Dye - Fantasy


Another humorless joke.

One after another followed by a laugh.

Which results in a punch to the face.

Life was never all that fun for me. At least, not at the moment.

On the floor holding his broken nose is Dimitri Belikov. I know I should feel a bit of guilt about punching the man and breaking his nose, but it brings me a moment of satisfaction.

For the past few years Belikov has been a pain in the ass. He's been here for nearly three years compared to my seventeen of living in this god forsaken town. So far he has always been the talk of the school. Sure he has the looks and grades for it but honestly, he's another bully roaming the campus. The entire female population and most likely half the male as well, swoon at his feet; which makes me think they'll even go as far as to kiss his shoes and praise the very ground he walks on.

Since sophomore year my life has been run of constant jokes and insults. Of course, I have had my share of 'jokes' with him. One stands out in particular. My most glorified memory.

Last year there was talk of a party going on at the beach nearby and everyone was invited to go. It was something that I could not pass up and tried hard to convince Lissa to come with.

It remains to this day a memory that never fails to make me smile.

Once the final bell for school had rung, Lissa and I drove to the local market to stock up on food that we needed (or rather I needed). I made a deal with my parents that if I was going to the beach, I had to take the dog. I never liked animals and in return they don't like me. Abby was a year old golden retriever that Lissa found as a puppy and carried to my house as we strolled past the Big Dipper, my favorite place to go for ice cream. As Lissa and I walked along the shoreline I noticed the star couple standing just outside of the group of guys consisting of all muscle and no brains. Tasha's hand was moving up and down Belikov's arm as she tried to get him involved in a game of tongue wars. I will never know if my hand acted on its own accord but one moment Abby's leash was in my hand, and the next it wasn't. At the excitement of people, music, and food Abby full on charged into the crowd. Students and adults alike were enraptured by her. I don't blame them. Despite the amount of trouble she gives me and no one else, she is a gorgeous dog.

There was only one person who wasn't taken with Abby. Tasha had stepped on Abby's paw resulting in the dog yelping and turning to growl at the enemy. As if sensing the tension Belikov had tried to move in front of Tasha to shoo Abby away, but lost his balance at the last moment. Twisting his body to regain his footing, he had accidentally grabbed the front of Tasha's swimwear and pulled. Not wanting to let this epic masterpiece go to waste I had taken my phone out and recorded the remaining incident. Lissa had taken the pictures. Bless her.

The following day the school had received numerous complaints from hovering parents and grandparents alike.

The high school had banned any and all outdoor student activities as punishment.

What I did was in no way intentional. It was only after the huge uproar that I claimed to have purposefully let go of Abby's leash. Since then any and all incidents related to Belikov have been quite lacking.

But today? Today he took it a little too far. Any comments about my parents I never really cared about, a jab here and there never really hurt. It was only after he mentioned Lissa that I damn near lost my patience with him.

"Rose, are you okay?" Lissa whispered as she cradled my hand, afraid to hurt it even more.

I smiled faintly at her, "I'm fine, I've done worse things. This doesn't even make the top 10." Looking down at Belikov covering his bleeding nose I savored the feeling of victory.

"For a pipsqueak you sure do pack a punch!" Standing off to the side Jesse was leaning against the lockers, a smirk on his face that I so dearly wanted to get rid of.

Walking towards him I poked his chest a little harder than necessary, "This pipsqueak can kick your ass."

Lissa put a hand on my shoulder, "Let's go before Stan comes and gives you detention. It wouldn't do well to have another in two weeks."

Stan, the asshole that beats Dimitri by a landslide. I swear he has fire in his eyes and horns on his head every time he looks at me.


It definitely wasn't Stan. But Kirova is not one of my favorites either.

I turned to see the epitome of evil walking towards me, a stern expression on her face.

Why she prefers to be called 'Headmistress' over 'Principal' is beyond me. I think she ruled over a poor school in Europe in ancient times before being banished to the mortal world.

What I didn't realize is that my mouth tends to say what I'm thinking.

"Rose!" I heard Lissa scold behind me, but I didn't take my gaze off the oncoming bull.

I should have.

All that was overpowered by the sudden feeling of wet thickness and the smell of strawberries pouring down my face.

Oh, he is so dead.

"Mr. Belikov!" Kirova had turned her glare onto him.

"Sorry ma'am. Lost my footing." I turned around and saw the empty cup that Tasha handed over to Belikov, a sick twisted smile resting on her face.

Kirova slapped the empty cup out of his hands. "You don't fool me for a second. You know damn well as I that this was not an accident!"

If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, I would've laughed.

Looking away to see the smoothie running down my arm I got the sudden urge to lick it. I hadn't eaten lunch yet and my stomach was dying for some food. The temptation was very strong.

"And as for you Ms. Hathaway," Principal Kirova turned towards me.


"You will be going home for the day to wash up. When you return tomorrow we will discuss the consequences of your actions. Same goes for you Mr. Belikov. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!"


"Ma'am! My bad. Yes, ma'am." Did I really just do that?

Giving both Belikov and I one last glare, Kirova pushed past the crowd, hands waving furiously to the students to return to class.

"Well, if I must say, that look does suit you." He turned to me, smirk still in place.

"Shut the hell up, Belikov."

Note: Edited June 19, 2017