Chapter 13: Unexpected

N/A: It's been forever and I apologise but I've had a tonne of studying to do. Hope you like it.

"Everything that happens from this moment on is going to affect our relationship and our team. Actually that's wrong because everything that's already happened has affected us." Rollins threw clothes into a bag and made to leave.

Benson grabbed for the bag and threw it to the floor. Amanda glared at the older woman as she picked up her clothes, "Real mature Liv."

"You can't leave, I didn't mean it and you full well know I didn't." The brunette pleaded.

"You know what Olivia I have no clue what you think or what you feel these days. I sometimes wonder if you even feel."

Benson was left speechless as the blonde pushed past her and grabbed for her car keys, "I'm going to stay with Fin, and if you need me you know how to get hold of me."

As the door slammed shut Benson's emotions opened as she realised that she could so easily lose the only woman she cared about.

"Look Amanda all I can say is that you two need to talk you can't run away from something like this. You and I both know that Liv keeps things to herself and it doesn't help that you're lying to her and not going to your doctor's appointment." Fin said as he pulled a beer from his refrigerator.

Amanda's head whirled around at an impeccable speed as the last word dropped from Fin's mouth. "How did you know that? Have you been following me?"

"Amanda it doesn't take a genius to realise that you look guilty every time you see Liv or you speak to her. She may not know anything but you need to tell her or at least go to those appointments." Fin advised.

"Look no offense Fin but this really isn't anything to do with you."

The man laughed at her, "It is something to do with me when you're sleeping on my couch!"

"So we were hoping you'd be able to explain where you were between twelve and three Thursday afternoon." Liv leant against the wall as Nick threw photos in front of their suspect.

"You see these pictures? If you don't give us any evidence then we've got reason to believe your girlfriend is gonna end up just like her from the M.O." The detective explained.

A knock sounded on the glass and Benson removed herself from the room to meet Cragen.

"We've got a call from Barba he's got some information for us." Cragen explained.

"And he can't call us?" Liv's expression said it all.

"No, now take Rollins with you." Benson went to object, "And that's an order."

The brunette sighed as she went to grab her jacket.

"Don't worry I'm just as excited about this as you are." Rollins voice reached her as the blonde left the room.

"So as long as you can get her to testify then we'll most likely be able to win this case but I can't promise anything." Barba explained as his secretary walked into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt Judge Taft wants to see you." Barba nodded and excused himself from the room leaving Rollins and Benson in his wake.

The blonde looked awkwardly up at her girlfriend as she went to leave the room but Benson grabbed for her hand.

"Don't leave me Amanda." The blonde turned to see the hurt in Liv's eyes for a split second she felt as if she had broken into two with the guilt that she felt but she was just as hurt by Liv's words the night previous.

They stepped closer to each. "I didn't mean it." The brunette whispered.

Rollins grabbed for the woman's throat and threw her against the wall, keeping her grip on Benson's neck. The woman's eyes widened until Amanda's grip loosened and her mouth found Olivia's. The two grasped at each other as they kissed and the brunette pushed the woman onto the desk pulling her shirt apart and undressing her.

Amanda moved to kissing the other woman's neck as she felt herself being undressed. "I love you Olivia." She breathed as she grabbed the woman's thighs and pulled her closer.

N/A: Hope you liked it. Let me know with a review