't know of Evil witch of a step mother walks in the nursery after appearing in the hallway before the door.

"Oh, don't worry dear, in a few moments you won't remember you knew him, let alone loved him" Regina says to her step-daughter having no worries in the world happily

"Why did you do this" snow exclaims grimly

Regina bends over angrily "Because this is my happy ending" snow closes her eyes in tears

Three Guards come through the door in the one in the back holding the baby princess

"The Child" Regina asks her loyal guards and snow is nervous to know what happened praying her baby girl was safe.

"Here" the guard in the back says, snow heart breaks as she looks to the guard and sees her sweet-sweet baby girl squirming in her baby blanket, she was crying with tear on her baby doll face.

"The King put her in the wardrobe, we broke the doors down and found her, probably trying to hide her from us" the guard says while growling toward the fallen king and queen and handed the baby to Regina.

"Regina please don't hurt Emma she is an innocent baby, please I beg you. She is my daughter and I love her with every fiber in my being, she has done nothing wrong to you" sow begs as her heart breaks every minute she holds her precious baby girl

"So that's my daughter's name 'Emma' it's not great but it will have to do"

"your daughter"?! snow screams outraged, now knowing the purpose of wanting Emma.

Regina goes over to the wardrobe and inspects it."You were going to send her to that realm through this tree alone to fend for herself!" Regina says very angrily and mad at Snow disgusted at their foolish plan, the baby would have never been found or even killed straight away.

"It was the only way to save her from you, we were giving her,her best chance, good would always win, you are going to lose either way I know that now, good will always win, at least we are together"snow explains to her

"We'll see about that, your wrong, you will never be together and she will be my daughter FOREVER, and she will despise you and your charming if it is the last thing I do" looking up at the ceiling laughing in a very sinister way.

Snow notices and looks up as well, the ceiling starts to crumble and so does the rest of the castle walls around them as dark smoke seeps in. Regina starts laughing as Emma cries and wails but are faint because of the other noise.

"Where are we going" snow ask Regina scared for her family's life

"Somewhere horrible" the glass windows break and smoke pores in

"Absolutely horrible" another set of windows break

"A place where the only happy ending, will be mine" snow holds on to charming for dear life as she tries to reach for Emma but her hand come up short and smoke engulfs them all and then darkness...